Donuts 🍩

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~●□In The Morning○■~

I jolted awake by my alarm, It was 10:00 but I was still a little tired, I moved in my bed and got up to turn off the alarm, I stretched myself out and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I picked out a white crop top, A high waisted pair of shorts, a mint green flannel and my pair of converse.

I walked out to see Alena and Dane still fast asleep, I gently shook Alena through which Dane woke up too, "It's 11 AM guys, wake up" I said and went straight to the kitchen to make our morning Iced Coffee for Alena and me, after that was done, I ...

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I walked out to see Alena and Dane still fast asleep, I gently shook Alena through which Dane woke up too, "It's 11 AM guys, wake up" I said and went straight to the kitchen to make our morning Iced Coffee for Alena and me, after that was done, I handed her a plastic cup and got myself a handy dandy bottle and another bottle in my bag for water.

I took my bicycle out and started biking my way to the tower and along the way, I bought donuts and finally reached the tall tower, I entered being greeted by the front desk lady, "I'm here for the Internship" I said with a smile, "Name"? She asked, "Y/n" I said keeping a donut at her desk, "Well, thank you for that and here is your badge" she said handing me a pin.

"You can scan the badge and it'll take you to your floor, my name is Hannah by the way and this is Aidan if you need help" she said pointing beside her, "Thank you Ms. Hannah, would you like a donut Mr. Aidan" I asked, "Uh sure, Thank you" he said as I handed him a donut.

I entered the elevator and scanned the badge and then pinned it onto my Flannel, I stepped out onto the floor to see a big man in front of me, "Donut"? I asked opening the box, he smiled and took one out. I walked a long hallway trying to find where I will be working when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going"! He said, "Oh no, shoot, I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to" I apologized, "It's fine" he rolled his eyes, "Would you like- OH MY GOD, YOU'RE MR. LOKI" I said, "Yeah why"? He asked, "I'm a huge fan, sir, can I get a picture" I asked shyly, "A fan ? Of me ? Sure" he said and took out his phone and took my phone.

He clicked a picture from my phone and from his phone as well, "Thank you, Would you like a Donut"? I asked, he smiled and took one out, "By the way, your horns are very cool" I said walking away as he started touching the horns on his helmet. I walked away and saw the same big man I saw before, "Sir, I don't know where I'm supposed to go" I said, "I'm Happy, what's your name"? He asked.

"Hello Mr. Happy, I'm Y/n y/l/n" I said, "Oh" he smirked and took my hand, "You're not supposed to be on this floor" he said, "IRIS, Who is this" I whispered, "Huh"? He asked as we stepped into the elevator, I shook my head as IRIS's speaker was connected in my ear through a wireless connection.

"This is Happy Hogan, Head of Security at Stark Industries, he is taking you to floor 24 to meet Mr. Stark" IRIS replied, I panted and started bouncing my leg, "What's up, Kid" Happy asked, "Umm, I- nothing Mr. Hogan" I said as he stared at me, "I um never told you my last name" he said, "Yeah, I'm just nervous about meeting Mr. Stark" I said as he just stared at me.

We got off and I saw some woman and IRIS made a circle around her face and said through my speaker, "This is Pepper Potts, first name Virginia, The CEO of Stark Industries and the girlfriend of Mr. Stark hims-", We entered and I saw Tony Stark, I froze, IRIS started to speak but I said "Yeah, i don't need anything on him, IRIS".

"What"? He said and I quickly got embarrassed and started blushing, "J.A.R.V.I.S, what is that"? He said and some circles started forming on his glasses too, just like mine, I started digging my nail into my finger out of nervousness.

"Hey, it's okay, don't do that" He said pointing at my fingers, I quickly separated my fingers apart, "Can I"? He asked pointing at my glasses, "Umm I need them, my eyesight is weak" I said, "That's fine, please"? He asked, I shakily handed him the glasses.

"What's the name"? He asked, I sighed "It's IRIS" I looked down fiddling with my fingers, "Nice, you're too smart to be working with Trevor" he said, "Happy, move her to Lab 5 floor 25" He said and my stomach started churning, "Sir, um it won't reply to you if I don't allow it" I said looking down.

"Hmm, Smart, caaan you allow it now"? He asked handing them to me, I took them, put them on and said "IRIS, Allow Mr. Stark to use". "Allowing use to Mr. Stark" IRIS said in my earpiece, "This is the earpiece connected to the glasses and now you're allowed" I said and came closer and handed him both the devices.

He took them and put them on, "IRIS when were you created" He asked, I couldn't hear what IRIS said due to the connected earpiece. "What's the crime stat" he asked as my eyes widened, it wasn't visible as I was looking down. "What's your name, kid"? He asked, "y/n" I said as he smiled, "Donut"? I asked with my lips pursed together.

"Sure, kid" He smiled taking one out of the box, "Happy, leave. C'mon kid, let's get to the lab" He said grabbing my hand as Mr. Hogan left, he gave me back my glasses and earpiece as I whispered "Minimize the use to Me and Peter". We reached the Lab and he pulled me in, "I also met this Peter, he is as smart as you so, we all are gonna work together" he said smiling.

I couldn't hold in my happiness in and waddled to him setting my bag aside and hugged him, sitting on the workbench together, "Can I assume you're dating"? Mr. Stark asked, "Y-yeah" Peter stuttered and I blushed.

I was still in shock that I was actually working with The Tony Stark, we started working on the test repulsers, "No, this goes here, love" I said grabbing Peter's hand and stopping it where it was supposed to be.

We worked for an hour and then after that, I heard bustling outside and decided to check because Mr. Stark wasn't there, "Umm, Mr. Stark"? I asked and then froze when I saw Ms. Wanda from Avengers looking at me, My body was burning and was ice cold at the same time, "Hi" Ms. Wanda said, "Darling"? she snapped in front of my face, "Oh shoot, I'm so sorry for interrupting, I'll go" I said when she pulled me back, "What's your name"? She asked, "Y-y/n" I stuttered.

"Hey, no need to be nervous, y/n" She said as I nodded, "You're so cute (EDIT- Everybody say Thank you Ms. Wanda), let's get you introduced to everyone" she said, "Oh, no no no, I don't wanna disturb them, I was looking for Mr. Stark because I'm done" I said, "Your done so, you've got spare time" she said and dragged me to a fancy lounge with a bar in the corner.

"Guys, look, this is y/n" she said and they smiled at me, "Yeah, we met in the hallway" Mr. Loki said, I nodded Mr. Stark was sitting there looking amused, "Umm, Mr. Stark, I was done with- umm the repulsers" I said pointing back to the way we came from, I turned around but Ms. Wanda turned me back around.

"Wouldn't you like to meet the Avengers"? She asked, "Not really- shoot I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT" I said and knew I already looked like an embarrased tomato, they were all laughing, curse my super-hearing.

"I'm gonna go" I said scrunching my face, "Hey, it's okay, we're awkward too" Mr. Hawkeye said, A smile crept up on my face, "N/n, where are you"? Peter called out and saw the Avengers just chilling on a sofa, "Nope" he said and turned around when Ms. Wanda formed red smoke around him and pulled him back.

"So, you're Peter" Mr. Thor said, "You know me"?! Peter asked with his face lit up, "Stark told us" Mr. Thor replied, I looked at Mr. Stark a little uncomfortably, "Alright, enough troubling my Interns, go into the elevator, click the 5th floor and eat something" he said and we left.

I remembered something and went into the Lab bringing out my box of Donuts, I had this cheeky smile and went into the lounge once again and said "Umm you can have these if you want" and skipped my way to Peter holding his hand and we went to the 5th floor to eat.

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