Part 15 - Blow up

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"Come in!" You shout, trying to mentally prepare for what's about to happen. The door bursts open, revealing a pissed Evelynn. "What the hell, Y/N?! Really? Pit fighting?" "Eve, calm down-" Evelynn silences Kai'sa with a glare.

"I've been a pit fighter all my life." The calming gas floating inside your mask keeping your stutter at bay. "Well you aren't anymore. You're our bodyguard." Her yellow eyes pierce your own. "That was kind of irresponsible of you, Y/N." Ahri chimes in with a slightly warmer expression.

You sigh. "It's not that big of a deal." Evelynn somehow gets angrier. "It's not that big of a deal?! You could have died, look at yourself!" She marches over, lifting your arm off of your blood soaked stomach. 

You grit, ripping your arm out of her grasp. "I've had worse. I'm fine." "What is wrong with you?!" The air goes cold as the words leave her lips. "I thought we were supposed to be cool?" Kai'sa whispers to Akali, who continues to stare.

"You really want to know?" You feel your face heating up, slowly getting angrier and angrier. "I had to kick my own mother out of my life after I killed her husband. I was orphaned for a year before Sett found me." You rant on, slowly approaching Evelynn.

"I spent everyday thinking about when he was going to throw me out. He was the first person to show me genuine compassion. Then he threw me out of his life too! Onto the four of you. I was already terrible at speaking to people and now I'm shoved into a house with four girls." Evelynn backs away as you approach, not breaking eye contact.

"Do you understand how much that hurts?! The one person I trusted, pawning me off onto the first people who would take me?" Tears begin to brim at your eyes. "I-" "When are you going to throw me out?!" 

Your blue, ethereal claws manifest, as you slam them into the wall next to Evelynn. The tears flow down your cheeks while you stare into Evelynn's eyes. Your eyes widen as you realize you did it again. You lost control.

Suddenly, two arms wrap around your torso. The woman you just attacked envelops you in her arms. As if she'll disappear if you let go, you clasp your own arms around her. Her calm and steady breaths slowly mellow your erratic ones.

A brief cloud of pink narrows your vision. You quickly shake away the feeling, pushing yourself off of Evelynn awkwardly. You cracked. Let them in. It's happening again. They're staring. Judging. "I-I'm sorry." You push past the four girls, rushing into the hallway.


The cityscape turned to forest about an hour ago. That fear you felt continues to push you further and further into the dense greenery. You trip into a meadow, looking up to see the sunset. 

"What is wrong with you?" Evelynn's voice echoes in your head. Then the same in your mother's. You lash outward, slashing a chunk of the grass with your claws. The sound of laughter breaks you from your thoughts.

"Told you it would fall apart. It always does with us, hm?" Your Vastayan visage stares back at you. "There is no us." You growl out, feeling your teeth clench. "But, there is. You're becoming me more and more everyday." 

Your eyes trail down to the glowing blue claws. You breath in, trying your hardest to suppress the primal desire to rip this version of yourself in half. "It's just funny. All four of those girls know you're a monster." 

Pushing yourself to your feet, you meet eyes with the Vastayan. "I don't need your words." You breathe out. "I don't need your claws." Snapping your hands into fists, the claws dissipate. "I don't need you."

Raising your fists, the copy chuckles. "Are you serious-" He pauses as you take two punches at him, both missing. "Fine then. Fight it. It won't do you any good." Not giving him room to breathe, you press further.

After a couple strikes you get a good one onto his cheek. 'Don't give them a chance to recover.' Sett's guiding words send you tackling into him. You roll on top of him, rapidly punching toward his face.

It connects, pushing his head into the mud. Your second fist sinks into the wet dirt as he moves his head to the right. Even through a bruised eye and busted lip, he smirks. "Fine. We'll do it your way."

He kicks you off, sending you tumbling through the mud. Rain begins to pour as you stare at the sky. Gritting your teeth, you stand up once again. A gut punch almost knocks you back into the ground.

"That all you got?" You wheeze out, preparing yourself. He summons his claws with a grin. 'Shit.' He kneels down on all fours, mimicking your tackle. This time, sending the two of you rolling down a hill.

The two of you right yourselves, the Vastayan moving first. His claws, a whirling dervish of pain as they sink into your arm. You scream out as he moves his face close to yours. "You are nothing without me."

'And if things get real bad, a headbutt is a good out. Hurts like hell in the morning though.' You slam the center of your forehead into the bridge of his nose. He quickly retracts, gripping his nose in pain.

You sweep his legs, placing your foot on his chest. "Do it. Kill me... you monster." For the first time, that word didn't seem to hurt. "Huh." You glance at the three holes in your bleeding forearm. "Like I said. We're different." You lift your foot off of his chest as he stares wide-eyed. 

Shooting up from a park bench, rain pours down onto your head. "Just a dream." Lightning cracks as you chuckle. Trudging through the wet streets, you come into eyesight of the mansion. The gate is closed and you don't see Fred in his booth.

Reaching into your pocket, you check the time. 2:12 AM. Another strike of lighting makes you flinch. With a heavy sigh, you press the red button. A few minutes later a tired voice comes through. "Hello?"

"Hey, Eve-" The gate opens. Shortly after the front door flings open, revealing Evelynn. "L-Look I'm sorry. I-" Her arms clamp tightly around you. After a moment of silence, she loosens her grip. "I'm sorry." You hear the hurt behind her voice.

"I shouldn't have blown up." You look up at the rainy sky. "Can we go inside?" Evelynn smiles, following you through the front door. "Is everyone else asleep?" She nods. "Y/N?" You look at her as she stares deep into your eyes. "Don't scare me like that again. OK?"


SORRY! I took a long break as I was pretty burnt out on writing, and needed to focus on school. Not going to say it won't happen again, but I'll try my best to at least update this book. I love you all and really appreciate you guys so much. <3

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