Uncle Loki's Birthday 👑🎊

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We were eating the extra frosting laughing when we heard glass break, my eyebrows furrowed and we asked J where the noise was coming from, "It seems that Peter is badly hurt and broke the mirror by accident" "Did anybody wake up"? I asked, "Nobody except Pietro and he is on his way to Peter's" J.A.R.V.I.S informed and we also rushed to Peter.

We saw that Peter had his suit on without the mask and then noticed the big wound on his left thigh, the bullet shined and Pietro ran to get some tweezers. I thought that the tweezers will hurt so, i got a shirt from the closet and wrapped it above the cut and took a deep breath, "If it hurts, tell me" I said and moved my hands as if i were pulling something, concentrating on the bullet.

I stopped pulling when i heard "It's out" by a certain Sokovian, I looked at it and untied the shirt, putting pressure on the wound instead, Pa got a surture and sat him on his bed sewing the bullet wound. I held his hand as he let out little yelps, "How'd this- you know what get some rest" I said knowing that he desperately needed it.

I pushed away the glass pieces as best as I could with my powers so that nobody would step on it. I laid in my own bed and Peter was running through my mind, How, Where and Why ? I wanted answers but i was exhausted from waking up at 1 AM till 4 AM so, I let myself fall asleep.

I woke up just in time to surprise Uncle Loki and wake everyone up. "J, can you please wake everyone up except Uncle Loki" I asked, "Of course, Cute Russian 2.0" J.A.R.V.I.S said as i smiled at the name. Everyone started gathering in the Lounge and i gestured them up to the Penthouse, I then went to Uncle Loki's room.

"Uncle Loki ? Happy Birthday" I wished as he woke up, "Thank you, y/n" He said, I got him off of his bed and he used his magic to get ready, "C'mon" I pulled him up to the Penthouse where everybody was whispering, "You did this for me"? Uncle Loki said admiring the view. "No, Pa helped" I smiled at him, "Thank you, lovely" he said kissing my forehead.

I started songs and all of us danced for a while, Peter helped bring the cake out of the refrigerator and set it on the centre table, Pa looked very proud and so did i, It looked absolutely delicious. "You're gonna cut the cake or what"? I asked handing him a butter knife, We sang Happy Birthday to him and he opened up his presents.

At last he gave me a hug and thanked me for organizing it, we went out to eat and hung out the rest of the day. I went to check on Peter's leg, "PETER"? I yelled, "IN MY ROOM" He shouted back, I rushed to his room and opened the gauze which was wrapped around his thigh.

It was covered in dried blood and the cut looked like it mostly healed, "Now, How'd you get hurt"? I asked. "I- uh I went to stop a hostage situation at least a mile away and tried to deal with it but got striked by a thick knife" He explained. "It's okay, Are you okay"? I asked, "Yeah, i can totally walk but i would feel so much better swinging round the city" I asked, his voice full of hope.

"No dealing with big things and you keep me aware of where you are through the intercom and i swear to the gods above if you get hurt" I said as he smiled and suited up, "Take Care for Christ's sake" I shouted as he swung away.


I swung around the city saving some civilians and saw a jewelry store getting robbed, "Y/n doesn't need to know" I shrugged and swung in, "Oh hey man" I said as he tried to punch me "That's not very polite" I said and threw a punch and a kick swiping him off his feet. I webbed him up and waited for the police to come, "Thank you Spider-Man" The owner said and i nodded "That's my job" I said as my eyes fell on a beautiful ring, it was a vintage daisy ring.

 I webbed him up and waited for the police to come, "Thank you Spider-Man" The owner said and i nodded "That's my job" I said as my eyes fell on a beautiful ring, it was a vintage daisy ring

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It would suit Y/n. I took a note in my mind to buy it for y/n, When i heard the sirens, I swung back home, it was an hour long and i still was tired.

"Are you okay"? Y/n peeked into my room and asked, "Yeah, no injuries" I gave her a smile, "Great" She said and pulled me into a hug burying her head into my chest, "Do you wanna play a game"? She asked, "Yes" I immediately replied.

We played cards and i won once out of the 3 times we played, "I'm tired" I said and down exhausted from God knows what, "Me too" She said and laid in my arms, "Isn't there school tomorrow"? She asked, "There is" I replied, "Great" She said and we fell asleep.

~○■In The Morning●□~

Y/n and i hurried out of the building grabbing a piece of toast from the breakfast table, "No time to eat, LOVE YA" Y/n shouted grabbing my hand and running down the stairs because the elevator wasn't working, "Time"? I asked, "8:48". (A/N- I didn't mean to but it's 8:48 rn, WAKANDA VOODOO MAGIC IS THIS?)

We stepped into the car and Happy quickly drove us to School, "3 minutes to spare, Let's go" She said in victory and we entered the school going to our class, We quickly rested our bags aside, "Here come the orphans" Flash said but we ignored.

Yeeeeaaahhh, so good news, bad news. Good news- Flash didn't bully me today, Bad news- there is a trip in school, to Stark Tower, Y/n and I are toast.

We exited the school and I disappeared out of Y/n's sight to the jewelry store from last night, "Hello sir, Can i see your flower collection"? I asked as he nodded pulling out the same daisy ring "I'll take it" I said and paid for it, Weird old man with sunglasses (A/N- I wonder who it could be 🤔), I tucked the ring box in my bag and found y/n again.

She started asking questions about where I was and i just shut her up by giving her a long kiss, We found Happy and we got to the Tower.

(Holy fuck, this is the first time I've posted consecutively, Lucky you 😂)


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