Chapter 28

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Hey guys! I am back with new chapter. I hope that you all are doing willing!
I am sorry that I could post yesterday since I had a hectic day.....  back to back lecs from 9am to 5pm. After that I fell asleep while doing assignment. Anyways... here is the chapter.
I hope you guys like it!
Enjoy the chapter~~

Author POV:

There Jimin, Hyunwoo and rest of the Bangtan were searching day and night for the girls.... while someone was trying to stop them from getting the trace of her.


??: I did as you told... I betrayed them, but why did you kidnap her.... when you told you will only kidnap Y/n and not Yeji!
Boss: Aww, poor boy! You don't have any other option... you have to do more if you want your sister to be save. (Smirking)
??: This is not what you said! (angry tone)
Boss: Well trust me when I say this is just a start... you better do what I say or else your gonna lose your precious sister Hwang Hyunjin! (Evil laugh)
Hyunjin: NO!!!

"Bang Bang"

Everything went silent for few minutes.... that was until Hyunjin was bought and tied to the place where his sister and Y/n were kept.

Man 23: You bitch! You dare to spit at me.... "SLAP"
Y/n: Untie us you son of a *****! You think you are real man to just tie up a girl and hit her... without even letting her defend herself or see for that matter! (Angry tone) DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER YOU POOP HEAD!

Man 23 was fuming in angry with what Y/n said.... He went to her grabbed her chin harshly and spoke,
"Fine bitch... I will open you up and your two friends over here.... but rememberone thing, when our boss is done with you being his hostage.... I swear, I will ruin you in the way no one will imagine!"

Even thought see was the badass, assassin which every mafia feared.... that didn't mean that she wasn't scared.... she was scared, it reminded her of her past.... which no soul other than her and that person did knew about it. That incident itself took a big toll on her emotional health.

And to be honest, Y/n is like any other girl... but who can fight and stand up for herself and her loved ones.... who has her fears, strengths and weakness.... more than strengths. Only her pillow knows how strong she is, crying to it making her weak self visible to no one else but her pillow, her bed and her quilt.

She had locked herself for a whole year.... not in the room.... but inside herself. She became the 'purple eyed beast' which protects her from the cruel world outside, who isaking this poor girl suffer.

You all remember the time, when Y/n's eyes turned purple.... that is her second persona  she becomes the 'purple eye beast' when her innocent self can't take the emotional pain anymore than how much ever normal person can.

End of Author POV

Y/n & Yeji POV:

It took us sometime to adjust to the lighted room.... We shivered because of how cold the room had become, with the night wind hitting our wounds.... we winced in pain everytime the wind hit our wounds....

Yeji: Damn.... the room is so cool! But I would have loved to explored it if it were not in this situation.

Yeji groans due to the pain as she tries to sit properly.

Y/n was looking outside the window, since she was the closest one near it.

Y/n: (goosebumps) I swear... this creeps me out, this.... will look good in the morning. Even tho I like the view it's still creepy! I just hope I go into things I don't want to in this situation.

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