I Love You 💙

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I went into the bathroom and locked the door, What the hell what the hell what the hell what the hell no no no no, What did I just do? I sighed and sat down in the shower and ran a hand through my hair, I turned on some lukewarm water, "What's going on, What is with me" I whispered.

Was I scared? Was I scared of him? No, it couldn't be, I took a normal bath and got out, I swung my hang around in my room, "Can you hand me a pair of sweats"? I asked, "W- where"? He asked, "Uhhh-" I was cut off by cloth touching your hand.

I pulled the fabric through the gap of the door to see grey sweats, I don't have any grey sweats- oh, you slid on both pieces and walked out, you sat down beside Peter. He immediately pulled you into a hug and I grabbed his arms as a way of returning it, "Can we just talk for a while"? Peter asked as I nodded.

"I just want to let you know that I never ever stopped loving you and I never meant to hurt you like that" Peter confessed, "I uh- always felt you know, a connection when we first met in the nurse's office, I went away because I didn't know if I could handle all of that hurt again, I just want the cute, sweet Peter I found being beaten in the hallway" I laughed through my tears which eventually turned into flowers.

He rested me on his lap and hugged me tightly, his tears falling on my clothes, I pulled away and kissed him, he slowly slid his hand in my hair, "I love you" I said and he nodded "I love you too" He said, "Now do we go to sleep"? I laughed, "I missed you so damn much those years" he clutched me tighter.

"J, The time"? You asked, "10:42, Cute Russian 2.0" J replied, "I have training tomorrow" I said, running a finger down his forehead to chin. "Of course" He said and kissed my cheek, settling me beside him, "J, get the lights, will ya" I said and the lights dimmed before closing completely, "Sweet dreams" he whispered, sliding an arm around me as I melted into his arms.

~○■In The Morning (~ ̄³ ̄)~●□~


You soughed in your sleep as the alarm went off, "Mr Rogers wants everyone in 30 minutes" J.A.R.V.I.S announced, you sat up and slowly removed Peter's hand. You took a short shower and wore some baggy clothes, running down to the training room.

"Hiya, good morning everybud" you greeted with a bright smile, "Hello Pumpkin" Tony said, matching your energy, "First, we're going on a mile run" Steve said as everybody started boo-ing, including you, "Fine, we'll do stretching and warm-up instead, god, you guys are lazy" "Not everybody is a super-soldier like you, Uncle Stevenson, BOOOOO" You protested.

Everybody laughed at your antics, "SHE'S RIGHT, BOOO FUCK STEVIE" Tony laughed, "Fine, let's get to training already"! Steve rolled his eyes, "That's why we love you, y/n" Sam ruffled your hair as Steve started training.

After warm-up and stretches, the defending came, "Backflip" you said and did so, "Frontflip", "Somersault", "Now we do Aikido, y/n, do your thing" Steve said and you made a cloud and everybody jumped on it as you enlarged it. "I'm taking Wands" I said, clinging to her, "You ready"? She smirked and you winked "Always".

You were on the floor or cloud would be more fitting, between Wanda's legs, she was about to punch you but you grabbed her fist, swung it and she fell. "AIKIDO, MOTHERFUCKERS"! You shouted, "Tony, you've corrupted her" Steve said, face palming as you stood there like an innocent angel. (A/N- I'm watching Lucifer, forgive me 🥲)

"Now, we do attack, Pietro will show you the punches and kicks" Steve said and held his hands up as Pietro showed you all the multiple kicks and punches, "Easy peasy" you smiled and used a dummy to practice it on, "BAM"! "God, I am so proud of you" Natsha wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

After you sparred and used your powers, everybody was done training, "Gosh, Finally, Now take me to bed Uncle dearest" you jumped on Bucky's back, resting your head on his shoulder. "Ugh, you're making me hate you, Uncle Steve" You groaned, "I don't care, beanie" Steve laughed, "Ughhhhhh" you groaned as Bucky locked your arms in front of his chest.

You finally arrived in your room, "You want me to tuck you in"? Bucky asked and you were half dozed off, Bucky smiled and set you down, draping the blanket over you, smiling at Peter. You sleepily wrapped your arm around Peter, he slowly turned around and did the same as you cuddled into his chest.

Bucky took a cute selfie before leaving, giggling like an idiot, he ran back down to the team who were cooling down, "Would you look at that"? He said and flashed the selfie he took to everyone. They let out an 'Aww', "THAT MEANS THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER"! Clint celebrated, "FINALLY, THEY'RE ADORABLE" Steve fan-girled.

"26th August, Wake up, Cute Russian 2.0" J.A.R.V.I.S said and continued beeping, "J.A.R, stop" you yawned, "Morning" Peter said, you hummed in response, cuddling into his chest even more, you suddenly sat up, "Wait F.R.I.D.A.Y, What's the date"? "26th August" F.R.I.D.A.Y said and you exhaled lightly, your mouth slowly turning into a soft smile.

(A/N- Hi, hello, hola, salut, привет, well Fank you for 41 K, I'm grateful to all of y'all :) Can y'all gimme sum ideas cuz I'm having a bit of a writer's block 😗 ANYWAYS, AS ALWAYS I LARB YOU, TOODLES 😄🖤)

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