Crush Chapter 38

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There is still a little hope in the middle, faintly looking forward to Su Nian Qin's attack.

    It turned out to be Sang's mother. She wiped away her tears, walked to the chair waiting at the door, took a long breath and waited for her voice to return to normal before calling her mother.

    "Wuyan, are you here?" Mother Sang asked with concern.

    "Just arrived."

    " father is okay?"

    "Don't worry, take care of my dad. There are a lot of people in my family." Sang Wuyan relaxed her mother and hung up the phone.

    "It was really his luck that you didn't slap him at the time." Cheng Yin sighed.

    "I haven't slapped anyone, so I can't do it," Sang Wuyan said.

    "It's okay, I will become proficient with more practice in the future."

    At night, when she went to eat Sichuan food by herself, she unexpectedly met Nie Xi at the door.

    "This restaurant tastes the most authentic. I used to eat it a lot. I thought of coming in and eating a few dishes when I passed the road today. I didn't expect to meet you again." Nie Xi smiled.

    "I live in the opposite community." Sang Wuyan pointed.

    "Didn't you go back to your hometown?"

    "Well. Something else, I rushed back."

    "Did you find out about Su Nian Qin and Yu Wei Lan?" The two sat together, seeing Sang Wuyan looking uncertainly. After eating, Nie Xi asked.

    "Eh? Yu Wei Lan ?" 

    "Yu Xiaolu's sister." Nie Xi added.

    Hearing this sentence, Sang Wuyan remembered that Yu Xiao Lu had said that she grew up with Su Nian Qin, and there is another relationship. She is also the younger sister of Su Nian Qin's stepmother.

    Stepmother's sister? Yu Xiao Lu's sister?

    "His stepmother?" Sang Wuyan asked.

    "Yeah, it almost became a scandal on the front page of City A. Yu Wei Lan is the daughter of a descendant of the Su family. She has a bad family background. But she got along with the young master of the Su family. Although they didn't talk about marriage, they Getting close, a discerning person can tell at a glance that Su Nian Qin likes her. Unfortunately, Yu Wei Lan actually came to marry Su Huaishan."

    Sang Wuyan was surprised and speechless.

    "How do you know?"

    "Yu Wei Lan and I are classmates. At that time, she gave up her studies and married into a wealthy family. It was really a big news for the whole school."

    She thought the love between them was indestructible, but now it seems to be really affectionate. She plays this role every time and does this stupid thing every time.

    She walked into the supermarket blankly to buy things, and Xu Guannao's "Liang Jianyan" was in the supermarket.

   📀 Peach leaves compound peach leaves, with unlimited spring breeze.

    When the Wang family’s children went to cross the road,

    Tao Ye smiled and spoke diligently.

    Two happy things, feeling alone,

    but there is no bitterness, the slightest sweetness.

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