01001110 01101111 😃

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I wiped the tears and looked at my hand, there were cherry blossoms and tulips slowly growing out of it, I ran my fingers through the flowers, they were soft and wet, I looked around, and the flowers were only spreading, I took a shovel and cut a line around the flowers to stop them.

How the heck did I not notice this before ?!

I extended my cloak and slid it on, I ran out of the cemetry and sat on my cloud, flying it to my room's window, I pushed it away and laid on my bed thinking about what happened. Then I was met with all the fam, some of them teary-eyed. Pa gave me a hug before staring at me confused, "What"? I asked, His eyes narrowed as though trying to figure something out, "Your eyes" He said.

I reached out for my eyes and felt flowers crumbling at the gentle touch, I rubbed both my eyes and the dried flowers fell on my chest, I realized about my new-found powers and shook them, I started fumfering. "Y/n" Mom said acussingly, "Uh- fine, Only you and mum" I said with my head down, "Everybody else, Out"! Mom said as everyone quickly left (A/N- PEPPER RULES 😂).

My two mothers sat on my bed, Mum setting a hand on my leg comfortingly, "So"? Mom asked sweetly, "Well um- I uh- visited um- my mum and dad's grave" I said, they didn't have a reaction, "I was uhh- crying" I whispered fiddling with my fingers. "When I got up, there were cherry blossoms, roses, tulips and daisies growing where I was crying" I explained, "It's okay" Mom pulled my into a hug and mum carresed my leg.


We kinda already knew you were at their grave, daisykins.


"Hey, Pep, come look at this" Tony said, "Why is y/n at the cemetery"? I asked confused, that caught the attention of certain superheroes and they entered Tony's room, "What do you mean"? Wanda asked, "What'd you say"? Bucky asked, "Y/n ? At the cemetery"? Steve asked shocked.

"Worry not, I have a microphone in her cloak" Tony said as we gave him the 'Really Tony 😑' look, "What ? She's my daughter" He rolled his eyes, "Wait a single minute, How'd you know about her being at the cemetery"? Clint asked, "I put a tracker in her phone, requested by Natasha" Tony blamed getting a punch in the arm by Nat.

"So, turn on the speaker, Let's not wait for the grass to grow" Pietro rolled his eyes and Tony did so, I crossed my arms listening to the tape. We had been listening for about an hour and a half and some of us were crying at the sweet words and Tony was sobbing, We could hear her get up but she didn't move or say anything.

"Don't you have a camera, Tony"? Bruce asked, "Not really" Tony said wiping away his tears, "She's moving and there's a weird sound", "It's a shovel hitting the wet sand" Nat said, we shrugged not wanting to know why she knew that. "There was this asshole, he was with Hydra so-", "We don't wanna know, Nat" I cut her off.


Y/n told them everything and Nat and Pepper went out and everybody stood up, They told the others everything, they were shocked but understood. Y/n sat up and fiddled with her ring, she smiled at the thought of her fiancé.

~○■4 Days Later●□~

Y/n was on the roof where Steve had a garden (A/N- Steeb loves gardening :)), Wanda was playing around with the red smoke, sometimes tickling y/n. Y/n forced herself to cry and dropped the precious tears on the patch of grass, suddenly a (favourite colour) rose grew out, she examined the flower, breaking it in the process. The stem had golden glitter inside and that amazed her.

She showed Wanda as she gasped smiling, "That is awesome, y/n"! She cheered, "Everybody to the Kitchen, Important announcement by Boss" J.A.R.V.I.S said and Y/n scrunched up her face in confusion and went to the kitchen with Wanda, Everyone was around the table awwing, "What's up"? Wanda asked, "C'mere, look at this" Tony said and moved a little bit out of the way revealing a picture.

They came closer to see the picture of a Baby with pumpkin-orange eyes dressed up in a fairy costume, a cookie in hand and crumbs covering her bottom lip, her eyes were nearly closed because of how big she was smiling. "Aww, who's this"? Pietro asked holding the picture high, "It's our little pumpkin, y/n" Tony said ruffling the girl's hair as Y/n blushed, It was Halloween and that is why she was dressed up in a fairy costume.

"Милашка, You looked so adorable, too bad you're going to college soon" Natasha said pulling her daughter into a hug, they all crushed her in a hug, there were a lot of people on her, "Okay okay" her muffled voice came.《Cutie》


"It's only Massachusetts and I'm going to be with Peter" I said and we all went and got takeout,  "Chinese" I pressed the green button, "ITALIAN" Pa shouted pressing the Red Button, "Y/n said Chinese so, we're eating chinese" Maма said as I looked down, "We can eat both, Don't be so hard on Pa" I said clinging on his arm.

Pa kissed my forehead, "I love you" he whispered in my ear, "I love you more" I whispered kissing his cheek. "WHAT DID YOU TWO SAY"? Mама asked. "Nat, he said I love you and she said I love you more........ another perk of hearing aids" Uncle Clint said as I laughed, "What about me" She frowned. I gave her a hug, "There's no need, you all know, I already love all of you" I said, a aoft smile on my face.

"Papà, amo molto te, mamma e la mia mamma spia, non hanno bisogno di saperlo" I said in Italian so only pa could understand, "Il mio angelo di figlia sa l'italiano, ti amo tanto, zucca" Pa said as I laughed, "Hey, no fair, you and Natasha have a secret Language" Mom complained, I pouted and then realized mom's native language.

《Dad, I love you very much, mom and my spy mom, they don't need to know》
《My angel of a daughter knows Italian, I love you so much, pumpkin》

"Ma, you really think that ? J'ai un langage secret avec toi aussi ma chère maman" I laughed, "Comment te souviens-tu de tant de langues, mon soleil"? She asked, I chuckled, "I really don't know, mom". "We're eating or is she going to speak to Vision and J.A.R.V.I.S in Binary language" Uncle Clint pouted, I rolled my eyes taking out a piece of Pen and Paper.

《I have a secret language with you too my dearest mom》
《How do you remember so many languages, my sunshine?》

"01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01010100 01101111 01101110 01111001 00100000 00111111"? I said wiggling my eyebrows, "01001110 01101111" Vision and Jarvis replied simultaneously, I scribbled it down and converted it, I laughed, "I was joking-" Uncle Clint said.

《Do you like Tony ?》

"Well Paaa, Vision and J.A.R don't like you, BUT LET'S FORGET THAT, LET'S GET TAKEOUT" I smiled and flew out with Wanda and Vision floating behind me, straight into the elevator.

(A/N- Okay, I loved the last part, It was cute and funny, I started watching Friends today, please suggest me some more shows, I'm always bored as fuck 🙂, also, I came back home today 🎉)

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