Chapter 5

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Y/n POV:

"Omma! Look I got 2 medals for athletics." Baby Hyunie said. Me and a boy, who was around 6 years old, were watching him with a wide smile and then I went to Appa and said "Appa! Even I got 2 medals for athletics."

We were jumping around happily because Appa and Omma told us that they will take us to amusement park. And everyone knows, how much our eyes sparkled for a 5-year-old to love amusement park.

At the amusement park~

We went to all those small rides for kids, but were we satisfied? Uh huh, nope, never at least not until we are able to ride those big and huge rides. Along with Hyunie, Appa, Omma and the boy; we went to a restaurant owned by Omma.

We enjoyed the whole day with my little family. After eating we saw a cotton candy, we three kids ran towards the cart and started jumping, telling Omma and Appa to come and get us the cotton candy.

"Appa, I want that red colour cotton candy!" said Baby Hyunie. The boy told, "I want the blue one, and Y/nnie! You will have purple one, right?""

I nodded happily; he knew my favorite colour without even telling him. Appa told us to wait and he will get the car here. He soon came with the car and we drove off, singing and jamming to songs being played in the radio.

After sometime we reached home and went to our dream world.

The next day~

We woke up early as Appa had to go to a mission and we had to attend our school.

"Bye Appa/ baby! Take care" we waved him bye! After few minutes we dressed up and had some breakfast.

Amma drove us to school, and told us not to be mischievous and take care of each other. We kissed her cheeks and she returned it. We went inside holding hands, the older boy dropped me and Hyunie in front of our classroom and pecked our plumy cheeks before heading towards his class.

After 5 hours, all our classes were done and the boy came outside our class and took us out waiting for our driver to come. Soon, a black car came in our view and we went inside. We were talking to each other when suddenly the car stopped and the driver told us to come out. The three of us a bit scared but we put on our brave face.

As soon as we came outside, I felt like I was being lifted up, the next thing I remember was the elder boy kicking the man on his baby maker and then he dropped me, but then the next thing shook me. It was as if everything was in slow motion. They were taking the elder boy and the boy was telling us to run, "Be safe Y/nnie and Hyunie!!! Run away, take care of Omma and Appa for me.", the older boy said. "Ani- Hy-ung!" Hyunie was crying his eyes out, that made me snap, I saw that 2 guys were coming to take us, I mimicked what the older boy did, they groaned and I took Hyunie's hand and ran off, but I got a glance of a tattoo!

I don't know, when and how we reached Omma's office... panting and crying. Omma's secretary looked at us and rushed to help me to take my twin off my back, soon Omma came running towards me.

"Sweetie, what happended? Where...." I didn't let Omma complete her sentence.

"J-J OPPA" and then everything turned black.

I woke up panting, tears flowing like a waterfall. My head was totally messed up, why did I get this dream? What exactly happened? Who is that boy? Why was that tattoo familiar?

Hwang Siblings: Y/nnie, are you okay? Why are you crying?

Mom: Sweetie calm down! It was just a nightmare, everything is okay, we are here with you. (calming tone)

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