Part 4 - Intruders

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"Here you go. I believe it has been a week." Evelynn places the mask next to Y/N's cereal, sitting beside him. Not giving it a second thought, he grabs the metal mask. "Thank you, Eve... uh, boss?" He mutters, unsure of what to call any of the girls. Evelynn laughs loudly. "No need for that, Darling. Just Evelynn is fine. Though I must admit that mistress has a nice ring to it." Spitting a little, Y/N quickly covers his mouth.

Deciding to cut his losses, "Well, thank you. E-Evelynn. Ihavetogofixsomethingonitbye!" Y/N dashes upstairs to his room, leaving his bowl of milk behind. Evelynn chuckles before heading back down to sit on the couch with the other girls. The four sit in comfortable silence, content to look at their phones.

"So, how are you guys liking having a bodyguard?" Kai'sa breaks the quiet. "I quite like Y/N." Evelynn hums. "You know if you keep messing with him, he'll probably explode." Kai'sa laughs. "Having a bodyguard makes me feel important. Ahri, what are you looking at?" Akali looks at the fox, seeing her staring intensely at her phone. With a devilish smirk, she grabs it from Ahri's hands.

"Give it back!" Ahri cries out, chasing Akali over the back of the couch. "You have a crush!" Akali giggles, showing off several pictures of Ahri and Y/N to the other two girls. "Do not! We're just... friends." She deflates slightly. "Sorry, Gumiho. He's already claimed." Evelynn smirks, looking back at her phone. "Like he'd like you, demon bitch." Ahri whispers the last part. "I'll have you know, Y/N happens to love me."

The whole room erupts in laughter. "What's funny?" Evelynn glares. "Eve. You scare the shit out of him." Akali wipes a tear from her eye, handing Ahri her phone back. "I do not." The demon crosses her arms. "You made him run upstairs not even ten minutes ago." Kai'sa chides.

"That doesn't prove anything. He clearly had something to do." Ahri raises an eyebrow. "You can't be that dense. He freezes all the time around you." Akali nudges Evelynn's side, "Just as frozen as your heart." "Shut up, Akali!"

As the girls settle down, all of them go back to their phones. After a few minutes, Ahri's ears twitch, hearing a thump. Must be Y/N upstairs, she shrugs, continuing to browse through her social media. In a matter of seconds, each feels a bag placed on their heads and is pulled over the back of the couch. Their hands are quickly bound, and they are all thrown into a line.

"What the hell?!" Ahri attempts to break her restraints. The bags are pulled off to reveal seven masked intruders, each holding large green-glowing guns. One places a finger to their ear. "Package secured. EVAC soon." A female voice says. "If you don't take this rope off, I'll-" Akali is cut off by a piece of cloth being shoved in her mouth. She shakes in her restraints. "You. Is there anyone else in the house? We won't harm anyone if you talk." The leader points to Ahri.

Ahri takes a look at the other girls. Evelynn nods, and Ahri shakes her head with a sigh. "Our, uh, wolf-dog... person, pet... thing is upstairs." Evelynn's head drops at Ahri's horrible lie. The leader raises a fist and begins to walk upstairs with four other members, the rest lifting the girls to follow behind them. "Which door?" She looks at Ahri as they are lined up in the hallway. Ahri nudges toward Y/N's door. The leader nods as they all get into position.

"Breach!" They all enter one by one as the last one closes the door. The girls hear muffled voices on the other side of the door. Just surrender, Y/N, Ahri pleads in her head as each member of K/DA listens closely. "3! 2! 1! FIRE!" A voice shouts from the other side. The girls flinch as gunshots begin to ring out, shortly followed by screams. What sounds like several thumps hit the wall while the shooting continues. "Kill it, dammit!" 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?!" A shrieking voice makes the girls lean back in shock. "WATCH THE TEETH—AGAGAG!" Something heavy collides with the wall; the screams subside. The door opens slightly as one of the soldiers attempts to crawl out, reaching a gloved hand toward the girls. "H-Help-" A bloody hand grabs his leg, dragging him back into the room and slamming the door.

A dial tone plays from just behind the door as Y/N steps out of the room, eyes closed. Blood soaks his hands, with much of it around his sharp teeth. He holds his phone up to his ear. "Hey. I'd like two large pepperoni pizzas, please." Leaning against the doorframe, he wipes the blood from his teeth.

Each of the girls had two thoughts running through their minds. The first was "What the fuck?" with the second being "Hot." Y/N utters the address before hanging up. His eyes open and immediately widen upon seeing the girls tied up. "Oh, my god! Are you guys okay?!"

He sprints toward them and pulls the gag off of Akali, untying her shortly after. "Are we okay?! You just killed like twelve people!" "They're alive—most of them." Akali cuts Kai'sa's ropes as Y/N snaps Ahri's. "Not for long. Call the police, Kai'sa, and have them bring an ambulance," Ahri says, rubbing her wrists.

Akali frees Evelynn, who rushes to Y/N's door. She peeks into the room to reveal exactly what Y/N said. Two were clearly dead, with their throats caked in blood. The others were simply unconscious, either from blunt trauma or blood loss. Evelynn turns back to find Y/N trying to get the red liquid off of his fingernails. "You've been nervous around us, but killing a few people and wounding several others doesn't faze you?"

Y/N stutters a bit at her proximity, "W-well, it's not the first time I've killed someone. I was a pit fighter. And those guys in there were way more aggressive than any pit fighter." Y/N nods toward his room. Sirens begin blaring outside. "They're here!" Kai'sa calls as she trots downstairs. Shortly after, she comes back up and leads the two female police officers to Y/N's door.

"Caitlyn, Vi." Evelynn greets them with a smile as the pink-haired officer walks toward Akali. "Staying out of trouble, Rogue?" Akali chuckles. "Definitely staying away from you." Caitlyn saunters toward Y/N and Evelynn.

She scowls at Y/N before pulling his lip upward with her gloved hand. "Where'd you get all that blood on you from?" Y/N pulls back quickly, swatting her hand away. "He stopped us from getting kidnapped. This is our new bodyguard, Y/N." Evelynn assures her, resting her elbow on Y/N's shoulder.

Caitlyn nods as she pushes his door open. "Eugh. Does your bodyguard have a non-lethal setting?" One of the intruders begins rousing, and Caitlyn promptly kicks him in the chest to knock him back out. "If you were a little less violent, I'd offer you a job, Y/N." She shouts. "Vi! Come haul these idiots outside." Vi leans backward as she walks toward the door. "What the hell happened in here?"

"Baby Ahri over there has teeth." Evelynn giggles at the nickname as she snakes her arms around Y/N's shoulders. "Thank you for saving us." She whispers into the half-Vastayan's ear. "I'll have to think of a reward for you~" 

Evelynn laughs as she walks away, leaving Y/N speechless. "Ahri, I think Evelynn broke Y/N again." Akali mutters, poking his shoulder. Ahri chuckles as she hugs Y/N and quickly pulls away. "We'll have your room cleaned by tomorrow." She smiles. "Until then, you're welcome to stay in my room!"

Akali chuckles. "That's gonna piss Eve off." Y/N snaps from his trance, dashing past Vi and grabbing his mask. He inhales deeply, finally feeling like he can breathe. "Pizza is here!" Kai'sa calls upstairs. Vi finishes stacking the intruders on her gauntlets; Caitlyn approaches Y/N. "Right. Great job. Next time, call us before you kill them." She tips her hat and heads downstairs, Vi in tow.

"HE'S SLEEPING WHERE?!" Evelynn's echoes through the house. Shit.

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