Chapter 3

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~ Author's note~ I OWN ONLY MY OC- Alice - AND THE STORYLINE! 

Hey guys! New chap here~~ I wrote this and wanted to publish it on Christmas but I just didnt have time (and internet TT_TT)  Anyways, here is my Christmas chapter :D Dont forget to vote ,3 Enjoy~~ <3 

It was the Christmas. Alice sat on the couch and looked out of the window. It wasn't late but it was dark outside, and she was sure that other people probably are now celebrating with their families. That made her think once more that she does not have a family. Cause the informant broker that used her for a punching bag wasn't counting. But then she wondered. 'Doesn’t he have a family? '.

“What are you thinking about?” she heard Izaya ask as he was walking down the stairs.

“Why aren’t you spending Christmas with your family? ” she asked. He sat on his chair behind his desk and smirked at the girl.

“I don’t want my Alice-chan to be alone. Try remembering what I’m doing for you next time you try to run away. ” he said.


Izaya got up from his chair and leaned closer to the window. He looked down to his beloved humans celebrating.

“Ah… humans become really interesting while celebrating Christmas. ”

“Since you are so interested why aren’t we celebrating? ” she barely braised herself to ask. He looked at her surprised.

“You want a Christmas present?” he laughed.

“No… just… forget it.” She mumbled as she hugged her knees.

“Or maybe you are waiting for a Christmas miracle? ” he laughed even harder. But he was right. All she wanted was a miracle. Not to be saved or run away and never come back but a miracle that would maybe… change him?

She buried her face in her knees, frustrated that she though about something like that.

“Im in a good mood today…” he singed and spun on his chair. Those words made her shiver. What was going to happen to her? “That’s why I maybe will make you one little miracle.” He said and stood up. She listened to his footsteps as the informant was walking closer… and closer… and closer. He leaned his mouth to her ear.

“lets go out, on a walk” he said. She shocked her eyes and looked right at his. Then her expression changed from shocked to scared. Maybe he was going to beat her in an alleyway and leave her… alone? Or maybe he could… “Im not going to hurt you today.” He said not looking away. She nodded. She wasn’t sure if he is serious but she didn’t have a choice anyways. He got to the hander and took his jacket as he got hers.

“C’mon Alice-chan~” he said. She got up and slowly got to get her black hooded jacket and put it on herself. It was hard to believe that this night is going to end up well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They now walked on the full of Christmas lights streets. It was new to her. She always watched the lights from the window in the apartment but she has never seen them closely until now. She was so happy that it was too hard for her to hide her smile. She walked about not more than 2 meters away from Izaya. People were walking around her and smiling… she was amazed how happy people seem to be.

“Don’t go away Alice-chan.” Izaya warned. She nodded and continued walking around and smiling.

But then suddenly when she looked around she couldn’t find the informants face. ‘Did I get lost?’ she trembled. ‘He will find me… he will… he will…’ she repeated to herself just to calm down. The girl was scared. Very scared. She kneeled down and holded her face in her cold hands. ‘Where is he? He will find me… he will… he will…’ she thought.

An hour pasted. Then two. Then there. The Orihara was nowhere to be seen. The white haired girl was still on her place. People were acting like they don’t see her. Like she wasn’t there.

Alice was alone. Completely alone. Tears started frowning down her eyes and cheeks. She wanted to be found by him but… once he finds her she will be punished. That thought made her cry even more and more. She could run away but she didn’t. She could go to find Shizuo but she didn’t. Why? The answere is simple. Izaya was the only one that could make her feel wanted, warm and not alone. It was now past midnight.

The crowd of people grew smaller and smaller until there were just a few people walking by.

“Hey little miss~” she heard a sing- song voice behind her. But it wasn’t Izaya’s. She slowly looked in the direction the voice came from. Everything she saw was blurry from the tears.

“Why are you crying little miss?” asked another voice. Once her sight was clear she saw there mans whit yellow scarves around their foreheads and necks. She turned in their direction but once they began to walk closer she felt down on her butt. She looked frightened. The man on the right held a bat and a creepy smirk just like the other two. Their smirks were not as creepy as Izaya’s. But still she was afraid. More afraid than she ever was with Izaya. She slowly got up.

“C‘Mon little miss. We wanna have some fun” the one at the left said. Alice looked behind her and once she was sure that her path was clear she runned as fast as she could. All of them were behind her and she was aware of that. After running about 15 minutes the girl got really tired. She hid herself in an alleyway. It was dark and Alice didn’t see much. She slowly walked deeper in the alleyway. She was sure she was safe here.

“You are just making it easier for us little miss” she heard that voice again. She turned around and saw the there figures walking closer to her. The girl had nowhere to run to. It was a dead end road.

“Catch her.” The highest man in the middle ordered. The other two followed like well trained dogs. They ran to where she was and before she knew what was happening they pushed her back on the wall as they laughed.

“Don’t worry little miss~ Once we are finished we will let you go” the taller said as he got in front of her. The “dogs” held her hands above her head. The leader looked at her body lustfully. He got closer and cupped her breasts.

”NO!!!” she started screaming but he covered her mouth. Tears were falling down her cheeks once again. ‘Why does Izaya love humans? Why does he love such awful beings?’ she thought. She closed her eyes. But she hadn’t given up. She kicked in different directions, hopefully she will kick someone.

“Stop it!” one of the man ordered. But Alice didn’t stop. Until she felt cold metal stab her in the stomach. She screamed. On of the yellow scarves stabbed her. But she still continued. ‘It hurts but I can’t give up’ she thought. She felt another stab near the last. Then another one in her right leg. Alice couldn’t move anymore. She was out of energy even to try to scream.

“Man she is useless now.” One of them said.

“yeah” the other answered.

“Oh god she ruined our Christmas” they said as they let her fall down on the cold ground.

Then they left.

For the first time she was thankful that someone left her. The ground was covered in blood. Her blood. Whit her eyes closed she felt something cold falling on her face. The white haired girl opened her eyes a bit. It was now snowing. She loved watching how it snows but her eyes couldn’t stay open so they closed. She lay down. She felt so much pain and cold.

Then suddenly she felt two warm hands lifting her from the ground.

‘Shizuo? Shizuo found me?!’ she thought happily. She was sure that it was Shizuo even when she couldn’t see him. But she was wrong. It wasn’t Shizuo.

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