Chapter 5: Why?

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~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~ Hey guys ^^ Sorry that it took me so long to update but i was running out of inspiration :( But so...uh... this is what I came up with ^^ Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions please let me know :3 

Alice woke up and slowly opened her eyes. Slowly so that the pain in her stomach won’t strike her she sat on the bed. She looked around. Izaya wasn’t in the room. ‘Last night… he slept next to me’ the girl thought as a little blush found place on her cheeks. She shacked this thought out of her mind. ‘But I should thank him…’ she thought.

It was rare for her to be as close to him as they were last night. Her bare feet touched the cold ground and she whined. She walked out of the bedroom and looked down from the balcony. The white haired girl saw Izaya sitting on his usual place behind his desk as he chatted with someone as always.

The girl walked down the stairs. Izaya was so concentrated on the screen in front of him that he didn’t notice her. Or maybe he noticed her but didn’t pay attention to her.

Alice slowly got behind him. She wrapped her small arms around his neck in a hug from behind. He was surprised but then he smiled. Not one of his creepy smirks but a real smile. Alice buried her face in his raven hair.

“Thanks.” She mumbled. He didn’t know how to answer. Izaya did not deserve thanks after all he did to her. And the man himself was aware of that.  That’s why he didn’t say a thing.

After a while the girl released him from the hug. That’s when he spoke. “I don’t remember saying that you can let go” he said his eyes still on the computer’s screen.

The girl was puzzled and didn’t know what to do now. The man spun his char so that he was now facing the girl. Orihara grabbed her hand and placed Alice’s little butt on the little space on the chair in between his legs. She is so small and fragile. He spun his chair to the side of the computer. ‘So close’ the girl thought as she blushed to the tips of her ears.

Izaya looked down to the girl and smirked.  All of her thoughts that he may hurt her left her mind for a while.

The girl stared up to him and admitted to herself how beautiful he was. But how can she still love him after all he did to her?

“You are staring at me” he said.

“I’m not”

“The direction of your eyes says another thing” he said sounding pissed. The girl looked down to her feet. Her mood changed in a matter of seconds. Izaya realized that and let out a sight. He leaned down and kissed her head. A shiver went through Alice’s spine.  She looked at him once again.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“No reason.” He said and looked back to his screen. The white haired girl looked down and smiled a bit.  

Some time pasted in silence. Then the girl’s stomach rumbled.

“You hungry?” he asked. She nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He was ordering some Russian sushi as always. He didn’t want to leave the apartment so he ordered to bring it here as he gave his address.

“Simon said that the food will be here in 15 minutes.” Izaya informed the girl.

  Surprisingly the food was here just in time. The bell rang and the girl got up from the chair.

“Ill go get it” she said as Izaya gave her money to pay. The girl ran to the door. Then he just closed the Dollars chat room and waited.

‘ How long does it take to get the sushi and pay’ he thought pissed. Then the raven haired man decided to go and see why it is taking so long.

Alice was standing in front of the door just giving the money to the man that brought the sushi. The man was tall and handsome whit brown hair and hazel eyes… eyes that examined the girl from head to feet.

“So what is a little pretty lady doing in the apartment of Izaya Orihara? Is he keeping you here against your will?” the brown haired man asked.

“I-I…” the girl didn’t answer. ‘You live here!’  The informant broker screamed in his mind.

“If he does I can call the cops?” the man said quietly probably hoping that Izaya wouldn’t hear. The girl just looked at the ground. ‘Why isn’t she refusing?!’ Izaya thought.

“C’mon ill help you!” the man said as he grabbed the girl’s hand.

Orihara was now pissed. He got next to the girl and took the money from her hands. The informant pushed the man out of the apartment and slammed the door in his face.

He was angry. Very angry.

The girl just stood there frozen. Izaya looked at her angrily and got to his room slamming the door.

The girl was shocked. ‘What did just happen? Why didn’t I refuse?’ she asked herself. ‘I love him! I can’t just leave this place and him as well! I accept all of the pain because I just want to be with him!’ she thought screaming to herself in her mind.

But was that true? Did she really love him It’s true that she can go to Shizuo but she would feel lonely. Maybe the reason was that Izaya was the only one that makes her fell that she isn’t alon?. But is that love? Isn’t this just depending on someone? Isn’t she just depended on him? Like the people that were depended to drugs. Maybe he was just like a drug to her. Making her forget her loneliness…

So can we call this love?  

Alice placed the bag with sushi on the table.  

‘He is angry’

‘He is angry at me’

‘He will hurt me’

‘He will kill me’ the girl thought as she got to her room closing the door and pressing her back against it. She slowly sat down and started crying.      

  ‘He is angry’

‘He is angry at me’

‘He will hurt me’

‘He will kill me’ she just repeated this in her mind. The ground was cold but she laid down crying herself to sleep.  

Some hours pasted. Suddenly the door of Alice’s room opened as Izaya entered quietly to not wake her up. He leaned down to her level and removed of her face some naughty strands of her white hair.

The girl opened her eyes and met his. She sat up.

“I want to ask you something” he started. Alice looked at him waiting for the question.

“Why are you even still here?”

Orihara's Doll (Izaya Orihara x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now