Chapter 23

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Hey guys! I hope you are doing well. And I am back with new chapters.

Author POV:

At one side Jimin was bawling his eyes out after knowing that all along his siblings were with him and he broke the promise which he had given to his only sister... rather than protecting her he was the one who hurt her the most.

While Jimin was being comforted by his brothers.... Y/n was training vigorously at 5 in the morning.

Hyunwoo: Noona~~~

Y/n stopped her last round.... panting and sweating like crazy. She looked at her younger twin and gave her famous eye smile.
Yes.... even she has an eye smile like her brothers. But no-one knew this other than the Hwang Siblings & Hyunwoo.

Hyunjin threw the water bottle to her and she caught it without any hesitation and perfectly. Yeji who practicing with Y/n saw how Hyunjin was gulping and he saw her soulmate gulping water.... She quietly crept beside her brother and whispered to him.

Yeji: She is hot ain't she.
Hyunwoo: Yea! She makes me feels things that no girl did!

He whispered back without knowing whom he was telling that.

Hyunwoo: Jin ah.... you are drooling (laughing)

(A/n: Here, Jin-ah is Hyunjin's nickname)

Hyunjin was snapped out of his train on thoughts.... his eyes went wide and his cheeks were dusted pink.

Hyunjin: Shut tf up!

Yeji and Hyunwoo started laughing at the flustered boy.... While Y/n was looking at them as if a mad dog bit them or someone who ran away from the mental hospital.

Y/n: What in the world are you both laughing for? Get dressed... did you forget we still have Uni to attend.

Hyunwoo: Noona~~ can we not go today? (Puppy eyes)

Y/n: We didn't go for 2 weeks in this month bro... we can't skip uni for this or next month at least.

Yeji: Wait... WHAT? We missed 2 weeks this month. Shit!!!!! We have a lot to catch up on. Yah! What are we waiting for? Get dress.

Y/n: We have to go to Gong Yoo samchon before our Uni. So get your ass dresses in 20 mins and come down.

Hyunjin: Eyy! You girls are the ones who needs time to get ready! Not us.

Yeji: Let's see oppa. If we girls come first you will have to buy us lunch for a mon-

Y/n: Week would be enough!

Yeji pouted but still agreed. They all went to their rooms and got dressed up and came down.....

Hyunjin & Hyunwoo:

Yeji & Y/n:

End of Author's POV

Taehyung POV:

We woke up... some of us were groaning since the position we slept in were not proper....

Jin: Guys! Get ready everyone. We must go back... It's already been a week that we are here.

We nodded. I went to the room which I had kept my bag. I took my clothes and went in the bathroom for a long hot shower.

I was thinking of what happen the last week, of our stay here. How we found out majority of the things. Then suddenly everything hit me like a train....

Y/n and Hyunwoo are the sibling which Jimin used to always talk about even before he got separated from them. You see, me and Jimin are friends from childhood. We were and are inseparable, hence we became soulmate. I still remember whenever I used to go to his house, the twins used to welcome me with a hug and always used to cling on me and treated me how they used to treat Jimin.

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