Chaper 8~~

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys ^^ Im soooo sorry for the late update :(( I know i promised that i will update sooner but i had a lot of problems.. like exams and i was super sad and depressed cause one of my my grandmother died a week ago :/ I know i shouldn't excuse myself but i hope that you will understand and forgive me <3 Also please forgive me for my typos :/ I checked it but i may still have some... Anyways - love ya guys and thanks for voting and commenting ^^ It makes me extremely happy <3333 So ENJOY ^^

Alice cuddled in the corner of the couch in Shizuo's apartment. The blanked was on the floor. Her head was buried in her hands. She hadn't ate a thing for days. And Even Heiwajima couldn't do a thing. She missed Izaya. She wanted to be next to him. Even so she still wasn't sure if she loved him or was just addicted to him.

Shizuo placed the sushi on the tabel near the couch.

"Alice you have to eat something. " he said as the blond sat on the opposite corner of the couch. She didnt answer. "Alice..."

"Im fine as I am. "she finally said.

"Oh c'mon Alice. This damn flea didn't give a fuck about you. " the man In tha bartender outfit said. He has always hated Izaya but with all that he has done to Alice Shizuo now hated him even more.

The white haired girl knew that Izaya didn't care. But even so... she cared. She would always care. The girl just continued to lye curled in a ball.

A hour passed. Then two. Then three. Shizuo has his day off to take care for Alice. But he didn't get anywhere. She still doesnt want to eat nor move. The only thing in her mind now was the Orihara.

The strongest man in Ikebukuro sat on the couch next to the small girl's body when the door bell rang. He let a small sight as he got up looking down to the girl before he went to open the door.

As the man opened the door the headles rider waved at him before she started to type on her PDA as fast as she could.

"Have you seen Alice? Im so worried about her! I thing that she got in a fight with Izaya and ran away. And I just gotta do my best to find her. Help me with it! Im begging you!" she showed the screen to the blond. When he red it he sighted again. He opened the door to let Celty take a look of the thing that led on his couch. The only thing visible from the girl was just a part of her white hair but that was enough for the Dullahahan.

The women with a cat-shaped helmet ran into the apartment and sat on the couch lifting tha blanked that covered the girl. Alice was asleep. Celty put the blanked back over her head and looked with her helmet up to Shizuo. She wanted him to explain.

"I found her alone on the street. She said about the fight with Izaya and that she ran away. Nothing more. And I couldn't just leave her on the streets like that flea!" he said angrily. But he was careful not to rise his voice to much. It would wake the girl up. The rider wrote on her PDA and showed it.

"Well Izaya was... I don't know... worried? He called Shinra and told him that he had a work for me. Then he explained that Alice had ran away and that I need to find her."

"No way im letting you give Alice back to him!" tha man said. The woman got up and placed a hand on the bartender's shoulder. Then she started typing again.

"Don't worry about it. There is no way im giving her to him. That's what Shinra told him." she explained.

"And how did he answer?" he wasn now a bit curious.

"I don't know. Shinra didn't tell me. But he wanted to tell her in personal. So... are you going to give me Alice? Im going to bring her home. I've always wanted to have a child~~!" she said a bit too enthusiastic.

Shizuo looked at the couch than back at Celty. He nodded. But he wasn't really sure if he wanted to let them have her. The black rider red this in the blond's eyes, even thought she didn't have eyes.

"I will bring her back here if she doesn't want to stay at my place." she typed. He nod once again.

~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~

After Celty woke Alice up she convinced her to go with her and live with the headless rider and the doctor. They were now in front of Celty's apartment.

"I don't wanna be a bother..." Alice started but the Dullahahan typed on her PDA and turn the screen to the girl.

"You aren't a bother for anyone! "

"But if Izaya finds out." the white haired started but wasnt abel to finish. Celty cut her of.

"I will protect you." those were the words that Celty ryped and showed to the girl.

Alice looked up to the woman. The little girl's different eyes reflect on the helmet. No emotion in them. The rider took the girl into a warm embrace before she opened the door to the apartment.

Celty walked in first holding Alice's hand. They walked slowly as Alice followed right behind... until Celty froze in one place.

In the living room. On the couch sat the information broker. Izaya.

Alice didn't kbow what happened and why The rider stoped but then she looked over her shoulder.

The white haired girl's eyes widened.

Izaya looked their way. His red eyes met Alice's blue and red one. He didn't smile. Nor smirk. He sat there looking at her. How pale she was. She seemed a lot tinier. But the thing that shoked him the most were her eyes. Cold and emotionless. He didn't want that. He slowly got up and started walking near her. Celty got in his way but Shinra pulled her away.

Alice just sat there. Not knowing what to do. 'Did Celty lie?' she thought.

"Alice..." Izaya started and got one step closer as the girl backed away one step. "Come back to me. " he said. He made another step closer. Alice also backed away but then she hit the wall.

"Why?" was the only thing she said. Izaya bit his lower lip.

"Because your my..." he started but was cut off.

"Im nothing more than a doll!" she yelled. Izaya got closer. She couldn't back away anymore.

"Silly girl. " he said and got even closer. His face inches from hers.

"You don't understand what I feel. " he said. 

"Explain than." she said.

"How am I supposed to explain to you what I feel since I myslef can't accept the fackt that I'm in love with you?!"

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