Crush Chapter 11

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    The rupture between Sang Wuyan and Wei Hao had long been declared, and now they can walk on the street more confidently.

    "You?" Wei Hao had never seen Su Nian Qin next to her.

    Sang Wuyan raised her chin, and took the opportunity to pass her hand through Su Nian Qin's arm, leaning on him, and pretending to say intimately: "Date."

    Xu Qian looked at Su Nian Qin's dress and appearance. Slightly surprised.

    Sang Wuyan smiled unwillingly. In fact, she prayed silently to Su Nian Qin in her heart: Teacher Su, Master Su, God Su, your old man is doing well, even if the hero saves the beauty, please, don't expose me.

    With a certain kind of weak hope, she prayed that this man really had a tofu heart and a bodhisattva's heart to save people from danger.

    Just when the three pairs of eyes were looking at Su Nian Qin with their own thoughts, the gentleman Su Nian Qin pushed Sang Wuyan's hand away, opened the distance between the two, and then slowly said one sentence enough to put Sang Wuyan on the spot. If you go to hell.

    "Miss Sang, please respect yourself."

    After finishing speaking, he stood up with his cane, and walked slowly along the blind path. He was dressed in a medium-length dark gray coat with a slender figure, and his back was perfect. But at this moment Sang Wuyan has no time to appreciate, just can't wait to chop this intoxicating figure into flesh immediately.

    After Su Nian Qin disappeared around the corner, Xu Qian and Wei Hao withdrew their gazes and looked at Sang Wuyan together. In Sang Wuyan's eyes, this pair of men and women was completely optimistic. She was angry and annoyed, but pretended to be indifferent, and said arrogantly: "This person...must be cold and confused." Then she fled in the direction where Su Nian Qin disappeared.

    They must have watched her make a joke. She ran, pinched the scarf in her hands, and the cold evening wind blew her cheeks painfully, blowing into her eyes, always feeling that her eye sockets began to moist.

    She just wanted to fight for her breath.

    Turning a corner, Sang Wuyan didn't beat him when he saw Su Nian Qin in front of him, and shouted: "Su Nian Qin!"

    The man turned a deaf ear.

    "Su Nian Qin! Stop for me!"

The man still walked forward at his own speed.

    "You stop!" Sang Wuyan walked faster than him, grabbing his sleeve.

    This series of actions made passers-by start to look sideways.

    Because Sang Wuyan was dragging his sleeves to death, Su Nian Qin had to look back, his dark eyes were out of focus, and he said indifferently, "Please let go of your hands."

    "I won't let go !"

    Su Nian Qin raised his head. Raised his arm, trying to force her to let go. But he was a man after all, and he didn't dare to use his energy.

    "Let go, you can go back with me and tell them clearly."

    "Isn't what I said just now is not the truth?" he asked.

    "You..." Sang Wuyan said poorly.

    The two of them, one of them were bad words, and the other with embarrassed expressions. Such a pair of young men and women pulling on the streets of Valentine's Day makes people curious. Some people slowed down, and someone on the non-motorized lane got off their bicycles and stopped to look at them.

    Sang Wuyan was indignant: "Why are you such a person!"

    Su Nian Qin asked, "What kind of person am I?"

    Sang Wuyan glanced at the person next to her. She knew what Su Nian Qin feared most. Just now, he dared to prevent himself from coming to Taiwan, and now she must not let him feel better.

    After making up her mind, Sang Wuyan gritted her teeth and curled her mouth, suddenly pretending to cry: "Why are you this kind of person? I have been with you for so many years, and fell out with my family, and come here with you. , I’m helpless. I’m still pregnant with your child. Just leave as you say. I’m going to go on a date with that woman. I haven’t eaten dinner tonight. The child and I are both hungry. How can you do this? Ruthless, he ran out to stir up flowers and grass, looking for that wild woman."

    When she said this, the people watching immediately changed to the original expression. Although Su Nian Qin couldn't see it, he could already hear the rustling accusations.

    "You have been nice to me since you were young, but now you are with other women. If I can bear other people, she is my best friend. How can you deceive me like this?"

     Sang Wuyan was a fake cry, but As she said that she didn't know what was happening, she regarded Su Nian Qin as Wei Hao, really sad, pulled Su Nian Qin's sleeves and squatted on the ground crying sadly, fake crying turned into real crying.

    People nearby shook their heads unbearably, and the accusations became louder.

    "The wife are pregnant also out messing around."

    "Young, you can really see it."

    "Men grow into this, do not bother immune."



    there is still leaving The middle-aged aunt of the vegetable basket gritted her teeth and squeezed out a word: "Animal!"

    Su Nian Qin's face was darker, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "Sang Wuyan, get up!"

    "I don't!"

    Su Nian Qin's. ........

    His face was dark and blue, but he didn't have a seizure. He took a deep breath and said, "Whatever you want, you get up first." Such a sentence was suppressed by him one by one and spit out angrily, almost tolerated. internal injury.

    When the two compete, the brave wins.

    The brave fight, the wise win.

    The wise fight, the rogue wins...

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