Crush Chapter 17

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He noticed and turned around.

    "It's me," she said.

    "It's okay, it's not raining much." He declined gently.

    "I'm idle anyway."  She continued to grind her cheeks.

    So the two stood under the privet tree, holding umbrellas. He doesn't talk very much, she can't talk alone, and she simply shuts up, so as not to be annoying anymore.

    Sang Wuyan also learned to close her eyes. Then, she heard raindrops falling on the umbrella, and occasionally the sound of cars passing by in the driveway.

    That's how he understands life? she thinks.

    And... she suddenly smelled the scent of flowers. She opened her eyes and looked up, and found that under the cover of the green leaves of the privet tree, some finely divided flowers had bloomed first.

    There are always many privet trees planted on the sidewalks of City A, probably because of the climate, the privet here blooms earlier than other places, and the flowering period is also longer.

    The tiny white flowers will bloom all over the street. When it rains, the fragrance will be caught in the moist air, making it extraordinarily fresh.

    Before she knew it, spring had already arrived.

    "Ah, privet is blooming." Sang Wuyan sighed.

    "Private?" Su Nian Qin asked, "Someone told me that this kind of tree is holly."

    "Private is not the same as holly."

    To prove what she said, she handed the umbrella to Su Nian Qin and raised her head. After walking around the tree, she finally found the shortest branch, then jumped up and picked a leaf.

    Because of this vibration, the privet tree slammed, and the rain accumulated on the leaves fell as much as possible, and it cracked on Su Nian Qin's umbrella, naturally getting wet.

    Sang Wuyan wiped the rain from her forehead and walked back under the umbrella. She took Su Nian Qin's right hand and said, "The easiest thing is that the leaves are different, you touch them."

    She directed his index finger to touch the edge of the leaves: "This is smooth. The edges of the holly leaves are jagged."

    "The aloe vera that day was also jagged," he said.

    "Yes." Sang Wuyan nodded and smiled at the studious child in front of him.

    After a while, the Volvo that came to pick up Su Nian Qin had stopped on the side of the road.

    On the way back, Yu Xiao Lu glanced at Su Nian Qin two or three times, and finally couldn't help but ask: "What have you been holding a leaf for?"

    "It's nothing." Su Nian Qin answered lightly, then opened the car window and let go.

    The leaves of the privet tree flew out with the wind.

    Psychology looks hot, but it's a pity that it's hard to find a job.

    Knowing that there was no hope for Sang Wuyan to go online, the family began to ask her to go home without looking for a job, reviewing for half a year and continuing the postgraduate entrance examination.

    Sang's mother said, "I let you go to a place so far to study four years ago. You will have to come back anyway after you finish your studies. It's a big deal to come to your dad's school and come back and ask someone to review it for you."

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