The (very embarrassing) Trip 😌 Pt. 2

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P.s- A little self hate and depressing

"YOU CAN'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT"! He yelled, I flinched stepping back, "Yeah, I-I'm sorry" I sighed and went to the washroom, "What is wrong with you, y/n. They probably think that you're mental" I said to myself, I washed my face and went out again, as soon as i got out Peter engulfed me into a hug.

"It's okay, it happens. You let your fury out" (A/N- *Wink**Wink* 😏) He comforted, "C'mon, The fam wants to embarrass us a little more and it's 2 PM, I'm sure we're almost done" He kissed my cheek and brought me back to Asher. We stayed behind, not wanting to attract attention after the stunt i pulled.

"We allow you to have a break and take pictures if you'd like before we continue the tour" Asher explained, i was relieved because everybody would be too busy taking pictures- oh look, they already started. I rested my head on Peter's shoulder as he took cute photos of us, I smiled at his adorableness, I heard barking, Pets weren't really allowed in the tower so I thought someone was pranking us but then a dog ran towards me.

He sat on my lap and came behind me and crawled up my hair, onto my head, I sighed as Peter laughed at me, "You think this funny"? I whispered pouting playfully, "Okay, I'm sorry" He said trying to contain his laugh, "He has his tail wrapped around a knife" Peter whispered. I picked him up from my head and put him on my lap, It was a very chunky chow chow, "Why you furball of happiness" I stuck my bottom lip out.

Even as a dog, Uncle Loki had pride in his every step, suddenly everybody came around to pet him, Mr Harrington shoved everybody aside complaining, "Ms Y/l/n, I don't know how you brought your pet but it's not allowed" He scolded as the dog swung back defensively, his knife pointed at Mr Harrington.

Now again, all eyes were on Peter and me, "Sir-" I started to speak but he cut me off, "No, this is unacceptable, 1st you lie about your internship, 2nd you snap at your classmate and you bring your pet to our trip" He said and i set Loki down, "Loki"? I sighed. The dog turned to a raven-haired man who wore pure Asgardian leather (A/N- And should be arrested for being too cute and handsome).

Everybody was taken aback, "Is there a problem with me and my niece and nephew"? Uncle Loki asked with a creepily calm voice, "Oh, I'm absolutely sorry, I-I didn't-", "Save it" Uncle Loki rolled his eyes cutting him off and walked away. I was looking down knowing everybody was staring, I slipped out of the group, suprisingly slipped past Peter too and went towards my room, I laid on my bed letting it swallow me.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your tour group, Romanova"? F.R.I.D.A.Y asked, "I don't know F.R.I, I don't feel like myself" I sighed, "Code Orange initiated by Poptart Hoarder" F.R.I.D.A.Y announced in a monotone voice, "Now"!? I said. I opened my closet and entered my smaller secret room and hid in it so, nobody could find me.

"The tour group is waiting for you, ma'am, your teacher, Mr Harrington is throwing a tantrum, Would you like to see"? I.R.I.S asked, I.R.I.S had access to all the security cameras across the NYC, including the tower. "Ummm, yeah, turn the volume to 3 too" I whispered as the drama started, "I can't believe it, this girl is so much trouble, WHERE IS SHE ?! Can everybody look for her"! He shouted, I could clearly see Peter's clenched fist.

I kept my head down, Everybody hates me, I'm nothing but trouble, I bring trouble with me, the Avengers probably adopted me out of pity, they probably want to give me away to an orphanage, Flash is right, I'm just an annoying little orphan who nobody wants. I didn't even realize when I started crying, "Are you crying, Little Romanoff"? I.R.I.S asked, "Yes" I said as the side of my glasses opened and a thin chocolate bar came out.

"How long has this been here, I.R.I.S"? I asked laughing while the tears ran down my cheek, "Mr Stark added this when he stole me from your bedside, about 12 days ago, the chocolate is still fresh and there is another one on the other side" I.R.I.S explained and I silently ate it.

"Y/n, You scared me"! Peter opened my small compartment, "How'd you find me"? I asked, "I.R.I.S- Wait, why were crying, princess"? He asked taking me into his arms, "I just- I think I've been bottling my emotions up so, i let them out" I sighed resting my head on his chest. "Let's go before Mr Harrington starts a tantrum again" He rejoiced and pulled me up, "Here she is, God, what am i gonna do with you"? Mr Harrington grabbed the bridge of his nose.

"What seems to be the problem, Mr Harrington"? Someone said, who's voice I recognize very properly. "Uh- We're sorry to disturb you but I just have an extremely rebellious child who is behaving out-of-character today" He explained to the Black Widow. "And who might that be"? She asked, I wanted the ground to open and swallow me whole at the moment, "These two right here" He said pointing at Peter and me.

I looked down because i was embarrassed for the 100th time today but mostly because I had tear stains on my face which I didn't want my mum to see. I used my hand and triggered a small water fountain and wiped my face so there'd be no trace of tears, "Can I talk to them alone"? She said tilting her head with a glint of worry in her eyes.

"Uh- um, Okay" He stuttered and we followed her into the common Lounge, "So...... Why was she crying"? She asked, "I found her in her room and she said she let her bottled feelings out" Peter said. "She did snap at the bully. What's up, pumpkin"? She questioned, "Peter, Can you please"? I said wanting him to leave, he politely agreed and left.

"Mum, I just feel left out, Never loved, pitied. I just- I feel like everybody is against me and hates me" I started sobbing and Mum pulled me into her arms calming me, "Nobody hates you, драгоценный, You have us, you have Peter, you even have Loki. Nobody has Loki"! She comforted holding my hand as i nodded. 《Precious》

(A/N- YEAH YEAH I KNOW OKAY, A BIT DEPRESSING but y'all have college to go to, yes, you've been living with the avengers for about two years, I am too lazy to write y'all's birthday sooooo, that's already been celebrated, sorreh 😃. PLUSSSS You are 18, just to be clear 🙂)

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