Crush Chapter 58

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    Su Nian Qin grabbed her to his chest when he heard the sound: "Don't be afraid or afraid, someone will come soon." Although his eyes are sensitive to light, he feels at ease in the dark. As long as the rope is not broken, the elevator will fall down.

    Sang Wuyan didn't think so.

    "But it's late at night."

    "Their monitoring room is on duty 24 hours a day."

    "What if that person went to take a nap?"

    Maybe, Su Nian Qin was thinking about it, but he didn't dare to say it. . He felt that Sang Wuyan was terribly afraid. She has always been courageous, and she is particularly afraid of the dark.

    So he had to comfort her: "No. Don't think about it, they will come right away."

    "I have encountered this situation with Cheng Yin before."

    "What happened later? Didn't you go out in a while?"

    "Later, we, Later she," she was a little incoherent, "later...we..."

    Su Nian Qin felt her increasingly nervous mood, and turned off the topic: "What do you want to eat later?"

    "Very spicy food ."

    "No," Your stomach is not good."

    "Then eat tomato and egg noodles."


    "My mother will make this for me in the cold winter morning. The noodle soup is especially warm when I drink it in one bite."

    "Well, this is satisfying. "The tyrant promised gently.

    Ten minutes later, the cold air from outside leaked in and it started to get a little cold. Su Nian Qin distracted her by talking to her, unbuttoned his coat, and wrapped Sang Wuyan warmly in it.

    "Do you remember the MP3 you used before?" Su Nian Qin continued to guide her to think other ways.

    "Well, I recorded some messy words."

    "It's quite messy, there are martial arts novels you read to me, there are you shouting at me, and..." Su Nian Qin couldn't help but laugh when he thought of it, "and the songs you sang."  If that works. Call it "singing" words.

    "Isn't it a bit out of tune, can you still be like this?"

    "If I sing for you a song I wrote before, I will definitely post other people's money and not send it out."

    "Su Nian Qin, if you discriminate against me like this, immediately I'll give you a song on the spot."

     "Don't! I still live in this building. If someone asks about it, I won't dare to admit that you belong to my family."

    Sang Wuyan was so angry when she heard these words. Su Nian Qin poked his head out of his arms and was about to bite his chin with teeth and claws.

   At this moment, someone outside with a tool knocked: "Is there anyone inside?" A  few minutes later, the workers opened the door and let them regain their freedom.

    After coming out, even if she was hungry, Sang Wuyan didn't want to go down to the twenty-first floor to eat before climbing up.

    Back home, Su Nian Qin took off his clothes, rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.

    "What are you doing?" Sang Wuyan asked.

    "I'll make tomato and egg noodles for you."

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