Crush Chapter 20

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Only a few minutes after he entered the house, he broke Cheng Yin's vase by mistake.

    He reached out and touched her hot forehead: "Let's go to my house."

    Then he called Yu Xiao Lu.

    "I'll take her back."

    "You don't use it to pick us up."

    "Go to the supermarket and buy something to eat and put it at home."

    "You don't want to come home these days."

    Sang Wuyan heard the euphoria. Whether that Yu Xiao Lu is a girlfriend, younger sister or a driver, in short, she doesn't want her to go home to take care of herself Su Nian Qin.

    But Sang Wuyan still forbeared her joy, deliberately asked: "That's not good, what about Miss Yu as a girl?"

    "She has never had measles, it is easy to be infected by you."

    Su Nian Qin said nonchalantly . The words chilled Sang Wuyan's joy just now.

    After a while, Sang Wuyan's dizzy head suddenly made a major discovery: "Wait a minute!" She patted her forehead and tried to reorganize the logic in her mind, "Why would she live in your house?!"

    Su Nian Qin Groping for it, he took a blanket from the bedroom and wrapped it tightly on Sang Wuyan.

    "I'm already very hot."

    "It's not hot, it's fever." After he corrected it, he hugged her sideways.

    She was surprised: "Why hug me?"

    "Do you think you can go downstairs?" he asked back.

    "But you are...I...we..." Sang Wuyan did not say.

    "You just tell me to turn downstairs." Su Nian Qin vaguely understood what she meant.

    It was a very firm look. Sang Wuyan suddenly felt relief and stability from the man's weak arms, and she smiled slightly: "Okay." Both arms naturally hooked Su Nian Qin's neck.

    At this moment, Su Nian Qin's always indifferent face turned a little red.

    Su Nian Qin's movements were slightly cautious when going down the first flight of stairs. Obviously he wasn't quite used to the height of this step, so he took a closer look before slowly letting it go.

    "It's nine stairs, then turn right."

    Su Nian Qin walked carefully under the guidance of the person in his arms, and suddenly Sang Wuyan "Yeah".

    He knew that the lights were out.

    "The lamp is dark." Sang Wuyan snapped her fingers at the voice-activated lamp, but there was no response.

    "Is there any light, it doesn't hinder me." He said, and then he continued to count the stairs in his heart, seven, six, five...

    "But I'm afraid, if I don't dare to go upstairs at night, I will afraid.  Call Cheng Yin to pick it up.” As she said, she tightened her arms around Su Nian Qin's neck and shrank back into his arms.

    Her cheeks hot from the rash were pasted on Su Nian Qin's collarbone through a thin shirt, and Su Nian Qin was gone for a while. After being in a daze, he found that he had forgotten to count, so just as he stepped, he suddenly touched the ground and staggered to the wall on his right hand.

    Sang Wuyan was startled, but saw Su Nian Qin's body holding her in his arms, letting her arm rub against the wall fiercely.

    "Is it all right?"

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