Part 10 - Dreams

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"Have you forgotten?" A gentle voice filters out from the smoke. You look around quickly, seeing no one. Several images flash through your mind, some of your mother's horrified face, others of the blood. 

The heavy gases part, revealing a different-looking you. Your hair was much longer and a lot messier. Two Vastaya ears stand readily at attention, unlike your own, which lay flat. He squats down and places a clawed hand against his face.

"Hello, Y/N." Your throat feels closed as you grab for your mask. Though, as you reach for your face, you find nothing. "Looking for this?" He gingerly places it into your hands with a smirk. He flexes his hand, revealing a deep blue set of ethereal claws.

"I guess you can guess I'm your Vastaya side. Or at least, that's how your conscious made me." You take deep, labored breaths while he files the edges of his nails down. "I've been watching you for a while. Congrats on the recent confidence. Almost no stuttering." 

He chuckles to himself. "Though tell me... when does it all come crashing down?" He makes eye contact. His E/C eyes pierce your own, with their cat-like slits reminding you of Ahri's. "What-" You cough loudly. "-do you mean?"

Even after taking breaths from your mask, you still feel a sinking feeling in your chest. "When will they abandon you? Just think about it. Your parents didn't want you. Sett didn't want you-" You shakily stand and punch the Vastaya across the face, falling back down to the ground.

"S-Shut up." You growl. "Hmm." He wipes the blood from his lip with a smile. "How long until K/DA throw you out." You breathe heavily, almost like your lungs are failing. You push yourself up to your feet to throw another punch.

"Go ahead." He taunts. You huff, putting your hands on your knees. "They wouldn't." The Vastaya laughs loudly. "Glad you think so. The odds aren't in your favor but, do prove me wrong." The bluish glow around his fingers dissipates into a vapor that floats toward you.

The vapor travels, as if by command, into your mouth. After a few seconds, it becomes easier to breathe. "See you later, Y/N." He steps back into the strange misty clouds, disappearing.

You shoot out of bed, tripping over your own injured leg and faceplanting into the floor. "Dammit." You groan. "Y/N, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Ahri and Evelynn shout as they burst through your door with worried looks.

"I'm alright. Just a-a dream." Ahri rubs her arm nervously. "Anything you wanna talk about?" She asks with a smile. "Nothing interesting. H-Hey, while you two are in here, you mind helping me up?" 

They both rush to your side, hoisting you up onto your feet. You quickly hop over to your desk and lean against it. You can't help but notice the glare they give each other. "Hey, Y/N?" You hum as Evelynn continues to look at Ahri.

"Which one of us do you like better?" You nearly choke on your own spit. "Are you trying to kill him?!" Ahri chides. "What?" Evelynn shrugs. You clear your throat and think for a moment. "I like you both equally?" Your answer turns into more of a question.

"What Evelynn meant is- well, I don't know what she meant." Ahri trails off as you open your desk drawer, retrieving your daily dose of Chemtech. "Evelynn? Will you grab my mask?" You point at your nightstand.

She swiftly grabs it, handing it to you gently. "How long do you have to keep taking this stuff?" Ahri looks at the large green canister worriedly. "When the stuff on my leg goes away." You raise your jogging pants slightly, showing off the dark black wound peppered with green.

You double over onto the desk as you inhale the Chemtech mixture. "Ugh. How the hell do people do this for fun?" Ahri gently pats your back as Evelynn looks around your room questioningly. 

"Are you going to decorate this room any time-" A loud ding-dong echoes from the front door. "I got it!" Akali shouts, with her light footfalls heading toward the door. "Maybe. I'm not a very artistic or- an interesting person."

 -Kai'sa POV-

"Just give me like two seconds, yeah?" Akali slams the door and leans on it with a crazed expression. "What?" I ask, hopping up from the couch. Akali sputters, unable to form a sentence.

"There's a woman outside who says she's Y/N's mother." I step back a bit. "Well? What's wrong with that?" Akali gives me a quizzical stare. "Ahri said something about them not being on good terms. Plus, he was orphaned!" She whisper-yells.

I begin to pace back and forth. What would a responsible person do in this situation? "Have another bodyguard kick her out?" Probably the opposite of what a responsible person would do.

 "We don't have other bodyguards here! Only at events." She taps her foot nervously. "Who's at the door?" Evelynn trots down the stairs. "Uh-" I look to Akali, who steps back and raises her hands. "The uh, pizza guy?"

"At nine AM?" Evelynn deadpans. "Really? The pizza guy?" Akali begins to chuckle. "Shut up! You didn't want to help!" I gently shove her. Evelynn clears her throat. "So, who was at the door?" She stares at Akali.

"Well, that's a complicated question. Who is at the door? Who isn't at the door?" Evelynn facepalms. "Who the hell is at the door, Akali?" Akali recoils a bit before giving in. "Y/N's mother."

Evelynn raises an eyebrow. "He doesn't have parents." And I thought I was uninformed. "Ahri didn't tell you? He did but, they threw him out." Evelynn's eyes widen. "You see the issue now?" I sigh.

"Well, hold on better." Ahri giggles. "Just stop going so fast." Y/N chuckles with her. The two slowly descend the steps, holding onto each other. "You guys okay?" Ahri asks gently. "Who was at the door?"

Oh shit.

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now