Date 😏

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I was grinning like an idiot when Ned called me out, "Peter, when are you gonna stop smiling, it's getting kinda creepy, dude" he said, "I... asked... y/n... out" I said slowly, "You did, she has powers right"? He asked,

"Yeah, but it's not about that, the day I got beaten up, she was the only one who cared enough to treat my injuries, she's cute, kind, smart and a bonus is that she knows my secret and it's safe to come to her even late at night so, she could treat my cuts and stuff" I said dreamily.

"I can clearly see that you're into her but control yourself, we're at class now" he said as we entered Chemistry class, the teacher kinda hated me because I had perfect grades, like bro I'm doing good, you should be proud, ugh. (EDIT- same ugh, i mean i don't have perfect grades but I come to class at least, be proud ugh) We finished class and then it was lunch, Flash took my lunch money as usual, like isn't he rich, Y/n shared her food but she didn't know that i have a high metabolism.

After the school ended y/n called me "Hey, over here" she said as I walked over to a tree, "C'mon", "Why"! I asked, she said nothing but dragged me to Delmar's, "Hey Mr. Delmar" she said, "Hello, I see you've met Mr. Parker" he said, "Yep, I want 4 sandwiches" she said slamming a $5 $2 and a $1 bill.

"What are you doing"? I asked she didn't reply, got the sandwiches and sat me down on a bench, "What-" I tried to say when she shoved a sandwich in my mouth, "Eat, we have a high metabolism and I'm hungry, that means you're hungry and you can't stay hungry with me around" she said as I smiled showing the food in my mouth.

We ate 2 sandwiches each as her phone chimed.


Beautiful Magician 👩‍🦰
Did you get out of school yet, Sugar ?

Yes and I'm excited 😁

Bird brain 🦅
Why, my new niece

A cute boy asked me out today 😚

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
Aww what's his name

Peter 🤪

The thrillionaire mechanic 👨‍🔧
Can you send us a pic ?

Ummm okay

I quickly clicked a cute picture of Peter, "What was that for"? He smiled, "It is to show my internet family" I smiled brightly as he laughed.

*Attachment: 1 image*

Brooklyn Doodie 👱🏻‍♂️
He's adorable 🥺

Speedy Gonzalez 🚄
Now, I wanna meet you, you must be a cute dog that turned human

Maybe I am, Arf 🐶

Beautiful Magician 👩‍🦰
You're too pure 😢

Well, I gotta go get ready for my date


I sent the text while walking home, it was almost 3 PM and I reached home, "Alena, I got a date, 2 hours from now with Peter" I said as soon as I walked into our room, "Spiderboy"? She asked as I nodded. "I'm gonna wear an oversized hoodie with shorts because I don't think I wanna go out" I whispered to myself.

I wore a baby blue hoodie with my name written small in black colour in the front with biker shorts, It was 4:47 so, I started walking in the direction of Peter's house. "Hey, you must be y/n, you're cuter than Peter's story" A woman said as I started blushing, "I'm May, you can call me Aunt May or anything-" she said when Peter interrupted.

"Mayy, stooopp" Peter whined pulling me in, He was also wearing a hoodie, except it was a pink one with black pajamas, "So my hunch was right, we are watching a movie" I said noticing the snacks he bought, Peter smiled, "Which movie do you wanna watch"?

We ended up watching The Joker, I snuggled upto him while watching it on his bed, I was pretty tired but didn't mind staying awake for the movie.


Y/n fell asleep even though she tried to stay awake as long as she could, I smiled at the sight, I caressed her face while playing with her hair until I fell asleep. (EDIT- My Insomnia could neverrr *sleep*)

~●□In The Morning○■~

I woke up the next day with y/n still on my chest, I grinned at the thought of our date last night, I played with her hair until I realized the time, 8:14, I panicked and gently caressed her face when she woke up, "Oh frick, did- no, I'm so sorry, shoot we have School" she said getting off of me.

"Hey, it's fine, you can use my bathroom, I had fun on our date" I smiled, "Me too umm, you wanna do it again"? She asked, "Sure, a café this time"? I asked, "Of course, the one near Delmar's"? She said, "I'm gonna take a bath, you can sit with May, she's probably watching TV" I laughed.


I walked out and saw Aunt May watching TV just like Peter said, "Oh, I didn't know you stayed the night, y/n" Aunt May smiled, "Oh yeah, I fell asleep, you don't mind, do you"? I asked, "Oh not at all sweetie, you left your phone outside as well" she said handing me it, "Oh, thank you Ms. Parker" I said, "Please, it's May" She smiled.

I switched on my phone to see messages from Alena and the group chat-

Alena 💅🤡
Y/n, When are you coming back, it's been 3 hours
Girl, what the fuck are you guys doing ?
are you guys doing the dirty ?

I fell asleep by mistake but imma meet you at school
I'll tell you the details at school (EDIT- Liar Liar)


Science Nerd 🧪
Heyya, how did your date go ?

Oh, It went really well, we're going on a second date after school ☺️

Beautiful Magician 👩‍🦰
That's awesome, Sugar

I fell asleep on him by mistake and spent the night
his aunt was really sweet about it too
I have to go to school now tho ✌🏻

I sent my last text when Peter came out and we walked to school, "Y/n, I was so worried about you, you should've told me you were spending the night" she groaned, "I'm sorry" I said, "Let's go to class" She said taking my hand as I left Peter's hand, "I'll see you later" Peter said as I smiled.

Btw, You Got The Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now