Walker 🤮

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You woke up with Peter's face fully buried in your stomach, a smiled immediately made it's way to your face and you started caressing his hair. You let out a long sigh and looked to the digital clock on your wall, 8:27.

You got up and settled Peter down in a more comfortable position, you rubbed your eyes and stomped to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You squeezed some paste out and started scrubbing your teeth, you spat the paste out and washed your mouth.

You put the brush back down and pulled your hair up into a bun and skipped to the kitchen, "Look who's up" Pepper smiled and came to give you a hug which you gladly accepted.

"Ugh" came a sound from your left and looked at Sam sulking, "What happened to you....both"? You asked looking to the side to see Bucky with the same mood, "John" he gagged, "Walker? Blergh" you stuck your tongue out in disgust, "I'm gonna go take a bath" Bucky said, "Same" you said, your mood already off by hearing the name of that Ass.

§Time Skip§

"Mom"! You yell out, your breath caught in your chest, "It's so good" Pepper smiled, "I love it" you smiled at yourself in the mirror, you loved the crystal white colour that fit your body perfectly. "It's perfect" Bucky smiled which you could see in the mirror, "It's a yes" Pepper said and went along with the manager.

You giggled and spun around in the gown, "Y/n, you look perfect" Wanda laughed and sparkled a red aura on top of you, you saw red and a red crown, "Wanda" you whispered and she hummed, "Can you make this red with the red crown"? You asked, "Yes, you want it"? She laughed as you nodded.

She turned it and you smiled, "Phone" you pull a phone from the drawer nearby and quickly call Harley, "Hey, Can you and Thomas go to the bathroom away from Peter" you said and they took a while before answering "Did it" Harley said.

"The theme is red now, make sure he tries on and actually likes one of a red shade" you pleaded, "You got it Bub" Harley said, "Yeah Bub" Thomas laughed, since he heard that Harley called you Bub, he started calling you it too.

"Bye Nugget" you said and hung up, you smiled at the now red dress and took Wanda's hands into yours as she pulled you off of the stool. "Change and we'll go" Wanda grinned as you went into the changing room, "Be right out".

You changed into a top and some baggy pants, you came out and grabbed Wanda's hand skipping outside, your phone started ringing as you were about to cross the room. "It's Peter" you said, "Hey, P" "Hi Sweetheart, I was just wondering about the suit, I like a red one, is that okay"? He winced, "Of course" you had a smile on your face, "If It's not okay, you can tell me-" "Not at all, I'm definitely okay".

"Okay, love you", "love you more" you replied as he hung up, "Let's go, the dress is in the car" Pepper informed, you made a shocked face "already"?

"I'm getting us Champagne" Wanda whispered as you got into the car, your jaw dropped, "No" you whispered back, "We're getting robes too", "Wanda"! "Another surprise at home" Wanda winked as you laughed.

"Let's go let's go let's go" Wanda rushed, you and her went up to the lounge, you noticed the lack of lights and went to turn them on as all of your friends popped up, "AAAAAHHHH" You yelled and jumped onto Alena as you two fell onto the bean bag.

"Soph! Char!" You exclaimed and pulled them into a hug, "Harp and Ash!" "We're here for the bachelorette party baby" "YESSS" "WE GON HAVE FUN TONIGHT" "WHOOOOO". "Let me call Peter first" you took your phone out but it was immediately taken out of your hands, "Hey"! "Nope, no phoning your fiancé and spending the night with your girlfriends!" Sophia cheered.

You sighed and smiled, at least you were getting to spend time with your best friends. "CHAMPAGNE AND WINE, GET 'EM ALL OUT, WANDS!" Charlotte cheered and Wanda brought out two bottles of each and 8 beer bottles for us.

"Okay, first game, never have I ever, everybody knows the rules, take your beers in hand, Sophia goes first" Charlotte introduced and Sophia smirked, starting the interesting game, "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping". You remembered the time you went to a beach to go skinny dipping with Alena. Alena, Charlotte, Sophia and you drank from the bottle.

"Ooh, Wanda next" Sophia said, "Okay then, since you guys are boring, I'm gonna ask some better questions. Never have I ever received a lap dance"? Your eyes widened as you took a sneaky sip as Ash, Harper and Sofia did too. They looked at you in surprise, "Elaborate, freaky gal" Olivia laughed, "It was Vegas, this girl came in and um- did it, whatever! Me next. Never have I ever had sex somewhere weird, please elaborate" You laughed as everyone's took a sip.

"Me first, with Harp, in a broom closet" Ash said, "With Connor, high school, chemistry lab" Charlotte shrugged, "With a rando, bar bathroom" Wanda started cackling, "Um, on a bathroom carpet at a party, don't remember who" Sophia giggled, "Wow, mine is normal compared all of y'all's. In a car, Peter" you laughed.

By the end of the game, everyone was pretty drunk when you suggested karaoke on the rooftop, "DO YOU NEED MEH, DO YOU THINK I'M PRETTEH, DO I MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE CHEATING? I SAY NO NOT REALLY" Olivia sang at the top of her lungs, "My turn! THIS IS FOR MY FUTURE HUSBAND, WHOOO" You yelled as 'I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend by Girl In Red' started playing. (A/N- Great song btw 😙❤️) lmao I picked the gayest song I could find 😂


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