Chapter 9

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Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys ^^ Im here with the new chapter finaly! Ohhh I'm sorry that it took me so long... out of ideas i guess? (Please guys recommend me some shoujo manga!! I Need To Get Inspired!) Anyways I hope that you'll like it so vote, comment and enjoy! <3

"How am I supposed to explain to you what I feel since I myself can't accept the fact that I'm in love with you?!"

When Alice heard that her eyes widened. She was speechless. She looked around not knowing what to do. Then she looked at the door. That's the only chance she got.

The white haired girl ran at full speed at the door. She opened it in a flash as she ran away with full speed. She was puzzled. Right now the girl just couldn't think straight. She replayed Izaya's words in her head. She couldn't believe it. Did Izaya just tell her that he was in love with her.

'No! There is no way' the girl thought. As Alice was lost in her thoughts and now running outside in the town she didn't realize she was in the middle of the road. Before she could look around a car was flying in her direction. She couldn't move. She was paralyzed from fear and shock. Then right before the car could hit the girl's little body somebody pushed her out of the car's way. People just walked by like nothing happened. Nobody cared. Of course.

Alice was now lying on the cold ground. She looked around a little dizzled. Her head hurts like hell!

A pair of strong arms lifted her up. She looked at her savior's face. It was Shizuo. Alice was relieved yet disappointed. She kind of expected that her savior would be Izaya.

"You okay?" he asked. Behind his glasses his eyes looked worried in hers. She looked at him as well. All she did was nod.

"C'mon lets go to my place" he said as he lifted Alice from the ground.

But on the other side of the street was Izaya. He saw it all. He was going to save her for sure but Shizuo was faster. The Orihara just watched them as they walked away.

Then Alice turned her head to where he was. They eyes met. Just for a couple of seconds they looked at each others eyes. Then the girl looked away and wrapped her arms around Shizuo's neck. Izaya had never felt this way... was he jealous? Jealous that his own doll was now wrapping arms around another man's neck? Then the raven haired man remembered the time when Alice wrapped her arms around him the day before she ran away. And the jealousy hit him even harder.

Shizuo walked down the streets caring Alice's fragile body in a bridal style carry. The girl's vision was blurred and her head was hurting. She thought that she was going to tell Shizuo about it once they get to his place. They were close and suddenly Tom Tanaka jumped out of nowhere.

"Shizuo!" he yelled as he ran to the blond wan. "Need your help for a bit." He said and looked down to the girl that the man was caruing. "Just a couple of minutes I promise!" he said. Shizuo sighted and let the girl down. He took his keys out of his pocket and placed them in the girl's hand.

"Down this street and left" he said as he pointed the building on the end of the street. Alice nodded.

"Ill be back soon" he said as he patted her head. He walked away with Tom.

Alice slowly walked to his apartment. She looked down while walking. She replayed what happened in Shinra's apartment just a while ago. Then she realized that now she is all alone. And she was walking alone. She turned her head everytime she heard a noise.

So walking slowly and insecure she finaly got to Shizuo's apartment. She stopped at the door and took the keys out of her pocket. The girl realised just now what she was wearing the same clothes since she ran away from Izaya. Though she didn't care. Once again the only thing in her mind was Izaya.

'He just said that he loved me didn't he? ' she thought. And then again 'No. No. NO! He was just toying with me! He wants to get in my mind! He doesn't care! He never did!'

But he did. He was already aware of this. So was Shinra. That's why the underground doctor told Izaya that Alice was in Shizuo's apartment. Oh things could go so wrong.

Alice shaked the thoughts of Izaya out of her head. She pluged the key but the door wasn't locked.

'Did Shizuo forget to lock it?' she thought.

Nope. He didn't.

Alice walked in. It was dark. She trased her hand on the wall to find the light switch. She found and turned on the lights. She looked up and a scream filled the empty space in the room. A pair of red eyes looked at the girl. She fell back on her butt.

"Who told that im here?!" she yealled at the informant.

"That doesn't matter right now." he said. He was standing in the middle of the apartment and looked around.

"Shizu-chan has a horrible taste." he laughted.

Alice just sat on the floor lookig with a horrified face at Izaya. He looked at her eyes. If it wasn't her face to showed every emotion she felt she would be counted as emotionless. Her eyes were like emty shells. Nothing. Izaya clenched his teeth.

"Poor Alice. Look what I've done to you. " he smiled sadly. "I don't think that it's safe to live here with a monster like him. But I don't think that it's safe to live with me as well. " he said. He talked about some other things. But Alice didn't really listen. Her sight was getting blurried and her head felt dizzy. She couldn't think straight and it was hard to listen and understand everything he said.

"Its your choice where to live. Just remember that it's better if tou come back... " he said.

"Are you listening? " he askes and looked at her. Her face was red. "Alice? Hey Alice!" he said louder.

Then the girl's little body collapsed on the floor. Izaya's eyes widened. He ran to her and lifted her from the ground. He touched her forehead.

'God she is burning!' he said to himself in his mind. He picked her up. She looked so fragile. So tiny. And so broken. He felt pain in his chest.

He broke her. He was the one that made Alice hate him.

He walked out of the apartment caring Alice. He walked down the street with the girl in his arms that looked like a corpse. Than at that moment he realised that he doesn't want to lose her. He wanted Alice by his side. He wanted her to be his once again.

"What the hell are you doing you damned flea!" Shizuo yealled from the other side of the street. He wanted to pick up a street light and toss it to the broker but Alice was with him. The bartender couldn't risk her own safety.

"What have youd done to her?!" he yealled as he walked towards the black haired man.

"I didn't do anything Shizu-chan. She collapsed. " Izaya simply explained. "And don't you dare try to hit me. You don't want to hurt Alice now don't you? " he laughted.

"Bring her to Shinra or..." the blond started.

"Or what?" Izaya smirked.

" You know Shizu-chan I suspect you to have some feelings for my Alice, am I right?" he said. A vain was formed on Shizuo's forehead.

"That doesn't have anything to do with you." he said. " Now give me Alice or bring her to Shinra immediately! " he said.

"Calm down that's what im going to do." the informant said and runed down the street. He looked at Alice's body once again.

"You're okay right? Its just a fever right?" He asked her like he expected her to answer. Her head was burning but her body was cold.

"Don't you dare to leave me. I goddamn need you!"

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