Crush Chapter 5

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Originally Wednesday morning was the time to record the talk show, but Nie Xi told Sang Wuyan that she didn't need it, and the show was ready.

    "Who is the interview?" Sang Wuyan asked.

    Nie Xi smiled mysteriously: "Keep it secret for the time being, won't you know when it is broadcast at night?"

    Sang Wuyan glanced at Nie Xi, who was full of spring breeze. It is rare to see her so happy, so it can be seen that she is not an ordinary person. Sang Wuyan didn't care about this, so she turned around and forgot.

    In response to employment interview questions, the school has opened a series of employment guidance courses since the junior year. 
   In this semester, teachers from the Faculty of Liberal Arts were invited to come to the "Communication and Eloquence", which happened to be two sessions in the afternoon. 
   Unexpectedly, when she arrived at school, Sang Wuyan saw on the blackboard that the teacher was temporarily okay and changed to the evening notice.

    Although the teacher never called her name, the lectures were extremely interesting, so not many people were absent from class.

    For example, she said in a class: "From the perspective of your psychology, people will face three fears when speaking in interpersonal communication: strangeness, high position and group fear. The degree of this fear varies from person to person. Differences vary from experience to experience, but they are unavoidable. Your job interviews, postgraduate interviews, and civil servant interviews are all occasions where these three fears are integrated. That's why so many people think this is a huge obstacle."

    A classmate asked below: "Teacher, do you have group fear when you face us?" 
    The teacher smiled and said, " Yes .
For example, now you suddenly stand up and ask questions. Although my face doesn't change, my heart is still shocked. I'm afraid that you have some questions that will prevent me from getting off the stage."

   After class, Sang Wuyan came home and suddenly remembered that the mysterious interview with Nie Xi would be broadcast tonight. As soon as she turned on the radio, she heard Nie Xi say: "Today, I sincerely thank Mr. Yi Jin for taking the time to come to our show during his busy schedule."

    "No thanks."

   The answer to Nie Xi was a man's voice, slightly low. , With nice magnetism.

    Is it Yi Jin? !!!!!!!!!

    Sang Wuyan looked at Cheng Yin with wide eyes.

    "It's actually Yi Jin?" Sang Wuyan asked Cheng Yin.

    "Yeah." Cheng Yin said.

    "However, it seems that the show is over." Cheng Yin poured cold water on her.

    This is the first time Sang Wuyan has heard direct information about Yi Jin. Although it was only a faint word, it came out from the mouth of the talented man, with a strange color.

    He said, no thanks.

    Such a short sentence without before and after makes people can't help but have some reveries. Whether such a man is tall or short, fat or thin, introverted or ostentatious... it seems inconclusive.

    Sang Wuyan stared at the radio blankly, and fell asleep on her pillow with a strange mood after a long time.

    In the afternoon of the next day, she had no class, and it was not the peak time for commuting, so the number of people on the 101 bus was even more pitiful. Sang Wuyan got into the car and found a place in the back row by the window to sit down.

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