Crush Chapter 69 (Extra 1)

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    Back in time before Sang Wuyan and Su Nian Qin got married.

    On this day, Su Nian Qin came out of the study: "Wuyan, I have a long vacation, we are going to travel."

    Sang Wuyan was surprised that this man would also want to go on vacation, and he always regarded going out as suffering in his heart.

    "Didn't the doctor say that I should take a break? Xiao Lu was in the company's business, and she said there was no problem." Su Nian Qin calmly explained his abnormal actions.

    "Where do you want to go?" Su Nian Qin asked.

    He finally got into the habit of asking the other person's opinions, but Sang Wuyan made his patience almost unable to continue well.

    She flipped through geography magazines and travel books, and yelled for a while: "Nian Qin, let's go to Egypt."

    When the volume of the small radio at Su Nian Qin  was too late to express his position, he heard her say: "No, I heard that the situation is not good. ."

    Su Nian Qin said: "Wuyan, should you listen to my opinion."

    But the woman was unheard of.

    The man closed his mouth and tried to calmly continue to focus on the news he was listening to.

    After half an hour, Sang Wuyan yelled, "Go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong is good. You can shop again."
She muttered to herself and shook her head, "It's still not good, there are too many people, and you don't like it very much. Go shopping."

Throwing away the book in her hand, she went to look through another one.

    After another half an hour, he heard her yell again: "Let's go to Tibet."

    This time, Su Nian Qin didn't bother to raise his head, and changed the radio to another channel. Sure enough, in his expectation, within a minute, she denied herself again: "It's not good if you have altitude sickness."

    So, like this, Su Nian Qin and the whole earth were tossed by Sang Wuyan. Something.

    He tried his best to restrain the patience that he had already exhausted, and told himself time and time again: "Su Nian Qin,  you have to be patient and don't get angry, otherwise you will still have to eat the bitter fruit."

    Suddenly, Sang Wuyan ran over excitedly holding the book for the Nth time: "Nian Qin...Nian Qin, , let's go to the Qin Dynasty!"

    This time, Su Nian Qin decided to let her have no room for maneuver, and said quickly and decisively: "Okay!" Cut the mess so that she won't have the opportunity to toss each other again.

    After a second, the man came back to his senses, and habitually squinted his eyes and asked strangely: "Where did you say we are going?" The woman clearly flicked him at the N+1th time.

    Seeing that Su Nian Qin's face was wrong, Sang Wuyan was about to go crazy, and she hurriedly wrapped him around like an octopus.

    "I'm not discussing with you." She acted like a baby with a little vain.

    "Then what's the result of our discussion?" He put the accent on those two words. But as long as she acted like a baby in the first place, his face would be collapse.

    "Qin Chao. We can go to see the Qinling Underground Palace and the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses." At  this point, Su Nian Qin finally understood that Qin Chao referred to Xi'an.

    The jumping nature of this woman's thinking is really powerful, Su Nian Qin concluded.

    Since he made up his mind and booked the air ticket, Sang Wuyan would receive at least ten calls from Yu Xiao Lu every day.

    "When climbing the mountain, you have to walk in front of him a little bit so that Nian Qin can feel your reaction."

    "Let him carry his mobile phone and change with him so that you don't get lost."

    "When the light is strong, force him to wear sunglasses. "

    Don't forget the disinfectant spray and band-aids. He is prone to falls and often bruises."

    "Choose a quieter hotel, and the bed must be comfortable. His back is not very good."

    Sang Wuyan gave all the precautions. The class is organized and recorded in the notepad.

    On the first day before leaving, Yu Xiao Lu called again: "Nian Qin, are you sure you don't need to notify the branch over there and send a car to pick you up?"

    "I'm sure!" Su Nian Qin answered with a bad temper.

    Before ten o'clock, Su Nian Qin lay on the bed and fell asleep deeply. In order to transfer the company's affairs to Yu Xiao Lu, he was busy for several days and barely slept.

    Sang Wuyan curled up in his arms, with his left hand on her shoulder.

    She suddenly remembered Yu Wei Lan's advice. She said: "Nian Qin has never been alone with people like this. Please take good care of him."

   The result was completely contrary to many people's expectations.

    Su Nian Qin was completely taking care of her. The travel bag is in charge of Su Nian Qin, and the changer and mobile phone are things that Su Nian Qin has repeatedly emphasized that Sang Wuyan should carry it with him.

    After getting off the plane, Sang Wuyan took the travel guide and studied what car to take to enter the city first, and then at which stop and then which bus to take to get to the hotel they booked. As a result, after pondering for a long time, she couldn't find a clue.

    "Nian Qin, go and ask." The tour leader of the duo gave instructions to the deputy leader.

    "Don't go." He never knew what "inquiry" was.

    "Then what to do?" The head of the group had no choice.

    "Can you listen to me?" The deputy commander forbeared enough.

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