Chapter 6

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We were spawned all in the room. Maknae line were playing video games, whereas Namjoon and Jin were discussing about something, Yoongi was sleeping and Hobi was annoying the sleeping Yoongi.

Maid: Young masters, Mr. Kim has asked for you all to assemble in the meeting room.

Jin: Okay, we will come.

RM: Lets go guys!

We went to our meeting room and greeted our dad.

Dad: So, how are you guys?

Jimin: We are good Dad. How are you and Mrs. Park?

Dad: We are good as well. So... I wanted to tell you all something.

RM: What is it?

Dad: Mrs. Park and her kids are going to come here for dinner tonight. To inform you about mine and my girlfriend's wedding!

Yoongi: WEDDING? And Kids?

Dad: Yea. I love her a lot. And she has 2 kids. One boy and one girl.

Jungkook: Are they older than me or younger?

Dad: they are a year older than kookie and younger than the rest of you.

Jungkook: Yay! I will finally have a noona! (bunny smile)

Jin: (smiling looking at kookie)

Jimin: We won't accept the kids. Mrs. Park is a good woman and had taken care of us when we were in the need. But we didn't know she had kids!

Yoongi: Jimin is right Appa! Don't you think that the history can repeat itself?

Taehyung: We accept Mrs. Park to be our mom but we won't accept them as our sibling! NEVER!

Jimin, Sope and RM: Yes!

We stormed out of the room, except for Jin hyung and Kookie.

Dad: Jin, you being the elder one, please understand me, I have never loved any other women other than your mom, I have done everything I can to make you guys happy, please let me be happy, I found someone I love after so many years. Please tell them to come to the dinner tonight. (teary eyes)

Kookie: A-ppa, (hugging dad) please don't cry. We will convince the others.

Jin: Yes appa (small smile) I hope you know the danger you are putting them into.

Dad: I know.

Jin: But.... Do they know about us being the Dangerous Mafias?

Dad: Only Mrs. Park knows, not the twins!


Jimin: We will make those kids see hell, if they come into our lives.... (smirking)

Taehyung: Yes (smirking)

End of BTS POV

Mrs. Park POV:

I am here nervously waiting for my babies to come home. I decided to make some food which they like till they reach home....

I started making waffles, half way through the making I heard the door open and

Twins: WE ARE HOME!!


Hyunie: YAY!

Soon I finished making it. And set up the table.

(Y/n food)

(Y/n food)

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