Chapter 4

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Author's note----- YEY fast update ^^ Hey guys the next chapter is here~~  Sorry if its kinda... meh... but I wrote what was on  my heart so.. yeah ^^ Dont forget to vote, follow me... and most of all ENJOY <3 

Alice was now able to open her eyes so she did. They were blurry but they cleared slowly. She was on a comfortable warm bed covered with two blankets. She tried to sit up but she felt pain in her stomach so she lay back down.

‘You shouldn’t move’ Celty typed on her PDA and showed it to the girl.

“Celty?” she asked. “Where am I?”

‘What are you talking about?’ the headless woman typed and showed it. Then she typed something and showed it to the white haired. ‘You are home.’

“You mean in the apartment?” the girl asked. The Dullahan nodded with her helmet. “But this isn’t my room?” Alice said as she looked around.

‘Of course not silly’ Celty showed then wrote another thing. ‘Its Izaya’s’ she showed to the girl. Her eyes widened.

“I shouldn’t be here!” Alice panicked. Izaya forbade her to go to his room. She tried to sit up once again. But Celty didn’t let her.

‘Calm down!’ Celty typed and showed it to the girl. ‘He told me to bring you here’ she explained to Alice. The white haired looked at the ceiling tying to remember what happened on Christmas.

“Didn’t Shizuo save me?” she asked. Celty looked surprised by the question. She quickly typed on the PDA.

‘What are you talking about? Izaya saved you and brought you to Shinra.’ she showed it to the girl. She shocked her eyes again. She couldn’t believe it.

“R-really?” Alice asked. Celty nodded. The girl was still surprised. She believed that Shizuo was the one that saved her. ‘That warmth… was Izaya’s?’ she thought.

 “W-was he angry?” Alice asked as shivers ran trough her spine. Celty nodded. ‘Im dead. I brought him so much troble. He will kill me’ the girl thought. She looked with her eyes wide open at the ceiling. Then the girl felt Celtys warm hand on her cheek. She turned to face the transporter.

‘He wasn’t angry at you’ she typed and showed.

“Yes he was. He still is… he.. he… he will… kill me” Alice started sobbing. Celty got up from her chair and sat on the bed as she took the innocent girl in her embrace.

‘He wasn’t angry at you. Im sure. I asked him why he is angry.’ She typed with one hand as with the other holdded Alice.

“What did he say? ” the small one was curious. Celty typed again and showed it.

‘He said that he was angry at himself’

“But even so… he will punish me.” Alice continued sobbing. Celty typed quickly. She wanted to comfort the girl. For Celty Alice was like a daughter. But even the headless rider couldn’t help her to change Izaya.

The transporter remembered what happened when Izaya brought the girl to Shinra last night. How angry he was.

The way he held Alice close to himself. The way he said that Alice's body is cold. But most of all she remembered Izaya's worried face. She has never saw him in that light before. Being so concerned about Alice…

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Both girls looked at the door. For their surprise Shinra entered. The young doctor smiled at the girl with different eyes.

Orihara's Doll (Izaya Orihara x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now