Crush Chapter 41

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After walking outside and breathing the damp and cold air, Su Nian Qin slowly loosened his tight nerves. Su Nian Qin would be too weak to even dare to stay in front of this woman for one more moment and say another word.

    She returned to her residence and immediately received a call from Sang's mother.

    "Wuyan. How? This is a good character, right?"

    Sang Wuyan realized that she had forgotten the surname Wu in the coffee shop.

    Late autumn is approaching, and the new semester is halfway through, and the cities in the south are also blowing a chilly breeze. She and Li Lulu received a child autism case, a child named Xiao Jie accepted by the Children's Research Center.

    Before the age of two, Xiao Jie was mistaken for deafness or mental retardation by his parents because of his insensitivity to voice and slow language development. Later, when Sang Wuyan saw Xiao Jie for the first time, his parents were secretly discussing whether to throw him away.

    "He is not a fool."

    "Impossible." His irresponsible parents firmly denied.

    "Not only is he not a fool, but he may also have other talents."

    "Mrs. Sang," the parents seem to be a little confused, "a child who can't speak, laugh, and is slow in basic movements is not a fool. And what is it? We are all rural villagers from outside, and we don't have much money to pay for your treatment."

    Sang Wuyan was angry.

    So after signing an agreement with his guardian, Sang Wuyan took Xiao Jie to the research center and took on all the costs of his treatment.

    It means that she almost adopted the child, but there is no legal protection.

    Cheng Yin said: "The parents of this child are not fools, you are."

   At thebbeginning, Xiao Jie's condition was very bad. He can hardly pronounce it, and can only repeat a few words parrotingly. The treatment was too late and almost made his auditory nerve atrophy. Losing the ability of self-care for children of the same age, rudely rejecting anyone who wants to get close to him, and screaming like crazy when he gets out of the way.

    Fortunately, the treatment teachers there are very patient.

    Today, one year later, Xiao Jie began to learn to build a red house quietly with building blocks. Although the style of the house has never changed.

    Li Lulu side of things Jill recent medical records, and asking them questions: "How your blind date results?"

    "Do not mention it."

    "Educated enough?"

    "Seems pretty good."

    "Handsome enough?"

    "I could not even what he long I didn't pay attention to
everything ." Li Lulu whistled.

    "This is not your Sang Wuyan style. In the past few times, you either thought that the other person was short or had small eyes. How can you not even see the other person's appearance this time?"

    "I saw him."

    "Who? "

    "Su Nian Qin" Sang Wuyan said.

    "What I said, as soon as Master Su came out, who would compete."

    Li Lulu had met Su Nian Qin on the day of her undergraduate graduation. During their two years as a graduate student, she gained a lot of love from the side. Story details.

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