Chapter 7~

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Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HEYY Guys :) Sorry for the really late update :(( I just have tons of work in school and all kinds of other problems :/ Anyways i hope that you will forgive me for that. And the chapter is short :/ sorry bouth that too :( But I promise that if everything is okay and I dont have much troubles this week i will update Chapter 8 soon ;)   Oh and i think in this chapter i kinda... changed Izaya's personality at moments but, well i like it like that and i hope that you will like it or maybe just ignore it a bit ^^ So leave your comments, vote and most of all ENJOY <3 

The next few days were horrible for both Izaya and Alice.

Izaya hardly concentrated on his work and practically he couldn't do any job done. At night he would just lay on the couch or sit in his chair looking through his window. And even if he lie on his bed, sleep just didn't come to him.

Today wasn't any different. He sat behind his desk looking down to the papers full of information in front of him. The bags under his eyes were the result of not sleeping.

"Hey Izaya you okay?" Namie, his assistant, asked as she placed some folders on their places.

"Izaya im talking to you." she said. He wasn't even listening.

"Izaya!" she finally snapped.

"What do you want now Namie?" the man finally answered.

"You don't seem to be fine these days. Is it because of Alice?" the woman asked as she looked at the informant. He just gave her a sharp glare and then answered.

"Do you really think that I would let this being destroy my happiness? " she laughed.

"She already did." the woman said with a serious face. Izaya looked at his assistant.

"But you know what? I think you deserved it." she said as she sat on the couch.

"For what exactly did I deserve it?" Izaya asked as he rised an eyebrow.

"Can I hit you?" Namie asked.

"No. And that wasn't an answer. " he said as he spun on his chair. Namie just sighted as she took her bag and her jacket. Before she left the apartment she looked at the raven haired man.

"Think about it yourself." she said and she left.

Izaya turned his chair so that he was now facing the window. The same busy Ikebukuro as always. He stared through the window for a couple of minutes.

Izaya sat up and went into Alice's now empty room. He sat on her bed and looked around. A flashback from when he first brought her here went trought his mind. How insecure she was. How she shivered whenever he made eye contact with her or touched her. And when he actually thought about it he realised that almost nothing has changed. He laid on the bed and toke his phone out of his pocket. 'I'll find her.' he said to himself. He looked at the telephone screen and called Shinra.

"Hey Izaya~~" Shinra said cheerfully.

"Shinra I have a really important work for Celty." Izaya said directly. He was serious as hell and that surprised the young doctor.

"Izaya what happened? How's Alice?"

"She... She ran away." Izaya finally said.

"What?! WHEN?!" Shinra panicked.

" A few days ago. We had I fight and she..." Izaya started to explain but Shinra cut him of.

"Ill go tell Celty to start searching for her right now." Shinra said and hung up. Izaya let a loud sight.

'She started the fight it's not my fault. ' Izaya thought. But it was just a way to lie to himself. Inside he knew that it was his fault, he knew that he cared about her more than for anyone else, but he would never say it to anyone. Maybe he was scared that those feelings might change him?

He didn't know how much time pasted since he called Shinra. Then thr dor bell rang. The informant got up and went to open the door. When he opened Shinra rushed into the apartment.

"What did you do this time?!" the doctor started asking angrily.

"Ohhhh oh oh wait a second. I didn't do anything. It was her fault." Izaya smirked as he calmly sat on his couch.

"It always her fault in you eyes! But in fact you are the one hurting her every time!" Shinra continued.

"Stop." Izaya ordered.

"No I won't. You are heartless person I've ever known. You toke her in your home 6 years ago just to use her as your doll!" Shinra continued.

"Shut up." Izaya said. He didnt want to listen.

"And you know what? I thought avout it and when Celty finds her she will take her in our home and I won't let you hurt her anymore." the brown haired man said. Izaya was now looking down to his tabel.

"You can't take her away from me." Izaya smirked.

"Yes we can." the doctor said. Izaya got up and looked at Shinra. The informant's anger was written in his eyes.

"She is mine." he said.

" No she isnt. She is a living human! Its her right to live and protect herself. " Shinra continued to argue.

"Okay..." Izaya calmed a bit. "What if I promised that I won't hurt her ever again?"

"I won't believe you. And still I don't get why don't you just go find another girl?" the man in rheblab coat asked. "Why do you want to bring Alice back?"

"Finding another doll that will listen to me will be troublesome..." Izaya was cut of from Shinra.

"I also thought so." the doctor said and slowly walked to the door.

"I promise that I won't hurt her ever again!" Izaya said. Shinra turned to face the raven haired man.

"And what will stop you from repeat ing the things you did before? " he asked. Izaya swallowed and answered.

"Because she is my everything."

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