Part 9 - Sick

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Ahri knocks gently on Y/N's door. "Y/N? I brought you soup." Frowning at not getting a response, she gently opens the door. Looking inside, she finds the window open, its curtain bobbing in the wind. "Y/N?" She says louder and rushes to the window.

The blankets on the bed shuffle a little, revealing Y/N. "Huh?" He asks with a confused tone. Ahri rubs her face, annoyed at herself. "I, uh, brought you soup." She smiles and places it on the nightstand. "Thanks, Ahr-" He sits up, coughing loudly.

Taking a bite of the soup, he smiles. "I didn't know you could cook." Y/N rubs his head lightly. "I'm not allowed to cook," Ahri says begrudgingly. "Kai made that for you." Finishing another spoonful, he raises his eyebrows. "How'd that happen?"

"Y'know, you start one small fire and suddenly get banned from the stove." She rolls her eyes. Y/N chuckles lightly. He points toward the small table by the window. "C-Can you grab me my mask?" 

Ahri grabs the metal mask and hands it to Y/N. He attaches the mask to his face, inhaling slowly and coughing at the end. "Thank you." He sighs. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Ahri quickly pushes him back down. "The doctor said you shouldn't be walking."

"I've had worse injuries and still walked." With a limp, he stands and leans on the nightstand. "Really?" She giggles at his struggle. "Well, no. Getting shot is probably the worst." Y/N begins to tip a bit before falling into Ahri.

The proximity immediately set Y/N's face on fire. "Well, well. I would have brought the soup up if I knew he was going to do this." Evelynn's devilish smile appears in the doorway. "I-It's not what it looks like!" Y/N shouts, limping backward. 

"Oh, Darling, you don't have to lie. We all have urges." If Y/N's face was on fire before, it just exploded. "If you wanted, we could all help you with those." Her Cheshire grin widens. "I-I-I-I-" Y/N inhales sharply.

"Alright, Eve. That's enough teasing." Ahri calms down her own laughs. "By the way, Y/N, Akali wanted your help with something in the gym. Come on, you demon." Ahri playfully pushes Evelynn out of the room.

Ahri pokes her head back into the room. "If you need help getting down the stairs, let me know." She gives a gentle smile before her footfalls echo down the stairs. Shaking off the embarrassment, Y/N walks over to his workbench.

Pulling a small vial from a drawer, he spins the container through his fingers. Inside, a green gas makes circles around another colorless gas. He shakes the mixture up, causing the two to diffuse and lightens the hue of the green gas.

Y/N flicks the cap off of the gas and plunges it into the side of his mask. "One. Two." Skipping three, he inhales sharply and clutches his chest at the burning feeling in his lungs. "God, I hate doing that." He coughs sharply.

"What was that?" Kai'sa asks with a raised brow. "Chemtech and Nitric Oxide so I don't become addicted or die." Y/N steadies himself on the workbench, taking a deep breath. Kai'sa shrugs and continues doing laundry.

Pulling up his pant leg on his injured tibia, he watches as the green Chemtech marks retreat into the wound. Y/N begins to limp toward the staircase. Braving the first few steps, limping down a staircase becomes more and more unachievable. 

"Ahri!? Can you come, uh, help me?" Y/N's voice echoes down the stairs. "Coming!" A muffled voice responds as Ahri charges around the corner. She chews her food quickly while hopping up the stairs.

"Here." She swallows loudly. Placing his arm around her shoulder, the two of them slowly walk downstairs. She gives a reassuring smile as they continue, which Y/N returns. "Thank you." He chokes out. She giggles. "It's nothing."

After a few minutes of hobbling, Y/N makes it to the gym. Loud music blares from inside, along with Akali punching a bag. Y/N leans against the doorway and watches her workout. "Widen your stance," Y/N calls out. 

Akali listens, spreader her feet out more. "Don't lean into your jabs." Akali begins to throw straighter punches. Y/N limps up to a nearby weights bench, sitting down. "Raise your left hand." She lifts her arm to protect her face while striking. 

Panting heavily, she steps back. "Thanks for the help. You really know a lot." She wipes her brow and takes a drink from her water. "Guess you learn something when you get hit a lot. Ahri said you wanted me?" 

She nods, continuing to drink. "I was actually gonna ask for your help in boxing if you don't mind." Y/N's face lights up. Grabbing the bench bar, he coughs and stands up, using it as a cane. He lifts it effortlessly, confusing Akali.

"Throw a punch and hold your stance." Akali does so, trying to remember what Y/N said before. "When you punch, you want to put your shoulder to your chin." Y/N mimics the motion. Akali copies and reaches further up.

"Remember, you don't lean in. You step in." Akali nods, repeating the motion a few times. Y/N returns to sitting down. "You've got decent form already. Have you fought before?" He asks, placing the bar back into its place. 

She shrugs. "I trained with my dad for a while, but nothing like what you did. When did you start fighting?" She begins to unwrap her hands. "Eleven. Sett had been training me for three years, and it took a lot of convincing."

Out of all the K/DA members, Akali's calm attitude and non-intrusiveness put Y/N's mind at ease. The other girls didn't bother him, although they made him really nervous. "What was training with him like?"

Y/N chuckles. "You know those training pads?" Akali nods, tossing her wraps onto the bench. "Getting hit with those things hurts. Eventually, you figure out how to dodge them." Akali giggles. 

Her laughs makes his stomach turn over on itself. Every time he speaks to one of the girls alone, a weight feels like its placed on his chest. An anxious feeling that not even his mask can take away. 

Maybe one day, he'll understand.

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