Part 13 - Instinct

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"Getting tired yet, Half-Breed?" Rhaast asks as you fight for control over the scythe. It's been thirty seconds, and you can already feel the sweat pouring. "Not yet." He lets go of the scythe as it continues to swing at you.

Cackling, he charges forward. 'Son of a-' The scythe gashes your arm. 'Just gotta survive.' Leaning on all fours, you begin to run circles around the Darkin. "Get back here, mutt!" He growls, unburying his scythe from the ground.

-3rd POV-

"Where's Y/N?" Kai'sa asks as Akali yawns. "Dunno'. He said, 'I'm gonna go take a walk.'" Akali mimics Y/N's voice. "When was that?" Akali shrugs. "An hour ago?" After a moment of realization, she jumps up.

"Should we be worried?" Kai'sa raises an eyebrow at Akali. "Maybe? I don't know. Probably not..." She tries to assure herself. "I mean, it's not like he's out fighting." Akali sinks back into the sofa.

-2nd POV- 

'Son of a bitch.' You lurch forward, grabbing your chest in pain. "Just-" You huff. "-one more minute." Rhaast continues his assault, slicing up and down. A few connect and leave shallow cuts across your arms.

"Come back here, little mutt!" His scythe takes one of your feet out from under you. Darting forward, Rhaast quickly swipes down in an attempt to end it. Time almost slows as the blade cuts through the air.

Something in your mind clicks and allows pure instinct to take over. Clenching your teeth, you shoot your head toward the scythe. Your mouth finds purchase on the sharp metal. You grind your teeth harder, gripping the scythe as Rhaast struggles.

His foot slams across your face, allowing his scythe to slide away. "Now-" He grabs at his stomach. In a vomit-like motion, Rhaast retreats into the scythe. Kayn smiles, having reclaimed his body.

"Welcome to the family, Y/N."


You give a wave to the gate guard, causing the gate to shift to the side. "Thanks, Fred." He gives a nod while raising an eyebrow. "Rough night?" Figuring he's talking about the scratches on your wrists, you nod.

"Hey, you don't happen to have like a piece of cloth or something?" He digs in his booth for a moment before finding two black scarfs. "Thanks again." He chuckles. "No problem. Just wash it before you give it back, yeah?"

You give a smile and head into the rather large house. Wrapping the cloth around your arms to avoid questions, you deadpan finding Akali and Kai'sa waiting at the door. "Where have you been?" Kai'sa notices your covered arms. 

"Outside?" Kai'sa scowls at your vagueness. "Outside where?" "Chill, Kai. Did you sleep last night?" She asks, pointing at the bags under your eyes. "N-No." She motions to the stairs. "Go sleep. Eve and Ahri will be home in a couple of hours."

You give a curt nod, heading upstairs quickly. You begin to feel more and more sluggish the closer you get to your room. Crashing into the very comfortable mattress, sleep takes hold.

A gentle warmth guides your consciousness into the darkness. You then feel a sharp slap across your face. "Welcome back, Half-Breed." Your eyes meet the familiar smugness of your Vastayan self.

"Nice fight. You're welcome for that bite that saved your life, by the way." You groan, not wanting to deal with this right now. "Aww, not happy to see me?" He fake pouts. "Not in the slightest." He chuckles.

"What do you want?" You push yourself to stand. "A lot of things. Actually, everything you want. Barring one. I want you to give up this inner fight. Stop trying to sit in the middle of these two worlds." 

You furrow your brow. "I can tell you aren't getting it. Stop holding back. Let that instinct flow." You recoil from him. "No." He rolls his eyes. "Scared? That you might hurt someone like you did your fath-" "That wasn't my fault!" 

"Whatever you need to tell yourself. Maybe this will change your mind?" He snatches your hands, causing the long, ethereal blue claws to transfer. You slowly bend your fingers, watching as the claws shift behind.

"If you're my Vastaya half, where's the human half?" He breaks out into laughter. "That old slop? You killed him off a while ago. But, if you insist-" He points behind you as a decrepit-looking skeleton steps out from the shadows, small amounts of muscle trail off of his bones.

The shock shoots you up from your dream, laughter still echoing in your head. You clasp your hands around your face. The familiar gas breathes into your system. "You should stop relying on that thing." Evelynn's voice rings out from your desk chair.

You yelp, leaning against the wall. "Sorry for the scare." She stalks forward. "H-Hey Evelynn." Her yellow eyes shine in the low light. "Hello, Darling~." She pushes her way onto the bed, making you back further into the corner. 

"D-Did you uh, need something?" She smirks. "Akali mentioned the kiss you two shared." Her face inches apart from yours, you gulp. "So? Four women? That's got to be exciting." Her sultry voice causes the red on your face to spread.

"It's n-not like that-" She gets closer, the two of you's noses touching. Without thinking, your hand swings toward her, a small amount of your claw catching her cheek. "What the fuck?" She pulls back with a furrowed brow.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to." You look at your hand incredulously. A small amount of blood trails down her face. "What was that for?" She asks in almost as much shock as you. "I-I don't know?! I just- I don't think you should be in here right now." You back as far into the corner as you can.

 She takes a step toward you. "Why not?" Her eyes lock yours once again. "I don't- you shouldn't-" You grip the edges of the mask, reopening your closing throat. "Please." She looks you up and down before stepping toward the door.

"Y/N." You look up, trying to steady your breath. "Are you okay?" Those three words hit you like a truck. You were sweating and shakily breathing. "No." You managed to get out without stuttering. "But, I will be."

Endless Confidence /// K/DA x Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now