Chapter 34: Im loving Angels instead

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Dean's POV

What, no. He's not an angel. They don't exist. They can't exist.

I fell to the floor, considering what needed to be done. If I told my father; Castiel would die. If I didn't tell my father; I'd die as well as Cas when he found out. I remember when Sammy first asked about there being angels. I told him that is was nonsence. No one had ever seen an angel in the entirety of hunter history, if they existed, someone would have seen one.

Wait, if Gabe is Cas' brother, is he an Angel too? Sam wouldn't hunt them. Sam would see if they were a threat first. Cas doesn't seem like a threat.

Slowly I look around and see Cas' tan trenchtoat. While thinking of the adorable man, I crawl over to go collect it. Huddled against my chest, I cuddle the coat and cry, unsure of what to do. Can you pray to angels?

Dear Castiel,

You know, I've never really been much of a prayer, but I need you. Watching you leave me was heartbreaking and I've realised I need you. You wouldn't harm a fly, let alone the race of humans you are meant to protect so I plea with you to come back...

Cas... I need you. And you left you coat.... With your phone...

Amen? I guess...

Upset, alone and out of ideas, I sit cuddled with his coat. Thinking back to our kiss, I remember how I felt, how he felt, knowing that it was our first and last kiss.

'Dean?' A small innocent voice calls. But not any small innocent voice. Cas.

'Cas??' I get up and scan the field for him. He's over by the main building and I jump repeatedly to get his attention. He runs over, his tie flapping in the wind.

'You prayed to me? I thought you hated me.' He announced. I notice the tear stains on his cheeks, glistening on the light.

'Oh baby, god no. I love you Castiel. No amount of feathers will stop that.' He looks at me confused, tilting his head in the cute way he always does. I lean down and close that gap between our wanting lips.

We break and cuddle, my back to the tree. His head tucked under my chin. 'I'm loving angels instead.' The song floats into my mind causing a grin to light up my face.

'Hey Cas, can we do some celebration?' I question with a wink. His flushes a deep red and nods. Gently I move him so his back is against the tree. His brows furrow, confuzed at what I'm doing.

'Don't worry Angel, I got you.' I whispered in his ear, causing him to blush. Using my positioning, I gently sucked on his ear earning a small quick moan to escape his lips.

'Dean... God Dean...' He manages to say between enjoying my abilities. With this, I start nibbling, making his moans sexier and louder. My hands move to his waist, supporting myself against the barrage of deep growls coming from the little angel.

Cas' hands snaked there way up my body and tightly gripped my short hair. In return, I left a small trail of wet kisses down his jawline, terminating at his lips where I made sure to tease. Leaning in for the kiss, but not quite reaching, making my Castiel reach up. I pulled back before he could reach earning little whimpers of his longing.

'Deeeeeaaannnn. Kiss me.... ' Castiel pleaded. His sapphire eyes searching my face for a hold point, and finding nothing. My hands traced the curves of his body, tickling him slightly. I undid his tie and left it hanging on his neck, then I moved to his top button, and the next and the next until there were no more buttons left to undo. The sides of his dress shirt moved to the sides to reveal a toned but undefined torso. Cas gave me a look of annoyance, as I was wearing a T-shirt, so he was unable to do the same.

'All in good time Cas, but now you're mine. You can explore me another time.' I purred with a wink. My lips went to his apple, sucking gently and nibbling occasionally to test the audio from him. I then trailed kisses down to his lower stomach. My hands grasped onto his firm ass getting a peculiar look from the angel. His eyes shut tight as I started to massage my hands. His hands started to feel my hair, pulling softly at first then with more force. Slowly, to experiment, I knelt down fully and rubbed my nose on his crotch.

'D..d..dean oh god dean.... Not here.... Dean..' His blue eyes staring into mine, full of lust. I stood up, standing a little closer than before, making sure my problem was next to his. Eventually, I leaned down to kiss his nose. Castiel had had enough and brought his hand up to my head and pulled me down closing the gap between our lips.

'I love you feathers' I said as I cuddled into his neck.

'Oh Dean, I love you too. But are the nicknames needed?' Castiel replied.

'Of course.'

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