Part 18 - Games

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"Let's go, Y/N!" Kai'sa calls out. "Coming!" Y/N walks slowly up the stairs, carefully balancing several snacks. The other girls had went shopping, leaving Y/N and Kai'sa alone to play video games.

"So, what're we playing first?" You step into Kai'sa's room, placing down all of the various food items. Chips, sodas, candy, small bags of cookies, popcorn, and nuts. "I figured we'd start off with something co-op first."

She boots up a game, handing you a controller. "Portal 2?" You tilt your head, reading the title off the screen. "Yep! You play as two robots and go through a bunch of puzzles." Puzzles weren't really your thing, but whatever made her happy.

She clicks play, leaning back against the frame of her bed. The opening cutscene plays as you plop down next to her. It takes you through all the basic controls. Your ear twitches as you see Kai'sa shift a little closer.

Then closer. Your arms were nearly touching. A few puzzles later, she walks off of a button, sending you into water. "You did that on purpose." You narrow your eyes at her. "What? No..." She trails off with an innocent smile. 

 "You just did it again! What the fuck-" "Language!" Kai'sa slaps your arm. "Can we just get through the puzzle?" Kai'sa giggles, holding the button down for you to go. You breathe a sigh of relief, reaching the other side.

After an hour, the two of you decided to change to your favorite game. Super Smash Bros! Kai'sa was much better than you, but you enjoyed playing her none the less. "You wanna wager something?" Kai'sa asks, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Like what?" You cover your mouth, chewing up some popcorn. "Best of three games. Loser has to do something for the winner." You give her a quizzical glance. "If you need me to do something for you, you don't have to gamble." You watch her deflate slightly.

"But! Sure. We can do a wager... I guess." This will probably bite you in the ass but, whatever. The two of you pick your characters. '3. 2. 1. Go!' The sound echoes out of the large T.V. Kai'sa charges at you, immediately dropping you to 60 percent.

Your eyes widen as you've never seen her try to beat you this hard in your life. "Hey, Kai'sa?" You ask while keeping your eyes on the screen. "Hm?" She mumbles, hyper focused on winning. "You remember the trap that you killed me on, in Portal?"

You lean your body infront of her face. "Get out of the way!" Kai'sa whines, trying to look over your shoulder. You chuckle, knocking her off the stage. 'Game!' Kai'sa slaps your shoulder. "You cheated!"

"Hah. Yeah." Kai'sa rolls her eyes. The next game begins as you finish your soda. As soon as the game starts, Kai'sa plops onto your lap. "Kai'sa?!" You raise your hands, looking past her. "What's wrong, Y/N?" She asks nonchalantly.

Within about a minute, she'd won. "Alright. You won. Mind getting up?" You roll your eyes, leaning against the bed frame. "I don't know. I'm kind of comfy." She shifts further back against your stomach.

Your eyes go wide as she grinds directly up against you. "Y/N?" She freezes. "Y-Yep?" You choke out. "Is your-" "Yeah, could you just-" She stands up quickly. "I'm so sorry!" She shouts raising her hands.

"It's fine, Kai'sa. Just- be right back." You stand and quickly turn away from her. Walking out of the room, you return few minutes later, calmed down. "Maybe we should just watch T.V. or something."

Kai'sa nods, throwing on a random show. "Sorry again, Y/N." She mutters, looking away slightly. "Again, It's fine. I sort of made it more awkward then it had to be." The two of you continue to watch, Kai'sa deep in thought.

Her hand snakes over yours. You look toward her as she continues to look at the T.V. Chuckling, you accept the gesture. "Y/N?" You hum, changing the channel. "I never really got a chance to say it, but I'm sorry about getting you shot at the Q and A." 

"That was my fault, not yours. I'm sorry about worrying you." You squeeze her hand tighter, enjoying the closeness. "Hey, Kai'sa?" She looks toward you. "You know... we still haven't finished the bet." She smirks. "You're on!"

-Timeskip and 3rd Person-

"We're home!" Akali shouts, opening the front door. All three girls freeze as various shouts come from Kai'sa's bedroom. "Oh my god! Y/N!" Akali looks toward the other two with a strange glance.

"Are they?" Ahri giggles as Evelynn looks upset. "Fuck! How are you this good?!" Y/N's voice rings out, followed by a slam. Evelynn storms upstairs, throwing Kai'sa's door open. 

Both of them are currently engaged in a very heated game of Smash Brothers. "Shit!" Y/N tosses the controller down as 'Game!' pops up on the screen. "Oh, hey Evelynn." Y/N waves, drinking out of his water.

"Hi." Evelynn deadpans, plopping down onto the nearby bed and breathing a sigh of relief. She leans her head on Y/N's shoulder as he plays. "Rough day?" Y/N asks, knocking Kai'sa off the stage.

 "I hate meetings." Evelynn growls, trying her hardest to keep her hands to herself. "Sorry." Y/N says, leaning his head on hers. "Oh yeah. We're going on a date tomorrow." Y/N loses his last life as he incredulously looks at Evelynn.

Kai'sa jumps up from the bed. "Hah! Yes!" She celebrates. "I-I don't have anything nice to wear, or anything planne-" Evelynn places a finger on Y/N's lips, silencing him. "Shh. I've already planned it. Anything you wear will be fine."

"O-Ok." Y/N says looking over at the cheekily smiling Kai'sa. "I think I'll save my favor until I need it." She boops him on the nose, leaving the room. "Hey! Wait, that wasn't the deal!" Y/N shouts, running after her.

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