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I woke up with an arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled to myself recalling last night's events. I turned to face a sleeping Calvin. He looked calm and cute. I propped myself up and stared at him. How did I get so lucky to have him in my life?

I leaned down and lightly touched his lips with mine, so as not to wake him up. But he slowly opened his eyes and gave me a warm smile and pulled me back to himself.

" Good morning beautiful. "

" Morning Calvin. " I was blushing already. What is it with me and blushing?

" What time is it? How long have you been up? "

" I just woke up. We still have a few minutes before we have to get up."

We were cuddling and breathing in each other's embrace until the alarm went off. Then we climbed out of bed and showered together. I got ready in my office clothes while Calvin had to wear his sweatpants. We'll have to swing by his house so that he can change.

Luckily, Emma was not back as she had kept an extra pair of clothes at Michele's house. I'll ask Calvin to keep his things here so that he doesn't have to worry when we spend the night here. 

I asked Calvin what he wanted for breakfast but he said that we're going to some cafe near his house that has really good waffles. So we went to his penthouse and he changed into another one of his custom made suits looking like a model. We were going to be late for work but Calvin said that he's the boss and I needn't worry when I'm with him. And even if someone asks, he'll say that we were on an early morning meeting with a potential client. That way no one would suspect about our late arrival to the office together. I was a little uneasy with the idea because I didn't want special treatment from him just because I was dating him. I didn't wanna keep him from his work.

But Calvin was very persistent and I finally gave in. We had waffles for breakfast and I totally agreed with Calvin about them being delicious. Then we went to the office together in his car. I was a little nervous about being seen together but Calvin was sure no one would be suspicious. I dropped Calvin's hand before the elevator opened on our floor and exited before him.

We both got our coffee, so I went straight to my desk and started working. We didn't go for lunch because the breakfast was quite heavy.

So I went to the cafeteria in our office for a fresh cup of coffee and a light snack. I saw Alex and a few other colleagues there who were also waiting for coffee. I chatted with them for a bit.

Everyone went back to their desks after that except Alex. I was pouring myself a cup when Alex started talking to me.

" You look stunning as usual Sophia." It was a routine, he would often compliment me and I would compliment him back to be polite.

" Thanks Alex. You also look good."

" Sophia, I've been meaning to ask you something for a long time."

" What is it?"

" I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime for dinner or drinks."

Oh hell. He is asking me out on a date. What should I say? Should I tell him that I have a boyfriend without telling him his name. Or maybe I can say that I'm not interested.

While I was looking for a way to politely decline his offer, I saw a punch land on his jaw from my side and loud crack sound was heard. I shuffled back a few steps from the chaos, unknowingly.

Alex was lying flat down on the floor and I was facing the back of a furious Calvin. What the actual fuck? How could he do this to him? I was going to decline his offer. Why does he have to create a scene?

I was infuriated at his actions this time but couldn't say anything in front of Alex.

Calvin warned Alex to stay away from me and also said that if he sees him around me one more time then he could lose his job. How could he say that to him? He'll be suspicious now, about my relationship with Calvin.

I'm sure Calvin doesn't go punching guys in the office who ask out a coworker. It was all because of me. My career is doomed now. Everyone in the office will know about us now. I'll become the slut who slept with the boss for her job.

I was overwhelmed so I stormed out of the room and went back to my desk. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Calvin won't do anything to harm me, I know it. With that thought, I got back to my work. I couldn't go talk to him right now. It could raise suspicion. Plus, I wanted to give Calvin sometime to calm himself down. So I waited till the end of the day.

Everyone had went home for the day and only I and Calvin were in the office. I went in his office and occupied a chair in front of his desk. I can't think straight when he's near. I needed distance to think clearly. This was a serious conversation.

Calvin looked at me trying to gauge my thoughts.

" Calvin, we need to talk about what happened today."

" I know. I'm really sorry I wasn't thinking straight when that asshole asked you out. But I promise, I won't let it affect your job. I know how important it is for you." Calvin said.

" I trust you but you'll have to be more careful next time. You can't lose your calm everytime some guy talks to me. I was going to say no to him. You have to have faith in me. I don't want you too defend me or talk for me. You have to let me handle it."

" I know and I completely trust you. It's just that I'm a little possessive about what's mine. I can't help it. But I'll try my best to rein it in."

"Calvin, you need to trust me and keep yourself in check so that we can make this work." I said.

" Now you come here. I don't like so much distance between us." Calvin gestured.

I moved across the desk to him, sat on his lap and gave him a kiss.

" Come on, let's get out of here. I'm starved."

We went out to grab a bite and then Calvin dropped me home after giving me a goodnight kiss which left me weak in the knees.

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