Alena's Scary 😂

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I woke up in cold sweat, that cruel video playing in the back of my head, I looked at the clock and saw 5:08 flashing on it. I slowly stumbled out of bed and wrote a note for Alena-

Prolly should have said a proper goodbye but woke up early so, decided to head home, Thanks a lot again for the night and love ya and the girls loads - Y/n

I grabbed my dress and slid my cloak on, I flew out in nothing but pajamas and my cloak, I was freezing in the weather but reached a bedroom window and opened the emergency entry window.

"F.R.I and J.A.R, don't announce my arrival please" I said and kept the dress on a chair before I jumped onto the guest bed face down. I got comfy under the blanket and I fell asleep.

~○■4 Hours Later ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ●□~

I slowly woke up, stretching, "Hello Sleeping Beauty" I let out a small yelp and saw Uncle Buck standing there, "You scared me" I said, barely audible. "What's going on, you..... seem sad" he sat down beside my bed, I jumped on him and he wrapped me in a hug, "You have a fever, where's Peter"? He asked and I couldn't take it. I cried.

He rubbed my back, soothing me until I stopped crying and then asked me "Are you gonna tell me what's up"? I nodded and rubbed my eyes, wiping the tears and said "F.R.I, can you show us the latest post by Ashley Richards" I didn't take my eyes off my Uncle, not wanting to look at it.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, Close this" He ordered and it did, he wrapped me in a tight hug, "What the hell" he whispered, looking mad. "Can I call everyone in or no" He asked softly, I thought about it for a second, "Maybe later"? I said, "Can I just hug you for a while" I stuck bottom lip out, he smiled softly, opening his arms. (A/N- I kid you not, I legit almost wrote ass, opening his ass lmao 😂)

After a few minutes, we called everyone in, Mum took me in her arms, "We were waiting, Where's Peter"? She asked, Uncle Bucky swung his hand side to side in front of his neck and her face crunched, "Let's get you some breakfast first, we'll meet you downstairs" Uncle Bucky ruffled my hair and all of them left.

I took a bath and brushed my teeth before wearing a pair of jeans, sweater and boots. I got out to the kids floor and went down to the kitchen where everyone except Pietro was sitting around Uncle Bucky.

"Hey Pietro" I greeted, "Ah Y/n, I haven't met you in forever" He smiled, "What're you making"? I said, returning the smile, "Smoothies, you like them"? He asked, "I love everything you guys make" I said and went to the group, jumping on dad's bac...

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"Hey Pietro" I greeted, "Ah Y/n, I haven't met you in forever" He smiled, "What're you making"? I said, returning the smile, "Smoothies, you like them"? He asked, "I love everything you guys make" I said and went to the group, jumping on dad's back, "Hello" I said cheerily.

"Pa, can you um- do something for me"? I asked, "Of course, go ahead" He smiled, "Uh, can you uh- get my stuff and um- talk to the head to get my degree" I asked, sinking down, thinking I asked too much. "Yeah, Pepper can talk to the principal and Happy can get your stuff" He smiled and kissed my forehead.


I heard a knock on my door, I had slight hope that it was y/n but when I opened it, Olivia came in. "I WOULD SLAP YOU but I won't, HOW COULD YOU, WHERE'S Y/N"? She yelled, "I don't know, I- I want to say sorry" I choked up and tears fell down my eyes. I didn't expect it but Olivia hugged me, "Listen, I haven't seen 2 people more meant for each other, talk to her" She advised.

"I- I heard her, she- doesn't wanna see me again" I sniffled, "She doesn't mean that" She said, "You really think so"? I asked, hopefully, she nodded and I smiled, "Go now" I said and she left. I slid my Spidey-suit on and swung to Alena's room.

"Alena"? I asked, she came near me and started hitting me with the pencil she had in hand, "What"?! I said backing away, "WHAT THE FUCK, PARKER"?! She yelled, "I want to say sorry, I can't find her and her phone was in the middle of nowhere, please tell me where she is"? I pleaded, hoping she'd be convinced.

"Fine, Stark Towers but if she gives even one hint that she doesn't want you, you leave her be" She warned, Alena's scary, "O- of course, DON'T BITE ME" I yelled and swung to my signature alleyway, changing into normal citizen clothes. I sighed and walked to Stark Towers with my suit tucked under my shirt.


Whereas Peter walked to you, you were pouring your heart out about not wanting to see him ever again while you drank your smoothie, "Can I get a raspberry smoothie"? You asked, pouting, Pietro zoomed away and got you it right away. "I know I told him to go but he betrayed me, I never did anything to break his trust, did I"? You said as you laid your head in Steve's lap.

Peter stepped onto the elevator and clicked on the 67th floor where all of the rooms were. He bursted into your room where everyone was sitting beside you, You started breathing unevenly and pushed him with your powers, slamming the door afterwards.

"Let me handle it" Tony said as Natasha, grabbed your hand, squeezing it comfortingly, "No, I don't want to see him, Mum" You said, scared of getting your heart broken again, scared of getting betrayed.

"You'll have to talk to him" Pepper said, running her fingers through your hair, "No no no no" You said as Steve calmed you down a little. "Okay, you don't have to but just look into it, okay"? Wanda said and tilted her head looking at you, Sympathy filled in her eyes.

(A/N- WOOOHOOOO, I'M ON A MF STREAK, 4 CHAPTERS, Hope Y'all are liking the constant posting, I have nothing to say tbh, Love yaaaa 😙❤)

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