Tell Me This Isn't Real 😢

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~○■Timardium Skipiosa●□~

You heard groaning from beside you and woke up, just to see Peter in his Spidey-suit with a big slash on his chest. "Peter"? You whisper-yelled with your eyes droopy, "Go- back to s-sleep" He said in between coughs, you suddenly fell back into your bed and passed out.

"Crap"! Someone yelled and you woke up, Peter was standing above you, shaking his hand, "What" you asked and tried to sit up, "Stay down, you have a fever" He said but you sat up anyways and started examining the large gash on his chest.

"I took care of it and it's gonna disappear a few hours later anyway. Your time to rest" He comforted and rested you down on the bed, kissing your forehead. You coughed loudly, "I'm gonna get you some medicine, okay darling"? Peter said as you nodded and he went down.

You wrapped the fluffy blanket around yourself, sniffling.

After a good fifteen minutes, Peter came back with a tablet and fed you some soup before letting you take the tablet. "Do you need anything"? He asked, "Cuddles"? You asked, sinking under the blanket, He smiled softly and slipped under the blanket with you and slid his arm around your waist, tucking his face in the crook of your neck.

~○■13 days Lateur ᕙ(๏ 益 ๏)ᕗ●□~

You coughed loud enough for the whole school to hear and started squirming in uneasiness, "Baby, you okay"? Peter asked, a tear slipped your eyes as your throat was hurting from all the coughing.

"Yeah" you said, quickly wiping the tear away, "I saw that" Peter said, bringing you hot tea, "I-" You couldn't speak, you drank your cup of tea in silence. "That's better right"? He asked, "Thank you" You held his hand, staring right into his eyes.

"Are you sure you can go to the party tonight"? He asked, sympathetically, "Not really" You said shaking your head, "I'll stay with you, okay"? He smiled, you shook your head again, "No, no no, you're going, no arguments" "Are you sure"? He tilted his head. He started reasoning with you, how he could stay and take care of you but you forced him to go.

"Y/n, you okay"? Thomas asked, laying a hand on your forehead, slowly taking it right off "Clearly not" He murmured, "I'm not going but take care of my lovely Peter, Okay Thomas"? You said and push Peter out, "I love you" he kissed you and walked away as Thomas thumped his back, trying to build his confidence.


I thumped his back, "It's time to have fun, Pete, there's a party!" I came in front of him, walking backwards, his face fell as he smiled, "Okay, fine" he laughed, "Awesome, Let's get partying"! I said, jumping beside him again, still keeping my arm around his shoulder. We picked Olivia up as I kissed her, smiling like a lovesick puppy, I caught Peter's sad glance and quickly pulled away.

I whispered into Olivia's ear about Y/n not being able to join us so, she nodded understandably. We reached the party and I greeted the boys and so did Peter, "Drinks Guys" Alex said with a tray in his hands, "Charmed the whole tray right out of her hands" Alex smirked.

Peter backed out but Daniel and Nathan made him down 11 drinks, "I like Jack" (Edit- Hehe, just to be clear, Jack is alcohol not a person lol 😂) Peter said, basically inhaling the shots, "Damn, Pete" Ashton said and brought him more, "Uh- I don't-" I got pulled back by Olivia before I could handle Peter.

~○■An hour or two lateur ༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽●□~

"ALEX! PETER! ALEX! PETER! ALEX! PETER! ALEX! PETER"! I heard chanting and went to the back, near the pool to see Peter and Alex chugging beer, "Holy shi-" I was cut off by Peter's winning cheer. I pulled Peter out, "NO. MORE. ALCOHOL"! I shouted over the music, "Okay Thomas" He gave a lop-sided smiled and stumbled away.

I went back to Olivia who was dancing with her friends, "Woah, we gotta keep an eye out for Peter, Liv" I said, a bit concerned because Y/n told me his tolerance was high, "Of course, you haven't had alcohol, have you"? She asked, "A couple shots? Yeah but not much, what about you"? I asked, "Same as you" she said and we went with a group that was playing games so, we joined.

We played beer pong for a while (A/N- I think that's what it is, I'm about to hurt ya 😂), The crowd some what calmed down and we decided to go, We pulled Peter who was dancing as Olivia grabbed his jacket from the chair it was hanging on.

"Where are we going, Rose was just starting to-" I cut him off, "You're drunk as fuck and Y/n is going to kill us" "Thom, she's too sweet for that" Olivia said as I made a face, agreeing with her.

"Y/n who"? Peter laughed slipping away from my grip, my forehead crumpled "Your Fianceé" I said, horror written on mine and Olivia's face, "CALL ME, PETER"! Rose shouted, winking as she passed by, Courtney handling her drunken state.

Y/N'S POV 💥 (A/N- And I oop- 🤭)

I sat there, eating ramen that I had made, my head pounding, screaming at me to get some rest but I wanted to wait until Peter came back, I finished Moana and put on Luca, I sighed, It's really not like Peter to stay at a party for more than an hour.

My phone got a notification from Twitter --interrupting my movie--it's not that unusual for Ashley to post something everyday so, I clicked.

My subtle smile faded, I had a straight face as I watched Peter kissing Rose with his shirt's sleeves rolled up. My phone dropped from my hands and I started shaking. I crawled to the bathroom and turned on the faucet, throwing water on my face, trying to control my uneven breath.

I started repeatedly murmuring 'no' under my breath as if it would undo what I just saw. Once I calmed myself, I shakily walked out, the tears on my face drying out, I slid the daisy ring off my finger, slowly dropping it onto the shelf, I took my phone, some food, a change of clothes -Including my cloak- and some money.

I flew out of the window with my necessities, I was angry but most of all I was sad, 1 night took away 6 years worth of memories. I flew to Boston University where Alena was, I had been visiting her every other month and I knew some of her friends there who always stayed awake till 1 AM or more so, I flew into Alena's room.

My nose was still running, she was on her desk studying, I made quite some noise when I got in so, she turned around.


(A/N- MUAHAHAHA, I know, this is kinda evil, idk but I got this idea out of fucking nowhere and I decided to go with it. I posted early too. I'm tryna get better but this idea hit me so I'm literally writing this at 2 in the morning with a power cut and 3% battery. I have no battery to proofcheck this so, if this has mistakes, Deal with it. I am very happy to include Alena again and I hope y'all are too, toodles 😙❤✌)


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