Chapter 41: Lets play

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Cara's POV

After telling Arthur the plan, I knew what I had to do. Party. Everyone will be in the same place at the same time... It will be perfect. Besides, we haven't had a party in ages, and we really need one.

With Arthur close behind I walked to the canteen. Everyone will be there, it's lunch. I bounce over to Cas who's sat there. He informs me the others are just grabbing food. I sit down next to Cas and Arthur follows suit, sitting in the chair next to me. Lanti, Sherl and Dean head over from the queue and see Arthur sat next to me. 

'What is that rat doing here?' Lanti asks as Dean takes the seat on the other side of Cas.

'Lant, I'm sorry. Just, listen to what Cara has to say in a minute please.' Arthur replies with a saddened face. Lanti accepts it with a sigh and sits next to Dean. Sherlock just looks sadly towards me and I give a pained smile. John runs over to Sherlock and leads him to a seat next to Lanti and they begin to talk to each other.

A couple of minuets later, Gabriel and Sam walked through the doors hand-in-hand practically skipping into the canteen. I'd never seen Sam so happy. They sat into the only left available seats at the table. We were all in our own little worlds talking to each other, until Merlin walked over.

'Hey guys!' Merlin cheered without much care. Everyone turned to face him with daggers in their eyes. 'Whoa..... Is everyone okay?'

'I wouldn't Merl. You aren't that popular currently.' Arthur warned. 

'Oh, right. You'll see I'm right.... You just wait... I know what's best for you all.. I mean it.' He turned on his heel and joined 'Camelots' table. 

'Right, guys. I got the best thing.' I announced. They looked at me with questioning. 'We need to have a party!' They looked at me weirdly, but they all started to agree and having ideas.

'Cara's right. We can sort out what the first week of school has done. I wanna be friends with you all. What a great idea.' She looked actually pleased.

'We could have it in my Tree house? I mean, those lot won't be in it for a start It would be just us.  ' He said gesturing to the table Merlin just joined. 

'That sounds great. Its lovely in there.' Sam added with a warm smile.

'We could go in there after school one time and have a sleepover. I think that would be great.' Cas developed it further. I could actually see it happening. 

'A sleepover with two girls and seven males..... is that advisable?' Dean questioned, earning a questioning look from Cas.

'Well, You and Cas are together. Sam and Gabe are together. Sherlock and John should be together. That just leaves Arthur to mess with the Girls. And judging by the way Lanti is looking at me, I don't think he'd try.' Merlin answered Dean. 

'What?' John questioned. Merlin went to respond but Sherl stopped his response when he gently grabbed John's chin and kissed his lips. 

'Problem solved.' Sherlock said bluntly, with a small smile on his face. John blushed vividly and cuddled into Sherlock's coal curls. He looks happy, which is what I wanted. 

'See, Told you Cara.' Merlin winked at me. I let out a small giggle. I looked towards Arthur who was looking towards Merlin. I saw Merlin's gaze fall to Arthur's and they looked lovingly towards each other. Could Arthur like Merlin? 

Did I just set them up?

'Well, instead of waiting. Let's do it tonight.' Gabe said, cutting me out of my daydream.

'Sure, we can all phone our parents and tell them right?' Arthur followed. 

It was settled. We play tonight.

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