Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I am back with the new chapter. How are y'all doing?

I am sorry for not being able to update on Wednesday. Since, I was stuck with admission process (I changed my course! Why is admission process so hectic?) Anyways, here you go.... Enjoy reading!


?? POV:

Me and 2 kids, a girl and a boy were coming back from our school. We were walking along the road when the girl started looking back.

"What happen yeodongsaeng? Why are you looking back from time to time?" I asked her. She looked a bit alert and scared at the same time.

Girl: Oppa, I have a feeling that someone is following us.

What the.... Even she felt the same thing. This girl for sure is smart for her age. The boy besides her looked scared. Aww, he looks so cute like that. Well among these twins, the girl is stronger than the boy. But when they both are doing something together or they are up to something together.... Then no one can stop them. Not even me.

Boy: Hyung (teary eyes) Is something going to happen? I am feeling scared.

Aww, poor boy! He clung on my hand as if his life depended on it.

Girl: don't worry, oppa and I are here. Nothing will happen to us. And if something is to happen we will fight them off. And run to safety.

Me: (looking at her in aww) She is right! Nothing will happen to any of us. Okay?

Boy: Okay opp... opps... sowwy. Okay hyung!! (sheepish smile)

We laughed and started walking. When we were about to cross the road.... And van came in front of us blocking our way. Oh My Lord! What should I do? They look like my parent's enemy!

Everything happen in a blink of the eye, that I didn't know what happening, I pushed the girl from the way and told her to run with the boy... and not to look back.

"RUN! RUN!... RUN WITH YOUR TWIN." She was shaking her head with teary eyes, but when I told her to run with her twin she looked towards him to see that he lost his consciousness and a guy was going to take him. She went to her twin and hit the man hard on his groin (where the sun doesn't shine, you know!) while I kept struggling...she looked one at me one last time when I mouthed her to run. With how much ever strength she had she took her twin with her and ran as instructed by me. I looked at her disappearing figure. Slowly losing my consciousness. The last thing I remember is someone talking of hurting my parents and my siblings. "NO" and everything went black!

??: Wake up Hyung! ...

I sprung up on the bed.... It took a while for me to come back to the present. "What the fuck was that? Do I have a twin sibling? Where are my parents? Where are my siblings?"

??: Hyung! What happened to you? Come-on, we have to go have lunch!.

Me: (nodding head).... Wait! LUNCH!!! I slept in?? oh shoot! Hyungs are gonna kill me for being late. Ugh!

Soon I dashed into my bath room and took a quick shower and went to the dinning room to see everyone seated already and were ready to serve.

End of ?? POV

Author POV:

Everyone slept in as they were very tired! The hyung line woke up and went to the dinning room as they smelled something delicious.

Jin: Oh! Y/n ssi, why are you cooking? Do you need help?

Y/n: Oh! Ani, I was hungry and saw that no one has woken up. So I decided to make lunch! And can you help me set the table?

Jin: (nods) Okay! Hobi-ah Help me with the plates. Namjoon-ah and Yoongi-ah clear the table.

Hyung-line (except Jin): Okay Hyung!

~~~After 5 mins later~~~

Jungkook: Jin hyung! Something smells different! (half closed eyes)

Behind Jungkook, the maknae line came, with their eyes half closed and having some drool on their faces, making a sudden laughter fill the dinning room.

Maknae line: Whats so funny? Mom and Dad?

Y/n: (sweet dish in her hand) Because you lot....are drooling (trying to control her laugh)

Yoongi who had took their pic showed it to them..... and with that Jungkook, Taehyung and Hyunwoo dashed to their room. Y/n kept the sweet dish and sat down between Yoongi and Mrs. Kim.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Hyunwoo came down. The food was served and everyone started eating.

Mr. Kim: Kids! Me and your mother are going to go for business trip in Singapore for 6 months.

As soon as this announcement was made.... Y/n, Namgi, Vmin chocked in their food.
Jungkook, Jin, Jhope, Hyunwoo and Mrs. Kim gave water to them.

Y/n: 6 months? Buisness trip? Singapore? (Cough.. cough)

Mrs. Kim: I am sorry sweetie... but we will have to go....
Jin: When?
Mr. Kim: Tomorrow!

Y/n: As far as you had told me it was the next month! Are you going to go a month before... for you know... (teasing tone and wiggling eyes)

Mrs. Kim playfully hit y/n's arms, she started blushing furiously when Mr. Kim joined the teasing along with her. While few of the boys were laughing... but Jungkook and Hyunwoo... those babies didn't get what they were teasing their mom for.
(JungHyun: Author-nim!!! *whining*We are not babies! *pouting*
A/n: Yea right! Look who is pouting now... and did you get what they were talking about my innocent kids?
Hyunie: They are going a month prior yo spend time with them?
Jungkook: Yes... and give us a baby sister as Noona asked them for!
Mrs. Kim: Yah!
BTS, Twins & Mr. Kim: *laughing*)
End of Author POV

Y/n POV:.
I don't mind them going for honeymoon, and for business trips... but I am not sure if they will treat us good. We'll I trust Jungkook as he gained it in those 5 months in the athletics coaching centre run by Shinee oppas!

Here I am helping mom, to do the last minute addition in her baggage.

Me: (Hugging) Take care mom... and call us whenever it's possible for you to do so. Okay?
Mom: Ne~~ Y/nnie... You sound like my mom now! (Giggling)

I pouting at her comment.
Me: Well then, I am the youngest mom in our family (winking and laughing)
Dad, BTS and Hyunie came near us and were shocked and confused on what was going on...
Mom: (laughing) aish... this kid... anyways....take care of your twin and your new brothers as well as yourself... okay? And please don't be rude towards them.
Me: Mom, I will take care of Hyunie and them... even if they don't need it. Aaand I don't be rude unless they will be rude to me.
Dad: (putting his arms around Mrs. Kim's shoulder)She is right dear... Don't worry.... they will take care of you both. (Looking towards BTS) You his better behave and treat them both equally. Jin your in charge of the house!
Jin: Ne~ Appa. And we are happy that we got a cute brother and sister.
Twins: We ain't Cute! (Hmph)

We bid goodbye and best wishes for those 6 months and for their business. It seems like only Jin-ssi, Hobi-ssi and Jungkook have accepted me! Yes me because everyone except Yoongi (cause he seems to not care unless and until anyone is getting on his nerves) have already accepted my brother Hyunie... I am happy for him. But they don't need to be rude with me. Specially those 2 95liners.

With this thought I started going to my room when a hand on my wrist stopped me from going. I looked backwards and saw....

Who do you think, got that dream?
Who stopped Y/n from going to her room? Did BTS really accept them as thier sibling? To know more keep reading the next chapters.
Thank you for reading this chapter!

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