Chapter 8

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Jin POV:
Me and Namjoon went to show Hyunwoo, his room. As Kookie went with Y/n to show hers.

Namjoon: Does Y/n not like us?
Hyunwoo: No, it's not like she doesn't like you or something.  She just needs time to you know trust people and get along with them. She is an Ambivert.
Me: Oh! Well here we are this is your room. As you know that the maknae line rooms are this part of the floor while hyung line are on the other side.
Hyunwoo nodded and went inside the room.

⏰ ⏰ After sometime ⏰ ⏰

We wished him good night and went back to our rooms. Whenever the twins smile, they remind me of Jimin.

Namjoon: Hyung.... Hyung.... Jin Hyung!

I was snapped out of my thoughts.

Me: Huh! What happened?

Namjoon: You were spacing out hyung. Yoongi hyung messaged us to come in the meeting room. Lets' go.

Me: Okay, let's go Namjoon-ah!

In the meeting room~

When we entered the room, we saw Yoongi cursing.

Yoongi: Tf!!!

Jin: Yah, Yoongi! No cursing in front of kids.

Maknae Line: Hyung! We are not kids! (pouting)

J Hope: Look who is pouting now.... (laughing)

RM: Anyways, why were your cursing Yoongi hyung?

Yoongi: Oh yea! I got the twins data but nothing much shows in it. Here....


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Jimin: Isn't Mrs

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Jimin: Isn't Mrs. Park their mother?

Taehyung: What kind of flashbacks-


J Hope: Who is laughing like that?

Jungkook: Ghost! (Whispers in Jhope's ears)

J Hope: Ahhh! Yah Jungkook!

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