Crush Chapter 18

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The companion brings Xiao Wei to them.

    "Wow, such a beautiful pen." Sang Wuyan teased her.

    "They said I can use it to paint."

    Su Nian Qin touched her head.

    "Don't go away, I'm going to perform. I have been practicing for a month, you must stay and watch."

    Before the three of them spoke a word, Xiao Wei was called away by the dean.

    "This is Su Xiao Wei." The dean said to the media reporter, "When she came to us, she was six years old. At that time, her biological parents took her to the Third City Hospital for pneumonia treatment. Later, she was hospitalized because of her serious condition. After the next day, Her parents never showed up again. The one who was sent to us afterwards has been determined to be abandoned."

    The dean said earnestly, and the reporters shook their heads and sighed.

    But those people didn't notice the lost expression of the child in their arms.

    The dean continued: “Although she is a child abandoned by her parents, she has lost her father’s love and mother’s love. However, the warmth of our society has made her happy again. Now, Xiao Wei is in the third grade blind class. , Here, look," the dean gestured to Sang Wuyan's direction, "that's her head teacher."

    Everyone's lens and gaze were "brushed" and moved to Sang Wuyan's body, and some even eagerly moved. I want to come and interview her.

    Sang Wuyan was at a loss for a while: "What should I do? They are all watching me."

    "Just ignore it," Su Nian Qin said.

    "How can I ignore them?" Sang Wuyan wanted to cry without tears, she didn't want to show up on TV or newspapers. Moreover, if someone recognizes her as a fake teacher, it's hard to think of it.

    Su Nian Qin said solemnly: "Head to the front, without squinting, think back to when you tossed me."

    Sang Wuyan couldn't help laughing. This man is very careful, and he still hates the child's father.

    With a smile like this, she didn't feel nervous anymore, and she bluntly broke a few words in front of the person who came to interview, and it was all right.

    Turning her head and looking again, the reporters' focus was on Xiao Wei again.

    Xiao Wei said like a little adult, "Thank you to all those who care about us and help us. Although we have no parents, this society is like a warm family. Every aunt is like my mother and every uncle is Like our dad. They love us, so we always have a grateful heart, ready to grow up and give back to the society."

    Sang Wuyan saw that Xiao Wei said these words fluently after several breaths, like Yesterday she invited herself the same. It can be seen that it has been carefully prepared and memorized many times.

    This statement sounds reasonable, but it always makes Sang Wuyan not so comfortable.

    But Su Nian Qin's expression was very unhappy.

    After a few minutes, the performance began.

    The whole set of performances were originally written and performed by volunteers. But in order to let the children in the orphanage have a sense of participation, the first program was for these children to perform the sign language song "Grateful Heart".

    Xiao Wei and a group of chubby children, led by their aunts, walked onto the stage, fixed their positions, and then began to play music.

    Before the children's song was halfway through, the leaders of the VIP table quietly got up and drove away. The dean and deputy dean of the orphanage together nodded and bowed.

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