Chapter 2

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~Author's note~
Hey guys :3 sorry that it took me so long to update :/ Pls vote and comment and if you have any recommendations pls just let me know ^^ hope you like this chap.. so .. Enjoy ♡

The sun coming out from the window lighted Alice's face. She hatred being woke up this way so she would ALWAYS cover the windows with the curtains before she goes to sleep.

She stood up and sat on her bed. Looking at the window she realised that Izaya went to her room last night. The tough of Izaya being in her room made her shiver. Alice slowly got out of the bed and thought that she felt asleep on the floor last night. Maybe he knew and got to her room to put her on the bed?

'No,no,no... there has to be another reason.' was what she was thinking. But in fact he really did go in her room to put her on the bed. But he would never EVER say it.

Slowly she walked in the other room as she remembered that Izaya won't be home until lunchtime. The girl sat on the couch thinking of what she can do,until he comes back.

'Maybe I can go out? On a walk?' She wondered. Finally she decided to go visit Shizuo. She knew that it is dangerous.

What if Izaya catches her? She would definitely be beaten up. She let a small sight escape her lips. Does it even matter? She asked herself. Even if she stayed at home or slept all day he would always find a reason to beat her. Alice got up and put her black hoodie.


The white haired girl now walked down the busy and crowded streets of Ikebukuro. Nobody noticed her. But she didn't care. Eventually she bumped onto someone. Falling backwards Alice thought that the person didn't notice her so she got up and continued walking.

"Where are you going? What if the flea finds out that you aren't home? " the man asked. She would always recognize this voice.

"Heiwajima -San?" She asked as she turned to face the blond.

"You gotta go home Alice. He may do something to you." Shizuo said as he sounded worried.

"He will do something to me anyways " she answered looking down to the ground. Shizuo sighted.

"You can come live with me you know right?" He said and she nodded. "Then why don't you?" He asked curiously.

A normal person in her situation will run away from Izaya without looking back... but she was not a normal person.

"I don't want to." Alice answered simply. It was true. She didn't want to run away. "And even if I do he will find me."

"We don't know that " the man said as he petted her head.

"I'm thankful for your consern and the fact that you are trying to help me...but I can't just run away like that. " the girl said as he got his large hand In her smaller one. Shizou sighted once again.

"Okey but if something happens feel free to tell me " he said.

They were close with the girl and she trusted him. But she couldn't leave Izaya and go to his biggest enemy out of the blue.

"Sure" Alice said as she slowly let go of his hand.

"Oh~ And if this Isn't Shizu-chan and my Alice" Izaya's singsong voice was herd from behind the girl.

Her eyes widened. Shizuo got pissed just by seeing Orihara.

"Stay away from her!" The man in the bartender suit yelled at the informant. "I'm sorry Shizu-chan but if something happens to her it'll be your fault. She broke my rule to not go out because of you. So you can only blame yourself for her suffering " Izaya smirked and looked at Alice's scared expresion.

He walked towards her but Shizuo jumped and cuted his way to the girl.

"Move away Shizu-chan. " Izaya said on the limit of his nerves.

"Make me" the blond said as he lifted from the ground the nearest Stop sight. He swung it against the information broker. Izaya dogged it and quickly got behind him. Orihara pulled out one of his switch blades and throw it at Heiwajima. It hit a sensitive spot in his leg and the blond felt on the ground. Izaya got to the girl and grabbed her hood as he lifted her small body of the ground.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not go out? " he asked angrily. She didn't find the courage to say a word. The blond man finally got up. Izaya quickly pulled the girl and carried her in a bridal style cary. As fast as he could he runed down the street.


About 15 minutes later they were in front of Izaya s apartment door. Once they got in the apartment the informant pushed the girl on the floor. "Do you really think that you can run away from me?" He said as he leaned closer to her and kicked the innocent girl in the stomach.

"Answer " he ordered as he continued kicking her.

"I'll repeat the question one more time. Do you really think that you can run away from me... "

"No" she said before he finished his sentence. Biting her lower lip so she could not cry it was hard for her to speak.

"Correct " he said and kicked her for the last time.

Izaya got to his desk and turned his computer on leaving the girl lying in pain on the floor. Even thought the pain was awful and she felt like she had no air in her lungs she got up and sat on the ground. Slowly the girl began to get on her feet.

"And where are you going to go when you get up?" Izaya asked and laughed at the hopeless tries of the girl to get up. Alice then tried even harder and clenching her theft as she finally was on her two skinny legs. Orihara stopped laughing.

"Looks like I haven't kicked strong enough."he said as he got up from his place behind his desk.

Alice looked at him while he was slowly walking towards her. She then felt on the floor . The girl just sat there waiting for his round two. Once he was in front of her he got down to her level. Grabbing her chin in between his index finger and thumb he forced the girl to look straight in his eyes. Izaya leaned his face closer and once his mouth was near her ear he started speaking.

"If you try to get out of the apartment once again I swear I will brake both your legs so that you won't be able to run away from me" he said as the white haired girl felt his warm breath in her ear.

"W-why?" She finally spoke.

"Hm? What's with that question Alice? "He asked as he laughed. He wasn't speaking in her ear anymore and wasn't that close. "We both know the answer now don't we?" He said looking at her eyes.

"Because I'm yours?" The girl asked quietly.

"Yes that's it. Looks like you know the answer so why do you keep asking ?" Izaya asked. The girl looked at the ground and the next words she said surprised even herself.

"Because I want to hear it from you." The informant didn't expect those words so he stayed there dumbfounded for a second. His puzzlement was replaced from his usual smirk.

"I won't let you hear that from me until you let me hear you cry in pain. "

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