Chapter 10

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~~~~Author's note~~~~~~

Guys im back!! I'm so very sorry that I haven't updated for like centuries but just a lot of things happened and I was so broken at a moment I just wasn't abel to write or do anything.... so yeah I had a little beak down but im back ^^ So please enjoy and forgive me guys please... ♡♥

Alice was laying in a bed in Shinra's apartment. She had a bad fever and wasn't feeling well at all. Shizuo sat next to her bed in case her condition gets worse. Izaya on the other hand was standing next to the door with his back on the wall and his hands crossed in front of his chest. He was with his eyes closed. He was so damn tired. Shizuo got up from his chair to get some water. When he opened the door Orihara shoot open his eyes.
"What are you doing here?" Shizuo said angrily. He thought that the informant already left.
"Calm down a little Shizu-chan. Alice is mine after all. " Izaya said calmly.
"She is not some kind of a dog you know? " he said. Izaya looked angry at the bartender. His eyes turned red.
"This is none of your business. " the raven haired man hissed. Shizuo clenched his teeth.
" Alice is not your property. " the blond said.
" Ohhh? You think so?" Izaya smirked. Shizuo was now more than pissed of. He lifted his fist and tried to hit Izaya but he dogged it easily. Orihara took his switch blade out of his pocket. He swung it at the bartender but he could not dogge it so he cutted his left cheek. The black haired man smirked and tried to attack again.
Meanwhile in the next room Alice was awake. She looked up at the ceiling as she listened to both of the man fight. The girl heard Izaya say something from the sort that she was his and then again she heard Shizuo say that she isnt his property. She heard Shinra talking to them. He said something about how she needed to rest and that he wants them to stop fighting just for a while. Tears streamed down her eyes. The white haired girl didn't want anyone to fight for her nor to get hurt. She slowly got up and looked around. She was dressed with a white pajamas.
Alice got up and went to the door. She put an ear and listened. No noices. No one was there. She opened the door as she walked out of the room. Looking around she saw Izaya's jacket. She got the keys from his appartment out from his and took them in her hand.
She was with her bare little feet and it was kinda cold. But she didn't care. She opened the front door and ran out of the apartment.
Her bare feet ran through the streets. Some people pushed her then walked away. Nobody would pay attention to her. Tears falled down her eyes. She ran. Then suddenly she stopped. She looked and once she remembered in which direction the informant's apartment was she started running again.
On the other hand in Shinra's apartment Izaya and Shizuo didn't stop the fighting. They just continued it in the other room. A little red line of blood fell down from Izaya's forehead and Shizuo's cheek. Both of them were hurt. But this just didn't matter at the moment. Both of them were angry as hell. Shinra tried to stop them but it was pointless.
"I'll go check Alice." The doctor said as she walked out of the room leaving the two man alone... which wasn't really a good idea... but it wasn't safe to be with them either. He opener the door and his jaw fell as he realised that the white haried girl wasnt here anymore.
"OH God!" He panicked. He ran in the room with the two angry man in it.
"Hey stop it!" He yelled. They ignored him. He repeated once again. No reaction.
" ALICE IS GONE!" he yelled as loud as he could. Both Izaya and Shizuo looked at him.
"What?" They said together.
"How the hell! You should have looked after her insted of looking after us!" Izaya said to the doctor.
"Don't balme me Mr. 'She is mine'. Since she is yours why didn't you take care of her." Shinra pointed out. Izaya shut his moth. He didn't say a thing because he knew that the man with glasses was right.
"That doesn't matter right now. We hav to go search for her right now!- the blomd said as he flew out of the apartment.
"I'll call you if I find her and if you do then you'll call me." Shinra said. Izaya got his jacket and put his hand in his pocket.
" My phone is not here. " he said. But the truth was that the only thing missing was his keys. He knew exactly were they were.
" I'll go get it from my apartment and start searching for her." He said as he put on his jacket and also got out of the apartment before Shinra could say a thing. Running on the streets of Ikebukuro he knew exactly were Alice was.
The white haired girl opened the huge apartment and slowly walked in. She looked around. Then she decided where to go.
The white haired girl walked slowly up on the stairs as she got to his room. Sje looked around. Then the girl thought why she actually decided to come here? Was it some kind of affection? Or was it pure instinct? But she just let that thought slip away as she slowly got to the corner of the room and curled to a ball.
Izaya was now in fron of the door. He looked at himself and realised that his shirt was covered in a little blood. He opened the door and it was unlocked as he thought. He walked in without saying a thing. He was now sure that she is here. The man got to her old room but it was emty. He looked around his desck and the bathroom.
'I've gotta change my shirt. She might get scared if she sees this blood' he thought.
He walked to his room and as he went in he opened the wardrobe and took of of his bloody shirt. Then he heard a noice. He looked around and of course. He saw Alice roled into a ball in the corner. He smiled. He was right after all. And of course he was more than satisfied with the fact that she came straight to him. Their eyes met and she start sobbing. Izaya got down to her level and sat on the floor. Orihara started to gently stroke her hair.
"Calm down... shh..." he started comforting her quietly. But the girl started crying even more.
"You don't need to cry you know?" He said a little pissed. But she didn't stop. Izaya bit his lower lip while he wondered what to do. Then his next move shoked even himself. He reacjed to her and pulled her into his embrace. Her eyes widened from the shock but then again she didn't stop crying. He started to gently stroke her hair and comfort her. He didn't know what to do thought. Izaya just wanted to make her tears go away. The informant took the girl's face in his hands and gave her a little warm kiss on the lips. And it worked. From the shock her eyes widened and the tears stopped falling.
"Fuck" he cursed when he realised what he has done. He got up and flew out of his room.
Alice just stood there shocked. She toched her lips and the warmth from the kiss made her stomach flutter. She blushed and wiped her tears.
'He... he kissed me?! But where is he now?' She thought. She got up on her feet slowly as she also got out of the room. Izaya was standing in front of his desk. She got down the stairs. Izaya looked at her and sighted. He ran his hands trought his raven hair.
"You really aren't the person I thought ypu were." Sha said. He looked at her comfused.
"Excuse me?"
"You aren't a bad person as I thought." She says as he burst in a loud laughter.
"No I'm not. I'm rude and sometimes violent and you know it." He says.
"No you're not. " sha says again. He gets closer to her. But she doesn't back away like she usually does.
"You are a good person." She said again. She didnt know where did all that bravery come from.
"Don't dare me to prove you wrong."

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