Chapter 11

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~~~Author's note~~~~~
Heyyy guysss im finally back with a new chapter!! YAY! I'm sorry that it took me ages to update but I just had A LOT of stuff going around and I totally forgot :( Thanks to the people who actually continue to read my story and commented for me to release a new chapter... I probably never would if there werent amazing people like you. Im again sooooo sorry I hope you can bear with me and forgive me T_T again I apologise and love you guys and I want to thank you for the support you give me ! Even thought if kinda hurt when people comment how i lie because i dont i really thought im gonna update till the end of the week but just something popped out and i couldnt. Understand me please and dont judge since you dont really know whats happening in my life :) I didn't update because I didn't want to but because I didnt really had the chance to or simply forgot at moments. ANYWAYS I'm sorry that this chapter is not long and I want to ask you if you know some sort of romance movie or manga or anything that will help me get inspired!  If you know some please messenge me or leave a comment :) Love you guys♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

"Dont dare me to prove you wrong" he said to the girl.
"You can't. " she said. He was confused. The Orihara has never seen her so brave. He didn't like it. Izays wasn't used for her to talk back to him. He laughed. 
"Then since im a nice person why don't you stay here with me once again?" He said. The black haired had a plan. Alice gulped. 
"O-okay." She said as all her bravery flew away. The thought of living with him once again scared her... but also made her feel secure.  She missed him. There is no way to deny that.
" Geat!" He said and smiled at himself.  He also did miss her and was happy to see her but he would never ever admit it.
"Now come give me a hug." He said opening his arms smirking at her. She made a step forward.  He pulled her and huged her for a second. His mouth was to her ear.
"Don't you even think I'll let you escape one more time." He warned her. But still he was happy that she is here. Izaya didn't really believe that she would give in so fast. He pushed her away after a second.
"Go take a shower.  You stink. " he said as he walked to his desk. She looked at him as he sat behind his desk.
" Sorry but I have work and can't join you In the bathroom." He said smirking.
"it's not like I want you to." She sais blushing as she ran to her room at the sound of his laughter.
Once she was in the batroom the hot water ran trought her skin as her thought spilled. When she closed her eyes she remembered the kiss. The kiss he gave her. Her cheeks turned red as she thought about them kissing again.
"Did you fall asleep in there?" She heard his voice trough the door. 
"N-no." She said. The door opened and Alice covered her body with the curtains.  Izaya got in and placed a towel next to the shower.
"You don't really need to hide. There is nothing that I haven't seen." He said laughting. Her cheeks were pitch red as he got out the room. She took the towel and covered her small body with it.  'There is nothing I haven't seen... he said. How many womens has he been with?' Alice wondered.  A sudden pain hit her chest and an unknown feeling found place in her body. This is the first time she had ever felt this jealous. She got out of the bathroom with the towel around her body. His eyes were all over her body. Just as she was walking up the stairs he called her name. She turned around. 
"Come here for a second." He said. She walked slowly to his desk and he pulled her closer. She holded her towel with her hand.
"Why holding it so tight? " he laughed as he pulled her in his lap and whispered in on her neck. She shivered from the warmth of his breath. He gently kissed the soft place behind her ear.
"What are you doing?" She barely said trying to pull away.
"Don't resist." He barked in her ear. She pulled away and started running to the stairs. But he was faster than her. He grabbed her wrist as he pulled her again and turned so she was facing him.
"You are mine. And you are going to do what I want you to." He said angrily.
"No." She said.
"Excuse me?" He laughted and pulled away. Just as she thought that it's over he turned away and slapped her so hard she fell on the ground. She held her cheek as tears spilled down her cheeks.
"See. Im a bad person. I always was and always will be." He said serious.
"Heartless monster!" She screamed in his face as she ran in her room and banged the door. He sat there smiling at first but once he realised he had hurt the person he loves once agaun his chest ached.  He looked at her room. Should he knock?  Should he apologise?  Yes. But he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't show this kind of weakness and the fact that he needed her. Izaya looked around himself. The informant stood by the door. He put a ear to the door and listened quietly to the sound of her hips and the way she cried. He made her cry once again. This was the only thing he does to her. Making her cry. Will he ever be abel to make her smile?

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