Chapter 22

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Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. I hope you all like it.
Enjoy the chapter~

Author POV:
All the members of BTS were surprised to find the mansion clean, they went to the rooms which they chose. And coincidentally Jimin chose the twin's room! (What is really a co-incident?)

They all went to deep slumber, except for the one and only Jimin.... he was still disturbed with the potrait he saw.... he was just tossing around... when his hand hit something and he saw an album..... with something written in it.

Dear Babies,
If you see this, then we (me and your dad) won't be alive. I just wanted you three to know. Yea, I know that Jimin is missing. Y/nnie, I know that you're much brave and stringer than your twin brother..... please take care of him as you promised the day Jimin was kidnapped. And continue with the other promise which you made!

Find your brother, he is in danger. But also make sure you guys are safe.

Jimin-ah if you are reading this. Please try to find your twin siblings. I know you might not exactly remember them since those bastards might have drugged you that you won't remember much. But I am pretty sure that's not what they want...

Mimi-ah with the help of Gong Yoo and Hwang In Yeop, find your brother and complete the task which we couldn't do as the Kings and Queens of the Mafias.

My three babies, please take care of each other when you find them.... and this is few pics of your memories together. There is a pendrive.... but that can only be achieved when all the three of you are together and find out the password to it together.

We will always guide you and watch you from up there. Take care my babies!

With love,
Your eomma and appa 💜🙆🏻‍♀️

After Jimin read this, he broken down, he didn't care that he will up others.... he crying was hear throughout the mansion  since it was quiet.

Everyone rushed to the room in which Jimin was in.

All of them gasped to see their Chim Chim crying like this. Weeping so hard that he was not breathing properly.

Jin: (hugged him) shh! Shh.... calmed down Chim chim, everything will be fine.

Jin patted his back and said soothing wprd to his dongsaeng. Jimin slowly started to calm down. His eyes were puffy red, stains of tears and he was with a small pout.

Jungkook quietly picked up the album which was opened and was the writing.... he was shooked. He showed it to rest of them and they understood why their precious Jimin broke down like this.

RM: Jimin ah, we will get to the end of it. We have to first find more clues about it.

Suga: For now let's see this album.

Everyone agreed with Suga and made a circle to see the album.

♡The time when you got to know you're going to have two siblings a boy and a girl. You promised to protect them always!

 You promised to protect them always!

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