Chapter 3: Lessons ugh

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*video is what happens*

I had English with Mr. Smith first. He was a new teacher but, of course, Donna took advantage of it. She has a thing for annoying new teachers.

' I'm Mr Smith and I am your new English teacher. We will be doing Shakespeare today.'

'Are you English? Cos you don't sound English.' Donna started.

'No I'm Scottish, but I can teach English.'

'But I don't believe you are qualified to teach me English, I don't want to learn Scottish.' She stated. And on it went, I stopped listening and read the boring sonnets of Shakespeare.

The bell went and it was time for a decent lesson of maths, but when is the first day back 'good'?

'Cara, we are screwed!!! We have Mr Crowley for maths today!!!' Lanti screeched. Not him, anyone but him. He has a reputation for destroying students, some have even quit because of him. So we had a slow and agonising lesson ahead.

'Welcome to Hell students. I'm Mr Crowley and I will be teaching you this year. You will learn maths or you will fail. If you do not get your expected grades you will not be getting a job and will fail in life. You will not mess around or you will deal me.' Mr Crowley explained.

'Great. Now we will die and burn in hell for eternity.' I mumbled under my breath hopeing that he didn't hear me. Dean and Cas groaned in agreement, earning a stern look from sir.

'Now my little demons, we are learning about histograms today. What do we already know?' He carried on. Sherlock was obviously bored as he was in his 'mind palace' as he called it. John was desperately trying to snap him out but worth no avail. Just to liven things up, 'bad boy' Arthur decided to throw Merlin's shoe at sir. ' You little brat, OUT!!! I will deal with you later.' He bellowed. Arthur strutted out with pride, full grin on his face and his piercings glistening in the light.

This isn't unusual for Arthur, he's always winding up the teachers for the pure fun of it. He's known as ' Prince Arthur of Camelot'. Camelot being his gang; Him, Donna, Meg, Ruby, Lucifer (or Luci for short), Jim ( he prefers moritarty), Benny, Morgana and Mordred.

'Sorry about that, now... Histograms.'
He continued.

'Cara, seen as nothing is happening, can we talk about tonight?' Atlanta whispered.

'Sure, what's up?' I replied just as quietly.

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