Bully 🙁

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"Is this seat taken"? He asked, "No, sit down" I said, he sat down before saying "Why do you wear those glasses"? He asked, I grinned taking the glasses out of my bag, "IRIS, allow Mr. Parker to use" I whispered handing him the glasses.

"Woah" he whispered, "You made this" he asked, "Yeah, you like 'em"? I asked, "Like them, I love them"! He whispered, "I can program and install one inside your mask if you'd like" I offered. "Really"?! "Yeah, I got free time in my hands, just give me a name for it" i said, "Ummm Karen is nice" he said, "Cool, I'll give it to you when I'm done, meet you in the next class" I said skipping my way down the bus and to the class.


She promised me an A.I and that was a difficult task but for some reason, I believe in her, Ned walked up to me with his jaw dropped, "Her"?! He asked as I nodded. Even though I met her just 2 days ago, I felt this connection that pulled me towards her, she was perfect except in Spanish.

OH YES, I'll ask her if she wants to study Spanish and that way I'll get to hang out with her MUAHAHAHA MY EVIL PLAN WOULD TOTALLY WORK, our first class started but the teacher wasn't there so, it was free. "Hello guys, as you know, SI is accepting applications and Mr. Stark chose this school a while back, this is the last day for the applications so, whoever brought them, put them on my desk one by one please" Mr. Hill explained.

"Like Penis Parker would get in, I will get in and I'm sure of that" Flash said as I frowned, "Keep that shitty mouth of yours shut, shithead" Y/n said who was sitting right in front of me. I smiled as I went upto Mr. Hill's desk and rested my application, "Don't even worry Peter, you're qualified for this stuff, I'm sure you'll get in" he assured.

Y/n went afterwards, "Mr. H, how you doing"? She asked him keeping her application right above mine, "Great y/n, I'm sure you'll get in, Denise, Peter and you are the best students in the class" he whispered. I grinned hoping that y/n and I would be able to get in, "You and your little girlfriend don't even have parents, you're just scrawny little orphans" Flash stated sitting down. (EDIT- SCRAWNY MUTHAFUCKA W A COOL HAIRSTYLE SCRAWNY MUTHAF-)

I saw y/n leave the class probably to the bathroom and then I realized that y/n also heard what Flash commented.


What Flash commented hit hard and I let my emotions take control, I ran to the bathroom with a frown on my face when my phone chimed.

Mr. Cool Knives 🔪
What are you doing, y/n ?

I thought about it for a while, they wouldn't care, if I told them I was crying, they would see me as a crybaby, i didn't want that but i just wanted to tell someone about it, I decided to do it.

Would you ever think negative about me, Mr. Knives ?

Mr. Cool Knives 🔪
No, never, what happened darling ?

Today, I submitted my application for SI and...
Umm, my parents passed away in a car crash 3 months ago (EDIT- WOW that was blunt af 😂)

Awesome dude 🦸‍♂️
That is horrible, doll, do you wanna talk about it ?

There's this kid that bullies my friend and he said mean things about him and me and called us scrawny orphans

I felt tear drops roll down my face and onto the screen, I missed them so much, I never wanted any of that to happen but when I saw the next texts sent, I sniffled.

Spy 🕵️‍♀️

The thrillionaire mechanic 👨‍🔧

Brooklyn Doodie 👱🏻‍♂️
Y/n, you should report that to the principal

I did but the kid's father basically runs the school with how much money they give to the school


"Natasha, I'm buying the school" I said standing up, "I'M OUTRAGED but Tony wouldn't that make y/n suspicious" Natasha raged, "Guys, I read the texts, Who bullied that precious child" Sam entered the theatre with Pietro zooming in.

"How could that kid bully, Lady y/n" Thor said, "I have my weapons ready, I want this bully dead" Loki said trailing behind Thor, "No one is doing that, we can always support her through text" Wanda suggested as we sat back down.


The thrillionaire mechanic 👨‍🔧
Y/n, we have adopted you and you are not Parentless anymore 😄

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
I'm your mom ❤

Speedy Gonzalez 🚄
Me and my sister are your siblings 😁

Beautiful Magician 👩‍🦰

Awesome Dude 🦸‍♂️
Brooklyn Doodie and I will be your grandpas 😃

Robin Hood 🏹
I'm your weird uncle
Everybody else are your uncle and aunts

Really, aww I love you guys, I wish I could do something for you ❤

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
Oh no, прелесть моя, you're the best thing that ever happened to us, that is gift enough 😊 《My Precious》

Ms. Spy Mom, you're beautiful and your my милая мама 《Sweet Mom》

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
You know russian ?!

I got 93 in Spanish so, I decided to learn Russian and that is the language I mastered :)

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
That's my daughter 😢
Oh no, Mechanic is fighting me for custody over you, who do you like more ?

Ummm, my class started bye, I love y'all ❤

I ran to the class after washing my face, I met with Peter in the corridor as he hugged me, "Flash is a stupid face, don't mind him" he said, "I know" I said looking down, suddenly the hallway filled up, "Y/N, WHAT HAPPENED"? My friends shouted along with Alena.

"Did Peter say something"? Emma asked glaring daggers at him, "No, it's just Flash being a stupid face, you know how it goes" I said while walking to the next class as they hugged me, almost all the girls were my friends except the ones that hate me, there are like 8 or 9. "Hey y/n"! Peter shouted as I looked back.

"You guys go, I'll catch up" I said running to Peter, "Ummm, do you- doyouwannagoonadatewithme"? He asked, "What"? I asked, "A... date"? He asked, I blushed "Sure", "Umm, at my house"? He asked, "Sure, 5 PM"? I asked as he nodded.

I skipped my way to the next class grinning like an idiot. (EDIT- cuZ U ARE AN IDIOT... AN IDIOT IN lOvE)

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