Kidnapped 🤸‍♀️

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"Hello May" I said, "Hey, Sweetie, what's up"? She said, "Have you eaten anything"? I asked, "Oh no, Peter, you can buy something, take $20 from me, kay"? She said, "I made Pasta, It's in the fridge, Lemme heat it up real quick" I said, "That's so sweet of you" she smiled as I took a box out.

I heated the Pasta up and served us all, after we ate I said "Well, Peter, we gotta go, we're gonna be late" I said pulling him out, "Wait let me get our bottles" he said and got out with our water bottles. "Let's go already" I laugh and I biked my way and Peter ran along keeping up the pace.


"So, we can't have these People running the streets" Fury said, "Who are we talking about here"? Sam asked, "Spiderman and the Terra girl" Fury stated, I smirked "If I hand them over in an hour or even half, you'll were an all pink outfit" I said with mischief in my eyes as he agreed rolling his eyes.

I watch news.... okay fine, I don't but I was by mistake, "Air Water Fire Earth and Lightning" she said, "What's your name"? "Terra and now-" the TV went off. I wasn't interested but something caught my eye, The glasses she was wearing were the same ones Y/n, our sweet little child was wearing.

I smirked knowing that y/n was Terra and I connected the dots, Terra = Y/n, Terra is dating Spiderman, Y/n is dating Peter, soooo Y/n = Terra and Peter = Spiderman and they were innocent little kids. They arrived right on time, "Hey Mr. Stark" Y/n greeted, "Hey, I want you guys to meet someone" I said and pulled them where Fury was.

"What"? Fury asked pointing to them, "They're the ones" I said, "But, they're 15"! He exclaimed, "I know but I'm not shocked, they're hella smart" I said, "What's going on"? Peter asked, "Just confess that you guys are Spiderman and Terra" I said casually.

They both looked shocked, "No, we're not, why would you think that"? Y/n asked, "J.A.R.V.I.S, Play the news from 1 week ago" I said and took off Y/n's glasses and brought them over to the screen, I put them side by side, "We know it, just confess, we won't harm you or anything" I asked.

They tried to run but the doors locked, Y/n was panicking and I got worried, "J.A.R.V.I.S, what's happening" I asked, "Checking Vitals...... looks like a panic attack sir and she is diagnosed with ADHD" (A/N- R E L A T A B L E) J.A.R.V.I.S informed me. I picked her up and settled her on a chair, "Deep breaths, y/n, In..... out" I repeated it until she relaxed.

"Are you okay"? I asked holding her face on both sides, I pulled her into a hug like she was my own daughter, relieved as Peter had his hand in hers and was squeezing it comfortingly, "I-I'm f-fine" she stuttered, "I'm sorry but we wanted to let you know that we know" I informed them.

"I-I am T-Terra, I'm sorry" She stuttered but I hushed her, "I can't let everyone know I'm Spiderman, May will be crushed" Peter panicked too, "Hey, we won't reveal your identity, we wanted to keep you safe" I said, "So, we wanted you to know, you aren't Avengers but you're part of the team" Fury said and walked out.

"I'm sorry I panicked" she apologized, "It's fine, do you wanna go to the lab now"? I asked as we walked out. (A/N-Peter be like- Hello darkness, my old friend 😂) When we walked out I immediately saw all The Avengers and Loki come towards us. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"? Natasha came out pulling y/n into her arms.

"Nothing, Ms. Natasha" She said, "What'd you do Tony"? Natasha said glaring daggers at me, "Nothing, these guys are Spidey and Terra" I said, "They're 15, we can't put them on S.H.I.E.L.D database" she said, "You guys can go, it's fine, take the day off" I said giving them both a hug.


"Thank you, Mr. Stark" Peter said and we left the building, "I'm sorry, it's my fault" I said squeezing Peter's hand, "It's fine at least he didn't reveal our identities" He comforted. "I'm sorry for panicking for that small thing" I said, "Bye, I'll head home" I said and left his hand, "Bye, love" He said kissing my cheek.

I reached home and saw Mrs. Jones, "Hello Mrs. Jones, you're back" I smiled, "Oh hey Y/n, you came back, you want food" She asked, "Yeah, I had the Stark Internship, you know but he made me take the day off" I said. "Oh well, then come in, I got Pizza on the way here" she said passing me a plate with 2 pieces.

I ate and got to homework that I got yesterday, I had 3 subjects and finished them in 2 hours.

~●□2 hours later○■~

Bird brain 🦅
Hey Wassup y/n

Mr. Cool Knives 🔪
Hey y/n


The thrillionaire mechanic 👨‍🔧
You seem sad :(

It's just something at the internship

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
What happened, прелесть моя ? 《My Precious》

I had a panic attack 😕

James is coooool 😁

Mr. Stark said something and it made me panic a little, it was nothing

Spy 🕵️‍♀️
What did he do ?!

Nothing, he said something and I panicked but he hugged me and calmed me down
But still, MR. STARK HUGGED *ME* !

The thrillionaire mechanic 👨‍🔧
Hehe, are you doing anything rn ?

Yesh, I'm going out with my friends

Robin Hood 🏹
Alright, Have fun my favourite niece ❤

Bye 😃

I kept my phone aside and went on a walk for an hour, "What's up"? Alena said passing me by, "Nothing, just walking" I said and kept walking, I walked at least a mile when I checked my phone.

I sat down on a bench and started my playlist before walking back to the house, "Hello, pretty thing" Someone said and I turned around as he put Chloroform on a cloth and wrapped around my face.

"WAIT" I said, "Okay"? He said and removed it, "Don't do that, just take me" I smiled, "Really"?! He asked surprised, "Yeah" I said sticking my hands out, "Okay" He said laughing a little as I handed him my phone and he took me to a van.

"What's your favourite game"? I asked, "Ooh umm, subway surfers" he answered, "Oh and what's your favourite movie"? I asked, "Umm, Harry Potter" he said, "What's your favourite one"? I asked curiously, "Third one was Epic"! He exclaimed.

"I KNOW, it's my favourite one too" I said, "AAYYYY, What's the number of your parents"? He asked, I looked down sadly, "Oh no, don't cry, just tell me the number" he said, "My parents died" I said gloomily. "Same, do you have any other kind of family"? He said feeling kinda sad for me, "I do have a mom on the internet" I said.

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