Chapter 6

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Author's note~~~~ Hey people ^^ Sorry for taking me so long to update but once again i was out of any sorts of inspiration T-T Also I wanted to tell you how happy it makes me when you leave your comments and I wanted to thank you guys <3 So read, vote if you like this chapter, and most of all ENJOY ^^

Izaya’s question echoed in Alice’s mind. She didn’t know how to answer. Maybe if he asked her a month ago she would simply say that its because she loved him. But right now things were different. She herself wasn’t sure if she really loved him or just didn’t want to be alone.

The white haired girl opened her mouth but no words came out.

“You don’t know now do you?” he asked. “The real answer is: you are scared to be alone but also you are scared to get close.” He said with a smirk. The girl’s eyes widened. The way he knew her better then herself scared her.

“I’m right aren’t I? And for me this isn’t a good enough reason to stay.” his laughter was the only thing herd in the apartment. He got up and his back faced the girl.

“But I thought…” she started but her voice cracked as tears started spilling on the floor.

“What? Don’t tell me you thought that you actually mean something special to me.” Izaya said laughing once again.

“But I’m yours… you said it.” She said looking up at his back.

“That’s right you are mine doll… that’s the worthy reason you shouldn’t leave.” He said. Alice was shocked.

‘He asked me for a reason and now HE is giving me one?’ she thought. And then something changed. She realized it now.

“But you can always find another doll right?” she asked as she slowly got up whipping her tears.

“Hm?” he looked puzzled at her. Then he smirked. “Of course. Everyone is replaceable.”

She clenched her teeth.

“Then I don’t have a reason to stay.” She said.

“I gave you one a minute ago.” He said looking at her but she didn’t look back at him.

“And now you said that I’m replaceable.” She looked at the ground. “Then I can leave now can I?” she yelled.

“You could leave from the begging ya know. I wouldn’t spend effort on searching you around so…” he said in his usual sing-song voice. Alice couldn’t take this anymore. She pushed him from the door but the minute she tried to run he grabbed her wrist.

“You really are stupid.” he whispered in her ear. Whit all the strength she got she pulled her wrist and with her full speed she opened the apartment door and left.

“Idiot.” Orihara thought as he got to his chair and started with his usual work.

Alice on the other side was now alone on the streets of Ikebukuro. She looked around still shocked from what she did.

The white haired took a step back but…’I can’t go back… that’s what he is expecting me to do.’ She thought. But where is she going to go now? Without knowing she just started walking down the streets. ‘It’s going to get dark soon.’ She thought as she heard a loud crash near her. Alice looked and saw a vending machine that felt about 10 feet from her.

“Shizuo?” she said concerning. And then it hit her. “SHIZUO?!” she started screaming waiting for an answer.  People walked by without even noticing her. She looked around but her savor was nowhere to be seen. She sighted.

“Finally ran away huh?” she heard as she felt a hand over her head. She looked up and met Shizuo’s eyes behind his glasses. Her eyes shined with hope. The girl was so happy that she couldn’t talk and just nodded.

“Then lets go home and give you something to eat.” He smiled at the girl as she started walking next to him.

Once they got to Heiwajima’s apartment the girl sat on the couch thinking of everything that happened today. She couldn’t believe that she actually next.

Hugging her knees she started crying. And she started to repeat everything that happened today. And then the girl remembered that she just can’t go back. Izaya doesn’t need her. Soon he will find a new dol. That’s all she thought. But she was wrong.

~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Izaya stopped working as he remembered the sushi. He looked over to the plastic bag on the table as he got up to reach it.

“Alice its time to eat!” he said. And then he remembered that she isn’t here anymore. He didn’t get the plastic bag and just sat on the couch. He was waiting.

Waiting for the door to open and Alice to come in. ‘She is going to come back’ he thought. And why was her waiting for her in the first place? Oh right. It was because he lied. She isn’t replaceable like his other humans. That’s one of the reasons for him never thinking of her as a human. ‘I will find another doll… I will…’ he repeated but he knew that it’s a lie. He won’t find another one like her. And he was aware of that. But somehow he was sure that she will come back that’s why for now he just waited. But something in his head screamed to find her. Yet he just lay back on the couch and closed his eyes to get some rest.

Alice was still crying.

“C’mon you have to eat Alice.” Shizuo said as he looked down at the girl’s plate that she didn’t even touch. But the girl just stayed. Not talking just silently crying her heart out. The blond sighted as he got up to get some blankets form his bedroom.

“Are you okay with the couch?” he asked and the girl nodded. The man got back from his room with a brown blanked and a pillow. He placed them next to the girl as he looked at her. “Go to sleep. Am sure you are tired as hell. If you need something I’m in the next room.” Shizuo said as he looked at the girl once again before he got to his room the get some sleep. 

This day was the most horrible day for the girl. She ran away and now she was free from him but he would never leave her mind. But even so… he is gone… and she can’t go back... or maybe she can? 

Then when Alice sat in the room with the only light coming in from the outside of the window, the loneliness hit her.

‘I was alone from the start… and I will be alone in the end… I’m always alone and everything else is just an illusion’ she thought as Izaya’s face showed in her mind. ‘He doesn’t need me. He will find a new doll’ Alice remembered his words.

‘Everyone is replaceable.’

Those words made her cry even more. She thought of how she actually believed that she means something to the raven haired. She thought about her feelings and the love she felt for him. ‘Was all of this also un illusion?’ Alice asked herself. But it wasn’t an illusion. She loved him… but did he love her? She wanted to know… but maybe she never would.

Slowly the white haired felt asleep and as she closed her eyes his face appeared in the girl's mind.

Izaya was still waiting as he also started to fall asleep. He closed his eyes and she appeared in his mind. The raven haired man shook his eyes open. He looked around as he sat up. His mind was playing with him. Once he lay back down the man placed his palm over his eyes as he spoke.

“What the hell did you do to me Alice?”

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