Crush Chapter 23

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    On the day Yu Xiao Lu came back, she was a little surprised to see the closeness between Sang Wuyan and Su Nian Qin, and quickly calmed down.

    Regarding the relationship with Yu Xiao Lu, Su Nian Qin said that she is the sister of a relative. She has no place to go and lives, and can take care of himself by the way. Sang Wuyan was very surprised. People like Su Nian Qin could admit that others were taking care of him face to face.

    "I'll take care of you from now on." Sang Wuyan said, holding Su Nian Qin's arm.

    Later she thought, since she is a relative's sister, she is also a relative, why not just say it is a cousin, younger sister, niece, niece, etc.

    Her thoughts are not too complicated, and she will forget this doubt after a long time.

    During that time, "The Phantom of the Louvre" was shown in the cinema. In order to avoid Su Nian Qin's discomfort, they bought the couple's box. The seat there allows Sang Wuyan to put her head in Su Nian Qin's neck and gently describe the plot to him while watching the scene.

    "Then he walked into the Egyptian pavilion and hid in the corner, waiting for the mummy to appear. At this time, the black shadow appeared again. The mummy..." Sang Wuyan said palely, too scared to look again, turning her face. Hidden in Su Nian Qin's clothes.

    "What to do, it's terrifying." She looked like an earthworm, burrowing into his arms hard.

    "Then we won't watch it." Su Nianqu said.

    "The more afraid you are, the more you want to see it." Sang Wuyan bitterly.

    Su Nian Qin laughed, let her sit on his lap, and then put his chin on her shoulder.

    Sang Wuyan was already too nervous because of the plot of the movie, and completely forgot to describe the scene. Su Nian Qin could only see the light and shadow of the movie screen flickering right in front of him.

    The more afraid she is, the more she wants to see it—this sentence reminds him of the feeling of love.

    These are things like opium, he thought.

    On the way back, at the subway station, it was the most turbulent peak at six o'clock.

    The subway came, and she took Su Nian Qin's hand in front to avoid the crowd, waiting for the last to get on the train. At this time, a few people who rushed over in a hurry, slammed into them, then squeezed Sang Wuyan into the crowd and was taken into the car.

    When she walked back, she saw that the door was closed.

    She didn't know if Su Nian Qin got in the car too, and she didn't dare to call his name loudly in the car, so she looked around for fear of embarrassment. She is not tall and needs to stand on tiptoe and look back and forth.

    Left, right, on the seat.


    Her heart began to get anxious.

    Su Nian Qin must still stay at the station. He is rarely alone in this kind of public place and there are so many people. He is so hard-headed that he would definitely not ask for help. He had already let Yu Xiao Lu drive there. She doesn't know if he knows the way or if he will meet bad guys. His mobile phone is in her backpack again.

    The more she thought about it, the more anxious she got, tears rolling in her eyes.

    As soon as the subway stopped, she immediately got off and sat back on the same road on the other side.

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