Part 21 - Champion

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-Ahri POV-

"What time did he leave this morning?" I ask Kai'sa as she parks the car outside of the large building. "Around 5:30. Right when I woke up." She looks to Akali, who quickly jumps out, wanting to stretch her legs.

Evelynn follows, smiling and shaking her head at the young rapper. Kai'sa sighs, tightly gripping the steering wheel. "He'll be fine, Kai." I place my hand over hers. "I know." She smiles. "Now, let's go watch him kick someone's ass!" I cheer, jumping out of the car to catch up with the others.

Waiting at the front entrance, an orange bearded man looks toward K/DA's arrival. "You must be Y/N's troop! Man, do I like that little dude. He asked me to show you to his training area." Evelynn raises an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"Oh! I'm Olaf. Nice to meet you all. Big fan." He smiles. We begin to head down a series of hallways, with various gyms, training areas, and break rooms. "This is a lot nicer than his old gym." I mutter.

"Here he is!" Olaf holds the door open as we all filter through. Inside, a sweating and currently shirtless Y/N runs circles around his trainer. Heat begins to rise to my cheeks as loud cracks echo from the training pads.

Y/N trips his trainer before looking toward us with a smile. He hops out of the ring, catching the bottle of water Olaf throws his way. He pulls the mask from his face, drinking the- "Ahri? You're drooling." Akali elbows me in the side, giggling.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes. "Do you know who you're fighting?" Kai'sa asks as Y/N places the mask back on his face. "Nope. Kayn likes for it to be a 'surprise'." Y/N makes air quotes sarcastically. 

"You should get to your seats, we should be starting soon." Y/N says, looking back at Olaf, who nods. I approach quickly, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Good luck, Y/N.~" I purr, feeling the glares of the other three girls behind me.

He snorts, shaking his head. I look back to the other girls with a smirk. "We'll see you in the stands, Y/N." Evelynn ushers everyone out so he can get back to training. "Fuck you, Ahri." She mumbles as we exit his earshot.

-2nd Person-

"Kayn wants to see you before you fight." Olaf says, helping the trainer up from the ground. "Alright. I'll try to make it quick." Olaf chuckles. "You better. Fight starts soon." You exit the gym, speed walking toward Kayn's office.

Three quick knocks earn you a smooth "Come in." "You wanted me?" you ask, opening the door. "Yeah. Sit down." He motions toward the chair in front of his desk. "So?" He sighs, walking around the desk and leaning on it.

"I need you to lose this fight." You raise an eyebrow. "The kid you'll be fighting is one of our sponsor's son. He wants him to feel good about himself." You scoff. "I'm not throwing the fight, Kayn."

"Look! That little idiot has no chance against you. If you fight like you normally do, you'll kill him." You stand. "I don't know what you want from me. Give him a partner or something!" Kayn pauses. "That's not a bad idea." 

He grabs his scythe, giving it a twirl. "You'll fight the two of us!" 'You just had to open your mouth, didn't you?' You shake your head. "I meant like- Olaf or something! N-not you!"

"Aww. Come on! Rhaast has been wanting a rematch." A devilish smirk crawls its way to Kayn's face. "Do I still have to lose?" Kayn laughs. "You won't have a choice. Let's pump up the fans a bit, shall we?"


"Ladies and gentlemen, it appears we have a change of plans! It looks like there will be two people against our reigning champ!" The crowd gasps as you and Rhaast burst through the champion doors, already fighting.

Rhaast kicks you away, shouting toward the announcer, "Bring out the other!" The Darkin's growls refocus on you. You hadn't fought in over a month, and you could feel that primal instinct building back up.

Luckily, you'd been training. Rhaast's scythe nearly takes your arm off as your blue claws extend. "It looks like the little kitten has some new tricks." His raspy voice echoes out. "More than a few." You tackle him to the ground, the scythe leaving his grasp.

Before he can kick you off, you drag your claws across his face. "A worthy mortal!" His foot collides with your chest, sending you flying backward close to twenty feet.

A blonde male, likely close to Y/N in age, shouts toward Rhaast, "Um, hello?! I'm supposed to be fighting-" "Quiet." The Darkin silences him, pulling his scythe from the dirt. He steps off to the side, not wanting to interfere. 

You breathing begins to quicken. That animalistic instinct rising to the top of your chest. Ripping the mask off your face, saliva begins to pour as you grit your teeth. "Like a rabid animal. Allow me to put you down." Rhaast coos, flourishing his scythe.

Bounding on all fours, you charge Rhaast. "Come on, beast!" You duck as soon as you get close, moving out of the way of a scythe swipe. 'Just like blocking a punch.' Using your claws, you bat away strike after strike from Rhaast.

"Getting tired?" He taunts, landing a large gash on your shoulder. Taking the hit, you kick him back, leaping toward him as he rolls. You land on his back with a grin. Your claws dig in as you bite into his neck.

Yanking outward, you spit his blood onto the dirt. "You taste foul, Rhaast." He grips his neck, coating his hand in dark black blood. "You're disgusting. I love it. Though Kayn is calling. We'd better end this quick." He drops his scythe.

You raise your fists as he dashes forward. Luckily, his boxing isn't as good as his scythe usage. Though you were getting tired. Each of you were landing blows on the other, but Rhaast clearly wasn't feeling many of them.

His clawed fingers grab your shoulders, freezing you in place. "Goodnight, mortal." His horned head cracks against yours. A warm liquid begins to pour from your nose as you stumble backward. With your vision swimming, you hit the dirt, falling into a comfortable void.

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now