Part 14 - Distance

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The next few weeks were hell for Evelynn. She kept thinking back to that moment between her and Y/N. It felt like she did something wrong. Pushed a boundary or made him uncomfortable. "Eve? Have you seen Y/N? We were supposed to start training an hour ago, and he isn't answering his phone." Akali asks, walking into the living room.

"I haven't." She mutters, trying to get some form of work done before their upcoming concert. "Huh. Weird. Are you alright? You seem angry." Evelynn hums. "Not angry. Just tired." Akali shrugs.

"What are you two talking about?" Kai'sa asks, tying her hair up as she walks. "Y/N. He's been blowing off our boxing practices recently." Kai'sa shakes her head. "He hasn't been eating dinner with us recently either. He just leaves for the entire night."

"We should follow him." Ahri joins the group in the doorway. "I have work to do." Evelynn sighs in annoyance. "This is more important!" Ahri slams Evelynn's laptop shut. "Let's go!" Ahri rushes out of the room.

Evelynn stares at her laptop in shock. "You good, Eve?" Akali raises an eyebrow. "I hadn't saved yet. I'm gonna kill that Fox." She growls.


"There he is!" Ahri whisper-yells, pointing to Y/N's emerging figure. "Don't get too close to him," Akali says, tapping Evelynn on the shoulder. "Got it." Evelynn slows the car down. Y/N turns into an alley, disappearing from sight.

 "Turn left. That alley ends on the street over." Akali points to the intersection. Evelynn follows Akali's directions, finding Y/N on the other side. After a few minutes, they see him enter a large arena.

Evelynn pulls the car into a nearby parking space. "Let's go." She opens her door. "Wait! We're just gonna follow him in looking like ourselves?" Kai'sa makes everyone pause. "Well, shit." Akali closes her door, with Evelynn following.

"I've got some wigs in the trunk." Evelynn raises an eyebrow at the group. "Hells yeah." Akali smiles as she reaches over the backseat, producing four brown wigs. She quickly passes them out. "Let's go!"


"We have a special two-part fight here tonight, folks!" A southern accented voice rings throughout the fighting pits. The crowd picks up, chanting in anticipation. "I would like to introduce you all to the newest fighter here at the pits, the Half-breed himself!"

"Mutt! Mutt! Mutt!" The crowd organizes their shouts. You step out into the smooth dirt battlefield. The audience erupts in boos and various insults. "And his opponent, our reigning champ, the Titan of the depths!"

A loud footstep shakes the arena. Then another. The grate on the opposite side begins to open, revealing a massive creature clad in thick metal. Cheers spread through the crowd as you tense. "How the hell am I supposed to bring that thing down?" 

The giant raises his large anchor into the air, sending it into the ground with a flourish. You nearly tumble over from the small earthquake it causes. It looks down toward you, dragging its gloved thumb across its neck.

Your breath hitches as orange glowing eyes pierce from the armor. Scanning up to the large box seat, you see Kayn's grin peering back at you. A familiar scent catches your nose, the distinct four smells of K/DA. 

"Guess they followed me here." You sigh, knowing that you'll have to figure out a way to explain this to them. "Fight!" The shout catches you off guard as the large anchor arcs toward you. It slams you in the stomach sending you hurling into a loadbearing pillar.

The crowd gasps as you cough, feeling your stomach bleed. You angrily stand. The creature raises its arms in victory until it notices you step out of the dirt cloud. It yanks the chain, retracting the anchor to its hand. 

Sett's voice rings in your mind as you eye your opponent. "How do you take down someone larger than you?" Sett asks, tossing another punch your way. "Be faster-" His training glove clocks you across the face. 

"You play dirty. Circle around them. Bite, kick, throw dirt in their eyes. All that matters is that you win." The words 'play dirty' echo in your mind as you lean down on all fours. You bound toward the creature, kicking up dust with your speed.

He turns, throwing his anchor toward you. You can feel the sweat gathering on your brow as you narrowly dodge it. "Now." You whisper, sprinting toward him while he retracts the weapon.

Time slows as you attempt to tap into your Vastayan side. 'Please work.' Energy begins to gather toward your fingers. Sharp, blue claws apparate around them. You shift your weight forward, flipping off your hands toward the giant.

It slowly raises a hand to defend as you cut past it. Gripping onto its helmet, you force your hand through its chest plate. It stumbles for a moment before growling. Returning the snarl, you shove your hand further into its chest.

Feeling a beating sensation on your hand, you yank backward. Blood sprays from the wound as you drop to the ground. The giant grabs at its chest, trying desperately to stop its bleeding as it falls to its knees. With a thunderous roar, the crowd breaks into cheers. 

You grip your mask, releasing a calming gas. "With a crack of thunder, the Titan falls!" The announcer shouts. Walking as fast as your wound will let you, you push into the fighting pits halls. 'What kind of a stupid idea is jumping onto the giant fucking behemoth?'

Pushing into your training room, you lean against the table. Your ears twitch as a familiar voice finds them. "I think he went this way." Ahri mutters, trying your door. With a heavy sigh, you shout. "Come in!"


Big argument coming next chapter! Just wanted to let you all know I appreciate the support! Sometimes I hate how scatter-brained I am when it comes to writing. It makes chapters take a long time because I get a new idea and write three or four chapters that never get published. Love you all!


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